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Laboratory Work

1. Listen to the following texts, lay stresses and tone marks, recognize phonetic styles. Practise reading the texts aloud.

    1. The Virginia police are looking for two climbers in the Blue Ridge Mountains. The climbers left yesterday morning to climb Mount Blue. It began to snow heavily yesterday afternoon. The police sent out a search party last night. They spent the night on the mountain, but they didn’t find the climbers.

    1. M: Hello?

N: Hello. Is Linda Green there, please?

M: Who’s calling, please?

N: Tom Piper.

M: Hold on a minute. I’ll see.

N: Thanks.

M: Uh, hello. I’m sorry, but Linda’s out.

N: Oh. When do you expect her back?

M: I’m not sure.

N: Could you take a message?

M: Yes, of course.

    1. C: What did you do last weekend?

H: I went to San Francisco.

C: Really? How did you go?

H: I went by car.

C: How long did it take?

H: I took about two hours.

C: Why did you go there?

H: I had nothing else to do.

2. Go through the following situations. State the social relations of the speakers, the subject-matter and the sphere of communication. Dramatize the situations using the appropriate speech variety:

      1. Your friend complains that she is lagging behind the other students of the group. She has missed a number of lectures, seminars and tutorials partly because she has been ill for some time but mostly due to careless, laziness and neglect of her duties. Her group-mates advise her to start working hard again otherwise she’ll fail her exams. They offer her assistance in case she may need it.

      1. You discuss with your group-mates how to spend the week-end. Someone suggests a walking tour. Everyone grows enthusiastic at the idea, all except Andrew, who is rather skeptical. He says they’ll hardly be able to realize their plan when the weather is so changeable.

      1. Mr. Higgins asks his secretary if she has informed the members of the staff about the day of the meeting. She says she has already done it, she remarks that two members of the staff will be missing because they are on a business trip.

3. Act out the following conversations using appropriate intonational patterns according to the speech situation:

  1. – Please, remind the members of the board about tomorrow’s meeting.

  • Shall I tell Mr White too?

  • Well, I don’t think he has come back yet.

  1. – I’d like to book two seats for tomorrow.

  • Would you like something in the front stalls?

  • I suppose there is nothing further back, is there?

  • Not unless you come to the matinee.

  1. – I say, John, if you want to go to the post-office, turn to the right, perhaps it’s the shortest way.

  • Are you sure? I’m in a hurry, you know.

  • Course, I’m sure.

  1. – Can I still get tickets for tonight’s show?

  • The front row of the dress circle is fairly free.

  • Are there any boxes?

  • No, I’m afraid that’s all there is.