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IV. Fill the gaps with suitable prepositions

Between, on, in, of, by, of, in, in, between, out in, in

1. The scientific activities … psychology are usually carried … … colleges and universities.

2. Psychologists who specialize … psychopharmacology study the relationship … drugs and behavior.

3. Most personality psychologists work … psychiatric hospitals where they diagnose patients.

4. Social psychologists study the ways … which our thoughts, feelings and behavior are influenced … other people.

5. They may study the gender differences … mathematical ability, teachers’ effects … students’ behavior, identification … gifted children.

6. Industrial psychologists study the relationships … people and their job.

V. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1. Эксперимент был проведен успешно.

2. Мы сделали все возможное, для того, чтобы помочь вам.

3. Его открытие оказало влияние на жизнь людей.

4. Она провела исследование в области гендерных различий в своей курсовой работе.

5. Этот тест используется для определения умственных способностей.

6. Изучению поведения одаренных детей уделяется недостаточно внимания в современных психологических исследованиях.

7. Последствия ее опытов могут оказаться непредсказуемыми.

VI. Read the text “Psychology as a profession” and fill the table. Psychology as a profession

Psychology is both a science and a profession. The scientific activities of psychology are usually carried out in colleges and universities. We’ll first of all discuss the work of research specialists:

I. Experimental psychologists study sensation, perception, learning, memory, problem solving, communication, emotion and motivation.

II. Researchers in the fields of physiological psychology and more specifically, neuropsychology attempt to find the connections between the nervous and endocrine systems and behavior.

III. Psychologists who specialize in psychopharmacology study the relationship between drugs and behavior. In the work of all these specialists, animal studies often play a large role.

IV. Developmental psychologists study psychological change throughout life. Every psychological concept – learning, memory, motivation, perception, thinking and so on – can be examined in terms of changes over a life-time. Developmental psychologists work in a wide variety of institutions: as consultants to children’s television programs; in private practice, in industry, where they may try to determine how and employee’s attitude toward work alters with age; in schools, where they may work with children who have learning problems. Most of them, however, work in universities and conduct research.

V. Personality psychologists study individual differences in behavior, the sources and consequences of such differences, and the degree of consistency of characteristics within the individual across situations and over time. Most personality psychologists work in psychiatric hospitals, where they diagnose patients, or in industry, where they assist in professional selection.

VI. Social psychologists study the ways in which our thoughts, feelings and behavior re influenced by other people and by society. They analyze such topics as prejudice, why people like or love others, aggression, social conflict and behavior in groups. Some social psychologists who are interested in group processes and decision making can work in business and industry enterprises.

Applied specialists.

VII. Educational psychologists investigate all the psychological aspects of the learning process. They may study the gender differences in mathematical ability, teachers’ effects on students’ behavior, identification of gifted children. Most educational psychologists work in colleges and universities, where they conduct research and train both teachers and psychologists.

VIII. Industrial and organizational psychologists study the relationships between people and their jobs. They investigate such topics as employee morale, job-related stress, the qualities that make a good boss, job enrichment.

IX. Clinical psychologists study, diagnose and treat behavior disorders. About half of all clinical psychologists work in hospitals or clinics or have private practices. The only difference between psychiatrists and clinical psychologists is that psychiatrist may legally prescribe drugs for treatment and psychologists may not.




Experimental psychologists


Developmental psychologists

Personality psychologists

Social psychologists

Industrial psychologists

Educational psychologists

Clinical psychologists