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VIII. Answer the following questions:

1. Are there any mnemonic strategies which help people to remember things?

2. What brain’s basic tools does mnemonic system use to organize and memorize information?

3. What advantages do people who use mnemonics gain?

4. Many popular mnemonic systems involve the use of imagery, don’t they? How does it work?

5. What is “the method of loci”?

6. What is “Peg-word system”?

7. What system is useful for learning foreign vocabulary?

8. Which method will you choose if you have a limited time to study?

IX. Complete the table.

Mnemonic Systems



Method of loci

Peg-word system

Key-word system

Repeated Retrieval

X. Work in pairs.

1. Create your own mnemonic devices which help you to memorize information.

2. Tell your partner one of mnemonic devices that you use to memorize information.

Text 16 creativity

I. Read and learn the following words

● realm [relm] царство, королевство ● solution [sə`lu:∫n] решение ● achievement [ə`t∫i:vmənt] достижение ● mysterious [mi`stiəriəs] загадочный, таинственный ● available [ə`veiləbl] доступный ● creativity [,kri:ei`tivəti] креативность ● stifle [staifl] душить, подавлять ● to come up with находить ответ, идею ● point [pint] указывать ● reduce [ri`dju:s] снижать ч.-л. ● to be mired [`maiəd] быть погруженным во ч.-л. ● script [skript] рукопись ● encounter [in`kauntə] сталкиваемся, встречаемся ● assumption [ə`smp∫n] предположение ● stump [stmp] быть озадаченным ● implicit [im`plisit] подразумеваемый ● novel [`nvl] новый ● inhibition [,inhi`bi∫n] препятствие ● implausible [im`pl:zəbl] невероятный ● impede [im`pi:d] препятствовать, мешать ● fractionation дробление, деление.

II. Match the words and their definitions

mired in

a way of solving a problem


a thing that smb has done successfully


to make smth smaller in quantity, size

to encounter

in a difficult of unpleasant situation that you cannot escape from


to experience smth difficult, while you are trying to do smth else


a belief that smth is true although there is no proof


suggested without being directly expressed


not seeming reasonable


to stop the progress of smth

III. Find synonyms for the following words:

solution, assumption, implicit, novel, to point, creativity, impede, mysterious, stifle, inhibition

gift, explanation, enigmatic, supposition, block, implied, obstruction, original, repress, to indicate