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Английский для юристов - Unit 1 What is law.doc
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Follow-up exercises

Review Questions

  1. What distinguishes descriptive laws from prescriptive ones? Can you give examples of both types?

  2. How are relations between people regulated in societies?

  3. Why do governments make and enforce laws?

  4. How does legal reasoning work? What elements does in include?

  5. What are the two main traditions of law in the world? Where have they developed?

  6. What features are specific to common law?

  7. Why did Napoleon’s Code appear? Where was it adopted?

  8. What are the differences between common law and continental law?

  9. How is civil law separated from public law?

  10. What are the main categories of English civil law? Comment on them.

  11. What is the basis for the public law–private law distinction?


You are taking part in an international legal history conference for both law and history students. You have been asked to submit a two-page summary of the legal system of your country for the conference proceedings. Although it will certainly be difficult to summarize your system in two pages, that is all the space that is available. You will obviously have to limit your description to the most important elements.


Read the following opinion from the U.S. Supreme Court. Mr. Justice Black:

It should be noted at the outset that tort law has been fashioned largely by judges, too largely according to the ideas of many. But if judges make rules of law, it should seem that they should keep their minds open in order to exercise a continuing and helpful supervision over the manner in which their laws serve the public. Experience might prove that a rule createdby judges should never have been created at all, or their rule, though originally sound, had become wholly unsuited to new physical and social conditions developed by a dynamic society. A revaluation of social and economic interests affected by the old rule might reveal the unwisdom of its expansion or imperatively require its revision and abandonment.

    1. Traditionally, a child’s mother is the woman who gave birth to that child. How might advances in science cause judges to review rules they might have established about “motherhood”?

    2. Give four advances in science or medicine that might cause judges to re-examine rules they have made about issues such as theft, copyright, or murder. Just for fun


“Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws.”

 Plato (Ancient Greek Philosopher)

“The more laws, the less justice”

Cicero (Ancient Roman Lawyer, Orator and Statesman)

“The more corrupt the state, the more laws.”

Publius Cornelius Tacitus

“If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.”

Louis D. Brandeis (American Supreme Court Justice, 1856-1941)

“The execution of the laws is more important than the making them”

Thomas Jefferson (The 3d US President)

“There is no end to the laws, and no beginning to the execution of them”

Mark Twain (American Humorist, Writer and Lecturer)