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Reading practice

Задание 1. Повторите в паузы группы слов на определенные звуки:

[ı] [/\] [o:] [o] [ æ]

institute multi sport laboratory language

building subject storeyed foreign establishment

situated other floor philosophy

Задание 2. Прочитайте и переведите следующие сочетания слов, которые встретятся в тексте:

Tchaikovsky branch, a technical higher educational establishment, one of the youngest establishments, contingent, management.

Задание 3. Прочитайте текст № 1 и выделите в нем ключевые слова, отражающие тему текста.

Задание 4. Прочитайте текст и выделите в нем ключевые слова, встречающиеся не менее 3-4 раз.

Задание 5. Прочитайте текст и выберите из каждого абзаца ведущие слова, сгруппируйте их в несколько подтем.

Задание 6. Прочитайте текст и выделите все лексические средства, с помощью которых каждый последующий абзац связан с предыдущим.

Text 1 tchaikovsky branch

1. The Tchaikovsky branch of Perm State Technical University is one of the youngest technical educational establishments. The branch was founded in 1993. The contingent is about 2000 students.

2. There are three departments in the university: day-time, evening and correspondence. The course of studies lasts 5 or 6 years. You can study at the faculty of economics and management or at the faculty of automation and management.

3. Hundreds of specialists have been trained at the branch. They are employed in different fields of industry, civil engineering and economy.

4. About 60 teachers work at the University. Some Doctors and Candidates of Sciences are among them.

5. The Tchaikovsky branch has some buildings. The main one is situated in Promyshlennaya (Industrial) Street. It is a two-storeyed building. There are some classrooms and lecture halls, laboratories. On the ground floor there is a library and on the first floor there is a reading-hall. The library contains about 17,000 books and magazines. You can get there books on your speciality.

6. There are some chairs at our university: the chair of economics, management and business (undertaking) (экономики, управления и предпринимательства), the chair of humanities and sciences (гуманитарных и естественнонаучных дисциплин), the chair of engineering and informational technologies. Scientific researches are carried at the chairs. The principle trends (направления) of investigations include: economic aspects of technological development; systems of information processing and control; actual problems of sociology, philosophy, historical science, linguistics; pedagogical problems of university education.

7. The academic year is divided into two terms. The first semester usually runs from the first of September to the end of January, the second one lasts from the beginning of February to the end of June. At the end of each term students take credit tests and exams. At the end of January students have vacations.

Задание 7. Просмотрите текст, разделите его на смысловые части, озаглавьте каждую часть.

Задание 8. Прочитайте текст, запишите первое предложение каждого абзаца текста и скажите, образуют ли они смысловое целое и могут ли служить планом по содержанию текста.

Задание 9. Прочитайте текст, найдите абзацы, в которых есть ответы на данные вопросы.

Where is our university situated? – Our university is situated in ... . 2. Is it a multi-storeyed building? – ..., it is ... . 3. Are there many classrooms in our university? – ... , there are ... 4. Is there a library in our university? – Yes, there is a ... . 5. Where is the library situated? – It is situated on the ... 6. How many terms does the academic year consist of? – The academic year consists of .. .

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