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Тестовые задания по английскому языку.doc
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Английский язык

ВАРИАНТ 1 I семестр

Вариант включает 60 заданий и состоит из теста А (50 заданий) и теста В (10 заданий), на выполнение которых отводится 120 минут. Задания рекомендуется выполнять по порядку. Если задание вызывает у Вас затруднение, перейдите к следующему. После этого как выполните все задания, вернитесь к пропущенным. Желаем успехов!


Выберите правильный вариант из предложенных.

A1. … no other passengers on deck, but … too late to run away.

1) It was … there was 2) There were … it was 3) There was … it was 4) There were … there was

A2. To cook this dish you’ll need some flour, two eggs, two … , salt to taste..

1) trouts 2) pieces of trouts 3) trout 4) troutes

A3. … father is lame. I feel sorry for the poor man.

1) The boy’s next door 2) The boy next’s door 3) The boy’s next door’s 4) The boy next door’s

A4. … the existing medicines can cure a person from AIDS.

1) None of 2) Any of 3) Some of 4) Either of

A5. … of the environmental issues … to be considered without delay.

1) A number … needs 2) Numbers … needs 3) The number … need 4) A number … need

A6. Tom scored … than anyone else in the class.

1) much higher 2) more highly 3) more high 4) much more higher

A7. … the telephone call, … you have to pay.

1) The longest … most 2) The longer … the more 3) As long … the more 4) The more long … more

A8. … Niagara Falls is a famous American waterfall on … Niagara River and actually consists of two waterfalls separated by … Goat Island.

1) -, the,- 2) The, - , - 3) The, -, - 4) -, the, the

A9. Ambulances arrived at the scene of the accident and took … injured to hospital.

1) the 2) a 3) - 4) an

A10. We paid … visit to … Triggs and enjoyed their company immensely.

1) a, the 2) a, an 3) -, the 4) the, the

A11. It wasn’t common … people to get a holiday … work … Christmas Day in the past.

1) to, off, at 2) for, from, on 3) to, of, on 4) for, at, at

A12. I was very conscious … the fact that Margaret felt ill … ease … the company of strangers.

1) by, to, at 2) with, at, about 3) of, at, in 4) about, on, with

A13. I didn’t want to go … details … the phone, so we arranged a meeting in my office … the next day.

1) out for, over, on 2) into, on, for 3) through, on, at 4) into, over, to

Прочитайте текст. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.

That evening we all decided to go to the pictures. We (A14) … a bus to take us to the pictures. A big queue (A15) … to go in and we were in the back. Hardly (A16) … to get in when the picture (A17) … and it was very dark in there. We had to go down some stairs to get to our seats but instead of walking down the stairs we (A18) … down from them. Soon we were in our seats. We (A19) … the film for no more than ten minutes when something (A20) … me on the head. It was an ice cream tub. I (A21) … to see who it was and a little boy who (A22) … two rows behind me said: ”I am so sorry! But I (A23) … to hit you.”

A14. 1) got 2) had got 3) have got 4) was getting

A15. 1) had been waiting 2) was waiting 3) had waited 4) were waiting

A16. 1) we managed 2) have we managed 3) had we managed 4) we had been managing

A17. 1) had started 2) has started 3) starts 4) started

A18. 1) have fallen 2) were falling 3) falled 4) fell

A19. 1) were watching 2) have been watching 3) had been watching 4) have watched

A20. 1) hitted 2) had hit 3) hit 4) was hitting

A21. 1) have turned 2) had turned 3) was turning 4) turned

A22. 1) is sitting 2) had sat 3) was sitting 4) had been sitting

A23. 1) didn’t want 2) am not wanting 3) doesn’t want 4) won’t want

A24. … I happen to be I can’t buying souvenirs from that place.

1) Whenever 2) However 3) Whatever 4) Wherever

A25. The town hall clock played a different tune at 12 every day, … amused the locals and attracted tourists.

1) which 2) that 3) when 4) so

Укажите номер подчеркнутого фрагмента, в котором допущена ошибка.

A26. The silver-coloured carpet felt softly beneath his feet and the new furniture was of golden wood.

. 1 2 3 4

A27. Burying radioactive waste closely to the Braslav lakes will have a disastrous influence on the environment. 1 2 3 4

A28. Определите ряд, в котором не все слова относятся к одной теме.

