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U n I t 1. Let me introduce myself


  1. Местоимения §§ 1, 2

  2. Множественное число существительных § 3

  1. 3. Числительные § 12

  2. 4. Глагол to be § 6

  3. 5. Оборот there + be § 7

  4. 6. Глагол to have § 8

  5. A. 1. Recollect your school vocabulary

and и, а

but но, а

city город

date число

face лицо

friend друг

it это

July июль

June июнь

live жить

May май

my мой

nose нос

old старый

or или

south юг

town город

word слово

year год

your ваш

April апрель

book книга

brother брат

cinema кино

east восток

family семья

father отец

January январь

March март

month месяц

mother мать

music музыка

play играть

room комната

school школа

sister сестра

time время, раз

us нас, нам

week неделя

well хорошо

August август

blue синий, голубой

classroom класс

December декабрь

English английский

February февраль

finish заканчивать

grandfather дедушка

grandmother бабушка

have – had – had иметь, обладать

how как, каким образом

like любить; нравиться

nameназывать, имя

November ноябрь

October октябрь

schoolgirl школьница, ученица

September сентябрь

subject предмет, тема

surname фамилия

television = TV телевидение

E. 1. Сheck your school progress

a) 1. I (1 – am, 2 – are, 3 – is, 4 - was) 17 years old. 2. (1 – She, 2 – He, 3 – They, 4 - I) are engineers. 3. Do you (1 – talk, 2 – say, 3 – speak, 4 - tell) English? 4. Have you many books (1 – of, 2 – in, 3 – to, 4 - at) home? 5. (1 – Are, 2 - Is, 3 – Am, 4 - Were) it hot or cold? 6. My mother’s brother is my (1 – daughter, 2 – aunt, 3 – son, 4 - uncle). 7. Mr. Brown (1 – be, 2 – have, 3 – has, 4 - are) one child. 8. (1 – He, 2 – Him, 3 – Them, 4 - His) brother is a first-year student.

b) 1. He is (1 – of, 2 – in, 3 – to, 4 - on) Moscow. 2. (1 – Me, 2 – Him, 3 – I, 4 - My) sister is at the University. 3. He (1 - is, 2 – have, 3 – has, 4 - are) a sister. 4. They (1 – are, 2 - is, 3 – am, 4 - was) 20 years old. 5. She (1 – is, 2 – be, 3 - are, 4 - am) a pupil. 6. He eats (1 – shirts, 2 – eggs, 3 – umbrellas, 4 - games) for breakfast. 7. Where (1 - does, 2 - is, 3 - do, 4 - are) you live? 8. She (1 – are, 2 - is, 3 – am, 4 - were) a doctor.

A. 2. Transform the sentences as in the model

e.g.Ann is an architect. She is an architect.

1. Mike is 18 years old. 2. Mary and I are students. 3. Nick and I are fond of books. 4. This woman is a housewife. 5. These things are new. 6. This book is interesting. 7. That chair is modern. 8. Those chairs are old. 9. These girls get up early. 10. That man is an engineer. 11. Their children are abroad. 12. My brother likes travelling.

A. 3. Change the plural into the singular

Apples, students, days, tables, boys, libraries, knives, women, children, theatres, faculties, lives, ferries, teeth, doors, cities, institutes, feet, floors, universities, windows, men, lorries, mice, balconies

  1. A. 4. Translate the following international words

Student, university, institute, laboratory [ləbɔrətəri], faculty, group, class, ecology, politics, region, department, engineer, economy [ikɔnəmi], Mathematics, Physics [fiziks], Chemistry, History, television, programme, visit, music, film, theatre, ballet, comedy, sport, basketball, football

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