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UNIT 3 doc.doc
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1. The reformer

The rational, idealistic type. Conscientious, with a strong sense of right and wrong. Advocates and teachers, they are agents for change – always striving to improve things but afraid of making a mistake. Moral and ethical, critical and perfectionist. Well-organised, orderly and often very fastidious.

Worst qualities: Can be impersonal, rigid and emotionally constricted. Problems with anger and impatience.

Best qualities: Wise, discerning, realistic and noble. Can also be morally heroic.

2. The helper

The caring, nurturing type. Empathic, sincere and warm­hearted. People-oriented, friendly, generous and self-sacrificing, but can also be sentimental, flattering and intrusive. Possessive of others, doing things in order to be needed, they have hidden agendas.

Worst qualities: Proud and self-deceptive, they can feel unappreciated and victimised, become manipulative and controlling.

Best qualities: Unselfish and altruistic, they have unconditional love for others.

3. The motivator

The adaptable, success-oriented type. Self-assured, attractive and charming. Ambitious and energetic, but can be too competitive and driven. Overly concerned about what others think of them. Pragmatic, chameleons, calculating, saying and doing whatever "works" for them.

Worst qualities: Often seeking attention and admiration. They can also be arrogant and opportunist.

Best qualities: Self-accepting, authentic, seem to be role models who inspire others.

4. The artist

The intuitive, reserved type. Self-aware, sensitive, introspective and gentle. Individualist, expressive and personal, but they can also be too moody and self-conscious. They tend to dwell in their fantasies, feeling different, melancholy and exempt from ordinary ways of living.

Worst qualities: Can become impractical, self-indulgent and self-pitying, and have problems with inhibition.

Best qualities: Inspired and often highly creative, they are able to renew themselves and transform their experiences.

5. The thinker

The perceptive, cerebral type. Alert, insightful and curious. Able to understand complex ideas. Independent, innovative and inventive, but can be too preoccupied with their own thoughts. They can be highly strung and intense.

Worst qualities: Awkward and isolated, they lack interpersonal skills and can be cynical and eccentric.

Best qualities: Visionary pioneers, they are often able to see the world in a completely new way.

6. The loyalist

The security-oriented and committed type. Often endearing and likeable. Reliable, responsible and trustworthy, but can be partisan and suspicious of others, creating "in" and "out" groups. Evasive and anxious, defensive and contradictory, they run on stress.

Worst qualities: Cautious and indecisive, defiant and rebellious, talking tough and scapegoating others.

Best qualities: Open-minded, stable and self-reliant, courageously supporting the weak and powerless.

7. The generalist

The enthusiastic, productive type. Extroverted, optimistic and spontaneous. They are playful, high-spirited, practical and very accomplished, but can be over-extended, superficial and ill-disciplined. Acquisitive and seeking constant stimulation, they distract themselves by trying to stay on the go. Uninhibited, excessive and self-centred.

Worst qualities: Can be infantile, demanding and insensitive to others.

Best qualities: They focus their talents on worthwhile goals, becoming appreciative and joyous.

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