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Unit II Grammar Revision: Noun Structures, Participles Text: The Distribution System

Ex. 1

Read and translate the international words, try to give more than one variant of translation, where possible:

















Translate the following collocations into Russian:

product marketing, professional dealer, unique brand, universal automobile, transportation by tanker, limited reserves, unique functions, to invest money, local investors, marine terminal, system functions, local reserves, service station, product brand.


Match “false friends” in A with Russian words in B and try, where possible, to give Russian words with international roots in C:




E.g inventory

список, реестр







Ex. 4

Translate these sentences with international words into Russian:

  1. The company keeps a full inventory of its equipment.

  2. You can find all these books in your local library.

  3. Be sure you read the directions before using any piece of equipment.

  4. The hot water tank is leaking.

  5. After a brief examination by a local doctor, I was taken to the city's main hospital.

Words to Text A

liquid n.

liquefy v.

LNG (liquefied natural gas)


Ex. Water is a liquid.

a. жидкий

Ex. Liquid gas is cheaper to transport.

сжижать, превращать(ся) в жидкое состояние


Ex. People learned to liquefy gas at the end of the 19th century.

(СПГ) сжиженный природный газ

Ex. The construction of LNG tankers demands a sophisticated technology, combining maximum safety with optimum economic conditions.

wellhead n.

устье скважины

Ex. Pipelines convey oil, gas and petroleum products from the wellhead to consumers.

primary a.

    1. первичный

Ex. Before the Internet appeared the radio used to be the primary source of information and link to the outside world.

    1. первоочередной, основной

Ex. The primary objective of a business is to make money.

secondary a.


Ex. Price is the most important factor for us - location is a secondary issue.

tertiary a.



handle v.

1) обращаться с чем-л.

Ex. Some customers are quite difficult to handle.

2) управлять, регулировать

Ex. Opposition leaders will be watching carefully to see how the Prime Minister handles the crisis.

3) обрабатывать, перерабатывать

Ex. The finance department handles all the accounts

4) торговать чем-л.

Domestic car manufactures have said their dealers are free to handle foreign cars if they wish.

5) грузить, выгружать, транспортировать

Ex. The Post Office handles nearly 2 billion letters and parcels over the Christmas period.

trunk pipeline n.

syn. main

to lay a pipeline

магистральный трубопровод

прокладывать трубопровод

To meet the demand for Russian gas in Turkey and the Balkan countries it is planned to lay new gas pipelines in Romania and Bulgaria.

bulk n.

1) величина, масса, объем

2) большое количество;

Ex. We sell bulk coffee to restaurants.

in bulk – оптом, большими партиями, навалом, наливом (о транспорте нефтепродуктов)

~ terminal – наливной терминал

Transneft is planning to build a second bulk terminal in Murmansk.

~ plant - нефтебаза

retail a.

ant. wholesale a.

retailer n. = retail dealer

розничный, предназначенный для индивидуальных клиентов или потребителей


Ex. I've worked in retail trade for two years.

~ trade (business) – розничная торговля

~ price – розничная цена

Ex. His experience in retail trade includes managing a number of shopping centers in New Zealand.

розничный торговец

~ trade (business) – оптовая торговля

~ dealer –оптовый торговец, оптовик

Ex. Japan’s wholesale prices in December were unchanged.


outlet n.

рынок сбыта; торговая точка

retail ~ - розничный магазин

Ex. Benetton has retail outlets in every major European city.

inventory n.


список, реестр

Ex. We need a full inventory of the company’s product consumers.

материально-производственные запасы, (товарно-)материальные запасы

Ex. There is an interesting article on the inventories of the company in the “Economist”

lease n.


Ex She has signed a lease contract with Texaco to drill for oil on the land she owns.

tank n.

~ truck

~ farm

fuel oil ~

gasoline ~

резервуар, емкость, хранилище, цистерна



топливный бак


marine terminal

морской терминал, портовая база, перевалочная база с водного пути на железнодорожный

Ex. Two marine terminals were built last year.

capacity n.

1. емкость, вместимость, объем

Ex. The fuel tank has a capacity of 12 gallons

2.производственная мощность; максимальная производительность;

пропускная способность; уровень добычи

Ex. Our production capacity has gone up again.

intermediate product

finished product

промежуточный продукт

Ex. Intermediate oil products require further processing

готовая продукция, готовый продукт

Ex. Finished products move from refinery storage by pipeline

purchase n.

purchase v.

покупка, закупка, купля

Ex. House purchase is the biggest decision that most people make.

покупать, закупать, приобретать

Ex. The land was purchased for investment purposes.

avoid v.

~ smth.,doing smth.

~ costs

избегать, уклоняться

избегать чего-л./ делать что-л.

Ex. She avoided answering my questions.

избегать расходов

logistics n.

материально-техническое снабжение

Ex. Logistics is the management of the flow of goods, information and other resources, including energy and people, between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet the requirements of consumers.

brand n.

сорт, качество, марка

Ex. This is a company with strong brands and a good position in many markets.

on behalf

от лица, от имени

Ex. The president is ill, so I am speaking on his behalf.

account for v.

составлять, насчитывать, приходиться на

Ex. The economy of Venezuela is based in large part on oil. The petroleum sector dominates the economy, accounting for roughly a third of GDP, around 80% of export earnings.

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