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Употребление времени Present Simple в значении будущего времени в придаточных предложениях времени и условия


present simple

He will summon you

when you prepare your tax return.

You will place yourself in a difficult financial position

if you borrow to the limit.

Vocabulary list

to list shares on the New York Stock Exchange — котировать акции на Нью-Йоркской фондовой бирже

to fall a point — упасть на один пункт (о цене акций)

to go up — повыситься (о цене акций)

to cover one's short position — закрывать "короткую" позицию (в расчете на получение прибыли при повороте рыночной конъюнктуры или когда последняя уже пошла вверх)

a tidy profit — значительный доход

to be accused of insider trading — быть обвиненным в незаконных операциях с ценными бумагами на основе внутренней информации об эмитенте

to be public knowledge — быть общеизвестным

to summon smb — вызывать кого-либо

to be deadlocked over smth — зайти в тупик по какому-либо вопросу

to do one's best — сделать все возможное

to be actively involved in smth — принимать активное участие в чем-либо

to give legal aid — оказывать юридическую помощь

to be charged with embezzlement — обвиняться в хищении денег

to testify in court — давать показания в суде

to be a witness — выступать в качестве свидетеля

to be sentenced to two years imprisonment — быть приговоренным к двум годам тюремного заключения

to be eligible for parole — подлежать досрочному освобождению

to serve a sentence — отбывать срок

to get in touch with smb — связаться с кем-либо

1. The death of Ben Rosselli attracted international coverage. The funeral took place on Wednesday in the second week of December. The atmosphere was rather depressing. FMA shares, listed on the New York Stock Exchange, fell five and a half points. Alex Vandervoort, Edwina D'Orsey and her husband Lewis discussed the situation.

"If earnings are good, our stock will go up again." Alex said. "Nothing has really changed".

"Oh, I know that", Lewis agreed. "That's why I'll cover my short position tomorrow afternoon and I advised a few clients to do the same. As of right now there is a tidy profit." Edwina looked shocked." You and I know I never discuss anything confidential with you, Lewis", she protested." Others don't. If people learn about my connection with the bank, you will be accused of insider trading." Alex shook his head. "Not in this case, Edwina. Ben's illness was public knowledge."

  1. How did Ben Rosselli's death affect the price of FMA shares?

  2. Did FMA face a serious problem?

  3. Was Lewis optimistic about FMA's future?

  4. What was Edwina D'Orsey's concern?

2. By prior agreement, Roscoe Heyward and Alex Vandervoort did not attend the reconvened meeting of the board. "When the board make a decision, we shall summon you", Jerome Patterton said. Each waited in his office. The summons came shortly before noon. Harold Austin announced the bank's decision. Jerome Patterton became president of FMA. Later the same day Jerome Patterton had separate talks, with Heyward and Vandervoort. "I'm an interim Pope', he informed each of them." You know, that I didn't seek the job. I am only thirteen months from mandatory retirement. But the board was deadlocked over you two. If we give them more time, perhaps they will make up their minds. In the meantime though, if you help me, I'll do my best. The only thing I can promise is an interesting year."

  1. Alex Vandervoort and Roscoe Heyward did not attend the reconvened meeting of the board, did they?

  2. What was the board's decision?

  3. What separate talks did Jerome Patterton have with Heyward and Vandervoort?

  4. Did he promise them an interesting year?

3. Margot Bracken was actively involved with Forum East. She gave legal aid to families in the development and she came to know many of those living there, including Juanita Nunez. Three days after the Rosselli funeral she met Juanita in a shop.

"Hello, Mrs Nunez', Margot said. "I heard that you had some kind of problem at the bank where you work'.

Juanita's face clouded. She described the six-thousand-dollar cash loss and the forty-eight-hour nightmare of suspicion and interrogation.

"Why didn't you call me? Edwina D'Orsey is my cousin. I am going to talk to her about this".

Juanita looked startled. 'I didn't know but please don't! After all, it was Mrs D'Orsey who found the truth".

"All right. If you don't want, I won't. But remember this: if you are in trouble again, about anything, call me. I'll be there to help'.

"Thank you ', Juanita said. "If it happens, I will. I really will".

  1. In what way was Margot Bracken involved with Forum East?

  2. Whom did she run into in a Forum East shop?

  3. What was Juanita's sad story?

  4. What did Margot ask Juanita to do?

4. A week before Christmas, Miles Eastin appeared in the Federal court charged with embezzlement. Four of the charges involved fraudulent transactions at the bank. The fifth charge related to the six-thousand dollar cash theft. Edwina D'Orsey and Juanita Nunez testified. Nolan Wainwright was also present in court. When the bank witnesses left the courtroom, Nolan Wainwright came up to Juanita. "If you don't mind, I will walk with you to the bank. Look, I've never found it easy to say I am sorry. But now I want to say it. I am sorry for the trouble I caused you. Which is why I'd like to help you now, if I can. If you have a problem, a real problem, will you call me?" It was the second such offer in the past few days.

"Maybe", Juanita answered.

  1. What was Miles Eastin charged with?

  2. Who testified in court?

  3. Did Nolan Wainwright regret his behaviour?

  4. Did Juanita forgive him?

5. The following week Eastin appeared in court once more — this time for sentencing. He was sentenced to two years imprisonment. A brief conference took place, a few minutes after sentencing in a small locked and guarded room behind the courtroom.

"The first thing to remember" said Eastin's lawyer, "is that a two-year prison term doesn't mean two years. You will be eligible for parole, when you serve a third of the sentence. If you decide to appeal the sentence, I'll get in touch with you. But I don't advise it."

"The ballgame is over. No appeal." answered Miles Eastin. Next day he was transferred to a federal prison.

  1. What was Miles Eastin sentenced to?

  2. When was Eastin eligible for parole?

  3. Did the lawyer advise Eastin to appeal the sentence?

  4. Eastin was transfered to a federal prison, wasn't he?