  1. odour, perfume, scent, smell;

  2. powder, necklace, lipstick, cream;

  3. style, mode, way, manner.

Прочитайте текст, выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.

Some research which was recently (29) ... out in Britain has confirmed what many ordinary shoppers have suspected for quite a long time. Having a (30) ... selection of goods to choose from is not necessarily a (31) ... to consumers. In one sense choice is a good thing because it (32) ... us to buy those products which best (33) ... our needs. But choice can also represent something of a problem.

A29. 1) carried 2) held 3) done 4) worked

A30. 1) deep 2) wide 3) long 4) tall

A31. 1) profit 2) interest 3) benefit 4) value

A32. 1) allows 2) lets 3) makes 4) leaves

A33. 1) reply 2) become 3) match 4) suit

Выберите ответную реплику, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной реплике-стимулу.

A34. This bike is very expensive.

1) Isn’t it? 2) Don’t mention it. 3) Is it? 4) So much!

Выберите реплику-стимул, подходящую по смыслу к предложенной ответной реплике.

A35. Same to you.

  1. Help yourself to the fruit. 3) Bless you.

  2. Make yourself at home. 4) Have a good weekend.

Прочитайте вопрос. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.

A36. Which of these universities is the oldest in Great Britain?

1) Cambridge 2) Oxford 3) London 4) Sheffield

Прочитайте текст и выберите вариант ответа (1, 2 или 3), соответствующий содержанию прочитанного текста.

§1. Pesca’s face and manners, on the evening when we met each other at my mother’s gate, were more than enough to inform me that something extraordinary had happened. However it was useless to ask him for an immediate explanation. I could only guess, while he was pulling me inside by both hands, that (knowing my habits) he had come to the house to make sure of meeting me that night, and that he had some news to tell me that was particularly good.

§2. We both bounced into the lounge in a very rude and undignified manner. My mother sat by the open window laughing. Pesca was one of her especial favourites, and his strangest behaviour was always forgivable in her eyes. Poor dear woman! From the first moment when she found out that the Professor was deeply and gratefully attached to her son, she opened her heart to him, and took all his puzzling foreign peculiarities for granted, without even trying to understand them.

§3. My sister Sarah, with all the advantages of youth, was, strangely enough, less tolerant. She admitted that Pesca had a good heart; but she could not accept him, as my mother accepted him, for my sake. Her narrow ideas about what was “proper” contrasted sharply with Pesca’s natural lack of respect for appearances; and she was always openly astonished at her mother’s familiarities with the eccentric little foreigner. I have noticed, not only in my sister’s case, but in others as well, that we of the younger generation are not nearly so cheerful and so impulsive as some of our elders. I often see old people get wide-eyed and excited at the promise of some anticipated pleasure which totally fails to upset the calm of their grandchildren. Are we, I wonder, such genuine boys and girls as our seniors were when they were young? Have we been, in these modern days, just a little too well brought up?

§4. Without trying to answer these questions, I can at least say that I never saw my mother and my sister in the company of Pesca, without finding my mother much younger woman of the two. On this occasion, for example, while the old lady was laughing at the boyish way we stumbled into the room, Sarah was anxiously picking up the broken pieces of a teacup which the Professor had knocked off when running to meet me at the door.

A37. How did the author know that he was going to receive good news?

  1. His friend had come to meet him.

  2. It was obvious by the way his friend held his hands.

  3. The way his friend looked and acted made it clear.

A38. How did the two boys enter the lounge?

  1. Calmly and discreetly.

  2. Loudly and clumsily.

  3. In a calm and stately manner.

A39. Why does the author call his mother a “poor dear woman”?

  1. He thinks she is kind but naïve.

  2. He thinks she is easily deceived.

  3. She likes all the foreigners without thinking.

A40. What has the author noticed about the difference between the generations?

  1. That young people are more relaxed than old people.

  2. That young people are better brought up than old people.

  3. That old people are more youthful than young people.

Определите в каком значении слово употреблено в тексте. Укажите выбранный вариант.

A41. forgivable (§2)

1) careless 2) impatient 3) lenient

A42. astonished (§3)

1) amazed 2) rude 3) excited

Выберите правильный вариант перевода в соответствии с содержанием текста. Укажите выбранный вариант.

