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Grammar review

Задание 1. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам так, чтобы данные предложения являлись на них ответами:

  1. John has a study, a bedroom and a kitchen,

  2. They wore these old gowns so that people would think they had been at Oxford for years.

  3. We went through the quand to the dining-hall.

  4. The college was not finished by Wolsey because he fell from power.

  5. Wolsey, Penn, Ruskin and Gladstone were some of the great men who have been members of the college.

  6. There are twenty-six other colleges.

  7. Lewis Carroll wrote "Alice in Wonderland”.

  8. He wrote children's books and books on mathematics.

  9. She gave orders that the next book by Lewis Carroll should be sent to her.

  1. The Tutorial System is one of the things in which Oxford and Cambridge differ from other English universities.

  2. You go to your tutor every week.

  3. The tutor discusses your work.

  4. The "bull-dogs" are to catch the student if he tries to run away.

Задание 2. Образуйте сравнительную или превосходную степени сравнений прилагательных и наречий, данных в скобках.

1. I think Christ Church is (magnificent) than St John's.

2. However, the gardens of St John's are (beautiful) of all.

3. The students hope that the gowns look (old) than they are.

4. The Union is Oxford's (famous) society.

5. (Many) of the men at Queen's College come from the North.

Oral pracice

Задание 1. Студент, мимо которого проходил Олаф (текст № 5), нервничал. Он собирался сдавать экзамен. Опишите в четырех предложениях свои чувства перед экзаменом.

Задание 2. Сравните систему обучения в Оксфорде (Кембридже) и в вузах нашей страны. В чем их сходство и отличие?

Домашнее задание. 1) Используя информацию текстов № 6, 7, подготовьте краткое связное высказывание из 7-9 предложений от имени студента Оксфорда об учебе в вузе.

2) Напишите краткое сообщение об интересных традициях, существующих в университетах России.

Занятие 8 reading & oral practice

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст и найдите предложение, которое не соответствует теме данного текста.

Working at a part-time job while studying at a university has many advantages. If students can get a job in their area of study, they are gaining valuable experience and putting their knowledge to use immediately. The extra money they can earn will be useful for meeting tuition fees and enjoying university activities. Also, they will have the personal satisfaction of having contributed to their own education. Students who need extra money can hold down a full-time temporary job during their summer vacation.

Задание 2. Выскажите свое мнение по предложенной теме.

Your friend who is 20 years old works as a car mechanic. He wants to continue his education in order to become an engineer. He doesn't know which department to choose, day-time or evening. Help him to solve his problem. Give your reasons.

Задание 3. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы.

Studying in another country is advantageous in many ways. A student is exposed to a new culture. Sometimes he or she can learn a new language. Students can often have learning experiences not available in their own countries. A student may get the opportunity to study at a university where a leading expert in his or her field may be teaching.

1. How can exposure to a new culture be an advantage?

2. How can learning a new language be an advantage?

3. What kinds of experiences might a student have?

4. What are the benefits of studying under a leading experts?

Задание 4. Выскажите свое мнение по теме “Studying in Russia or another country”.

Задание 5. Познакомьтесь с мнением американских студентов по теме “Living in apartments or dormitories”.

When a person decides to enter a university away from home, he or she must also consider living accommodations. Although most universities offer students dormitories, students frequently opt to live in an apartment. While there are many advantages to apartment living, there are also many disadvantages. Before a student decides to live in an apartment, all the aspects of that kind of accommodation should be reviewed.

Here are the ideas of some American students:

Bob: Even though there are many advantages to apartment living, I would prefer to live in the university dormitory for the following reasons. First, I will be new at the university and meeting people will be easier in a dormitory setting. Second, I won’t have to worry about purchasing and cooking food or cleaning up afterwards. Consequently, I will have more time for my studies. Finally, I will be within walking distance of my classes and the university library. In conclusion, living on campus is more advantageous for me than living in an apartment.

Michael: Living in an apartment has many advantages. First, students can choose to live a quiet neighborhood. A quiet neighborhood is conductive (способствует) to studying. Away from the distractions of campus life, students can be more serious about their studies. Second, apartment life allows students to be more independent. For example, they can cook whatever they want to eat and have their meals whenever they want them. Third, students can often find apartments that are cheaper than the fee for room and board in a dormitory.

However, living in an apartment also has disadvantages. Being away from campus life can make students feel isolated. Another disadvantage is that apartments close to campus are usually expensive, and those farther away are not within walking distance. Therefore, transportation must be considered. Finally, students who live in apartments must cook their own meals, shop for food, perhaps carry their laundry to a laundromat, and clean their entire apartment – not just their room.

Задание. 6. Выскажите свое мнение по теме “ Living in an apartment or a university dormitory“.

Задание 7. Познакомьтесь с некоторыми правилами поступления в американский университет.

Even though the procedure followed to enroll in an American university vary according to each university, some steps are the same. First, you should contact the registration office of an university you want to attend to get the necessary forms and information concerning that particular university’s entrance requirements. Then you must follow the steps outlined in their response. You will probably have to send copies of your high school diploma, get letters of recommendation, and write an essay on why you want to study there. You may have to achieve a certain score on the TOEFL test and have your scores forwarded to that university. Finally, you will have to contact the American Embassy to start the procedure to obtain a student visa.

Задание 8. Расскажите о том, как вы поступали в университет.

Задание 9. Расскажите о том, как прошел ваш первый день в университете.

Задание 10. Расскажите о ваших первых впечатлениях о студенческой жизни.

Задание 11. Ответьте на следующий вопрос: What do you think ought to be the aim and ideals of a University?


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