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Ex.1. TRANSLATE into Russian. PAY attention to the rendering of the infinitive as attribute.

1. He put down his coffee and went to the phone, suddenly remembering that he had a second call to make. 2. I have nothing to show but a preposterous movie. 3. Why, if I killed her I should have had no need to steal her jewels, would I? 4. His refusal to accept Yale standards to belittle the proper awe seemed to belittle all those who had. 5. He wasn’t a man to do rush things. 6. It seemed she had a lot to say. 7. Everyone has something to complain about. 8. And we have a new life to begin. 9. Sorry, I’ve got more important things to do than look at the sea. 10. If there is to be a vacancy I would like to be the one to be offered the job. 11. Dear Steve, your last letter to reach me was two months old. 12. Honesty is the first principle to be observed when working with our company. 13. I didn’t have time to help her with her test paper because the teacher came to us. 14. You ought to have chosen a more suitable time to tell me this news. 15. I am the last man to be asked a question of this kind.

Ex.2. INSERT the infinitive in the appropriate form and TRANSLATE the sentences into Russian.

1. There’s no better place in the springtime than on a college campus, Ray thought to himself as he approached the field and looked for a pleasant spot … the game (watch). 2. Ray decided that anything … now could be said later, and in person (say). 3. “There’s no need … into the peculiar details here” (go). 4. There’s not much … , nothing to … (discuss; fight over). 5. “I have a message … to you, after which I am ordered to take you aboard” (hand-deliver). 6. “Well, yes, I realize it’s tedious, but you’re very good at sorting the messages out, you know. Not to mention the information … just from studying the kinds of lies people tell” (obtain). 7. His attempt … her remarkable ability … several musical instruments at once resulted in his banging his elbow painfully on the cabin wall (mime; play). 8. All rights reserved, including the right … this book or portions thereof in any form (reproduce). 9. The next patient … was a stout lady accompanied by her husband (examine). 10. It appeared that he was not the only one … the forgery the previous night (notice). 11. These historical buildings were among the few … after a great fire last century (survive). 12. She used to complain that she was always the last … (inform).

Ex.3. REPLACE the subordinate attributive clauses by infinitives used as Attribute.


There are various things (that) we must discuss.

à There are various things to discuss (We have various things to discuss).

1. At the end of the week Robin and Paul had many plans they needed to consider. 2. That was the hotel where they were going to accommodate the conference participants. 3. Donna had something important she wanted to say to her new friend, but she hesitated. 4. Do we have to say anything that can hurt Frieda? 5. There was nothing else that I could do then. 6. The shop owner said she had an antique Arab coin that had to be examined. 7. Here is a list of books that should be studied for the course in Methodology. 8. Let’s ask Leo and he will certainly bring some food that we shall eat by the lake. 9. I’ve got a question that I want to ask you. 10. Has she got a spare room that can be used as a recording studio? 11. Shall we look for some other café where we can have lunch? 12. Is there instruction left that we need to see? 13. She was in need of a new dress she would wear for Chris’s party. 14. I just want to look around the place and see if there is anything that we could do here until Rea turns up.

Ex.4. TRANSLATE the sentences using the Infinitive as attribute to nouns, pronouns, substantivized adjectives, adverbs and numerals.

Examples: the first/second to arrive, something/nothing to say, last/next to enter, the thing/man to discuss, enough/little to take, etc.

I. 1. Он первый прервал молчание. 2. Она была первой, кто осознал опасность. 3. Не такой это был человек, чтобы не прийти другу на выручку. 4. Вы единственный поздравили меня с успехом. 5. Вот книга, которую хорошо почитать в поезде. 6. Мне надо о многом поговорить с вами. 7. У тебя нет ничего почитать об НЛО? 8. Ему больше нечего было сказать. 9. У девочки нет никого, кто мог бы о ней заботиться. 10. У тебя есть возможность избежать встречи с мистером Бинглом – воспользуйся ей. 11. У меня не было времени прочитать эту статью. 12. Он ушел из лаборатории последним. 13. У меня для вас новость. 14. Размышлять не оставалось времени.

II. 1. Он именно тот, кто может с этим справиться. 2. У меня есть все, что нужно взять на пикник. 3. У нее есть ребенок, о котором ей надо заботиться. 4. Вот статья, которую вы должны прочитать. 5. Он не такой человек, чтобы забыть о своем обещании. 6. Кто первым вошел в этот кабинет? 7. У Вас есть еще что-нибудь сказать в оправдание? 8. К сожалению, вы, я вижу, не можете предложить мне ничего, что могло бы заинтересовать меня. 9. Я теперь не помню, кто первый упомянул его имя. 10. У нас не было времени писать тебе записку. 11. Не было никого, кто мог бы указать ему как пройти к выходу. 12. Последним пересек финишную черту Джейсон. 13. Дайте мне время подумать. 14. У вас достаточно фактов для работы над статьей?