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Words to remember

to assert [ә’sә:t] – заявлять, утверждать;

curiosity [‘kju әri’ositi] – любознательность, любопытство;

to embrace [im’breis] – охватывать, включать;

entity [‘entәti] – общность, центр;

harsh [ha: ʃ] – резкий, суровый;

hemisphere [‘hemisfiә] – полушарие, сфера, область;

inaccessible [‘inәk’sesәbl] – недоступный, недосягаемый;

latitude [‘lætitju:d] – широта;

remoteness [ri’mәutnis] – удаленность;

sovereign [‘sovrin] – повелитель;

to surpasse [sә’pa;s] – превосходить;

uigur [‘wi:guә] – уйгуры.


1. Find in the text the English equivalents to the following phrases.

Особое географическое положение;

обширная территория;


разнообразный ландшафт;

по особому привлекать;

любопытный взгляд;

заповедная зона;

плотность населения;

ежегодное количество (2 варианта);

недосягаемые природные памятники;

легендарный полководец;



административный центр;

культурные традиции;


2. Answer the following questions.

Why cannot a cursory look embrace the territory of Zabaikalie?

Can people fall in love to this land at once?

Was Chekhov impressed by Zabaikalie when passing through Siberia?

What did he compare Zabaikalie with?

When was a new administrative entity called «Zabaikalsky Krai» formed?

What regions does Zabaikalsky Krai include?

What is the total area of Zabaikalsky Krai?

What can you say about the population of Zabaikalsky Krai?

Zabaikalsky Krai has a long history which dates back to the Stone Age, hasn’t it?

Can you remember what tribes where living on the territory of Zabaikalie?

How does the geographical position influence the climate conditions of Zabaikalsky Krai?

Some people say that Zabaikalsky Krai is rich in water resources, isn’t it?

Are there any biospheric reserves on the territory of Zabaikalsky Krai?

Is it a pleasure to live in Zabaikalsky Krai? Prove your own point of view.

3. What do you think? Give the reason for your opinion.

  1. Limited knowledge of homeland makes people poor-minded.

  2. Those who live in the West cannot appreciate the beauty of Zabaikalsky Krai.

  3. The history of mankind in Zabaikalie is so important for its contemporary citizens.

  4. A peculiar geographical position of Zabaikalie greatly influences its climate conditions.

  5. The water reserves of Zabaikalsky Krai cannot be surpassed by any other region of our country.

  6. The flora and fauna of Zabaikalsky Krai is carefully preserved in biospheric reserves.

4. Imagine that you have invited a foreign friend to visit Zabaikalsky Krai. What would you like to show him? What interesting facts from the history of Zabaikalsky Krai would you tell him? Let him ask you as many questions as possible to discuss your region, its history, geographic position, climate and people. You may use the following phrases to express your emotions.

  • Certainly (certainly not); − I think so;

  • I’m afraid not; −I quite agree with you;

  • on the contrary; − far from it;

  • excuse me, but you are mistaken; − I see;

  • I mean to say that…; − back to;

  • let’s drop the subject; − let me see;

  • don’t get upset about it; − let’s hope for the best.

5. Speak about the topic «Zabaikalsky Krai».

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