A43. I have noticed, not only in my sister’s case, but in others as well … (§3)

  1. Я заметил не только в чемодане своей сестры, но и в других тоже …

  2. Я заметил не только в своей сестре, но и у других тоже …

  3. Я заметил не только в случае со своей сестрой, но и у других также хорошо…

A44. I can at least say that … (§4)

  1. По крайней мере, я могу сказать что…

  2. В наименьшей степени я могу сказать что…

  3. Я могу на самом деле сказать что …

Прочитайте текст. Заполните пропуски одним из предложенных текстовых фрагментов.

Polly Vacher is no ordinary woman pilot. (A45) …

Polly’s 46,000 km record-breaking journey began in January. It ended only three days behind schedule when she landed her Piper Dakote at Birmingham in central England in May, five months later.

(A46) … This included storms and a cyclone in Fiji, a country in the South Pacific Ocean. Nor was the journey without incident for Polly, who only learnt to fly at the age of forty-nine.

One of the trip’s most frightening moment came, on the same route where Amelia Earhart, the American pilot, went missing when she was attempting to fly around the world in1937. (A47) … In fact, she allowed herself to be photographed as she stood beside a Banyan tree, which Amelia Earhart had planted in 1935, before setting off for the 16-hour section of her flight from Hawaii to California.

According to Polly all went well for the first part of her journey. Then suddenly it started to get very bumpy. Checking the outside air temperature Polly discovered it was zero degrees. To her horror she found streams of ice-cold rain running back along the wings and starting to freeze. (A48) …

Though Polly immediately dropped her height to prevent the weight of ice pulling her plane into the ocean, there was more drama when the cabin suddenly went quiet. (A49) … As a result the main tank had run dry an hour early, but fortunately the emergency tank went into action and she was able to land safely.

The lonely hours spent flying were a great contrast to the warm welcome she received wherever she landed. (A50) … The publicity she attracted also raised money for a charity, which provides flying scholarships for disabled people.

Заполните пропуски А45-А47 одним из предложенных текстовых фрагментов (1-4). Один фрагмент является лишним.

1) Up there in the sky you are completely free.

2) Polly, however, was determined not to let what had happened in the past cause her anxiety.

3) The delay was the result of uncooperative weather.

4) In 2001 she flew to the ends of the Earth and into the record books by becoming the first woman to fly the smallest aircraft around the world via Australia and the Pacific.

Заполните пропуски А48-А50 одним из предложенных текстовых фрагментов (1-4). Один фрагмент является лишним.

1) This is the most dangerous kind of ice as it is difficult to see it forming.

2) There was tremendous media interest and on one occasion she gave up to seven interviews in a single day.

3) The moon and the stars disappeared and she was unable to see anything.

4) Strong winds meant that she had used more fuel than expected.


Прочитайте текст, заполните пропуск подходящим по смыслу словом, из предложенных. В бланке ответов запишите его в той форме, в которой оно должно стоять в предложении. Помните, что каждое слово может быть использовано только один раз и что заданную форму. Слова необходимо изменить.


Charles Babbage was an important English inventor who is (B1) … for designing the first computer.

In 1823 the (B2) … gave Babbage a large amount of money to design a mechanical calculator and he spent most of his life working on the machine. During the 1830s he (B3) … plans for another machine which would later become the first modern computer. The machine had a huge memory to store complicated numbers.

(B4) … , the designs for his computer were lost until 1937 when luckily, they were found. In 1991, British scientists finally built a surprisingly accurate computer using Babbage’s designs and called it Difference Engine No. 2.

Прочитайте текст. Заполните каждый из пропусков только одним словом, подходящим по смыслу. Слово должно содержать не более 15 символов.

Tennis and skiing are two very popular sports which are (B5) … enjoyable and good for you. Skiing is the (B6) … expensive of the two as you have to buy a lot of equipment and you usually have to travel quite far to get to a ski resort. Tennis, on the other hand, is much cheaper as you only need a racquet and some balls. It’s also a lot easier to find a tennis court as most towns have at (B7) … one. Tennis is a lot safer than skiing, as you are less likely to fall and injure (B8) … seriously.

Переведите на английский язык фрагмент предложения, данный в скобках.

B9. Everybody is coming to the party tonight, (не так ли)?

B10. She hasn’t eaten much at breakfast (тоже).