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Ex.1. COMMENT of the structure of Complex Object with participles. TRANSLATE the sentences into Russian.

1. I heard you talking to the visitor, so I decided to wait. 2. I noticed him sneaking out of the classroom, but I didn’t stop him. 3. If you call on him at noon you’ll probably find him still sleeping. 4. I suddenly felt my left arm going numb. 5. The family had her pregnancy concealed from the rest of the world for the sake of her own future. 6. I found him lying on the floor, barely showing signs of life. 7. Can I have my jacket dry-cleaned in this shop? 8. We heard Beethoven’s sonatas performed by an outstanding artist. 9. If I ever catch you doing this again, you shall get what you deserve. 10. Outside the hotel I found myself surrounded by a number of local reporters. 11. I wonder who set the fire going in the hearth. 12. We finally managed to start the van moving.

Ex.2. PARAPHRASE the sentences by using complex object phrases with infinitives or participles, where possible.

1. We saw that the old man had finished his scotch. 2. They heard how we were quarrelling the other day. 3. I know that he was once an outstanding hockey player. 4. I felt that he could speak against our proposal. 5. I could see how an old lady was crossing the street in front of a bus. 6. We listened to the music that was being played in the city main square. 7. Did you hear that Timothy has left for Austria to work as a car mechanic? 8. I will try and catch him when he reads my mail. 9. “You’d better take your watch to the repair shop for mending, it keeps being late.” 10. Have you noticed how he came in? 11. I see that you haven’t read the assigned paragraphs for our class. 12. He used to watch how older boys played football. 13. I’ve noticed you like Mozart more than any other composer. 14. I found that the car was left by the house across the street. 15. We left them when they were peacefully chatting about the holidays. 16. He didn’t like it that I should leave so early. 17. Have you ever heard how she sings Italian songs?

Ex.3. TRANSLATE the sentences into English using the construction with Complex Subject.

1. В саду послышалась негромкая музыка. 2. Книга была оставлена на диване открытой. 3. Бутылки были оставлены на подоконнике, где было прохладнее. 4. Его поймали, когда он просматривал документы на столе директора. 5. Если тебя еще раз застанут списывающим, тест придется повторить. 6. Заметили, как Софи украдкой посматривала на дверь, будто ожидая прихода еще кого-то. 7. Пострадавшего обнаружили лежащим навзничь на полу. 8. Двери должны быть открытыми. 9. На кухне была обнаружена зажженная газовая плита и кипящий чайник. 10. Видели, как он разговаривал с цыганкой у входа в усадьбу. 11. Письмо было обнаружено в ее бумагах незаконченным. 12. В тот день окно так и осталось разбитым вдребезги – только через пару дней вместо разбитой рамы вставили новую.

Ex.4. PRACTICE the construction Have+Object+PII to say that people arrange for someone else to do something for them or to say that something unexpected happened to someone. See the models.

Model 1: I have my coat cleaned every month.

They are having the house painted at the moment.

How often do you have your car serviced?

Model 2: He had all his money stolen.

George had his nose broken in a fight.

  1. ANSWER the questions using Model 1, as in the example: Did Anne make the dress herself?

– No, she had it made.

1. Did you clean your house yourself? 2. Did Jim cut that tree in his back yard himself? 3. Do you repair your car yourself? 4. Are they painting their house themselves? 5. Does she also write the lyrics to her songs? 6. Did you cut your hair yourself? 7. Do you make yourself all these injections? 8. Did Anne clean all the windows? 9. Was it you who moved all the furniture here? 10. Do you or your son cut the grass on the lawn?

B. COMPLETE the sentences using the same model and the verb-object prompts.

1. Ann’s watch had been broken, she took it to a jeweler’s and now it works fine, as she … (mend/watch). 2. Susanne is at the hairdresser’s at the moment. She is … (to do/hairstyle). 3. Can I see the holiday photographs you took? – I’m afraid not, I … (to print/pictures). 4. James? What a surprise! Have you come to see the dentist? – You see, I must … (to fill/tooth). 5. What are the workmen doing in your garden? – Oh, I … (to clear/garden). 6. I was reading aloud, while Miss Rachel … (to comb/hair). 7. He is not a man who needs … (to point out/his road). 8. I am going on a dangerous journey and I want … (examine/head and chest) before it. 9. I want you to be a qualified candidate for this position so I will … (teach smb./the mechanics of the job). 10. If you go on insulting me I will … (turn/you) out of here.

C. DEVISE sentences using Model 2 on the basis of the suggested sentence elements. MIND the articles, word order and the tense-aspect forms of the finite verb. HAVE them translated in class by other students.

1. We/have/bedroom/decorate/now.

2. When/have/you/flat/repair/last?

3. Director/have/desks/replace/computer desk-units.

4. Marsha/have/wallet/steal/market place.

5. She/already/have/hair/cut.

6. Where/have/you/coat/make?

7. I/not have/this poster/hang/this wall.

8. Here/can/you/have/your coat/clean/overnight.

9. She/have/kitchen/paint yellow.

10. I/need/have/photo/take/as soon as possible.

11. Where/I/can/have/car/wash/fast?

12. He/could/really/get/wound/himself/? – Yes, he/have/break/car accident/his both arms.

Ex.5. POINT OUT Complex Object with Participle I and Participle II, PARAPHRASE the sentences to show their semantic difference, where possible.


We found the door locked à We found that the door was locked (the meaning of the state/quality as the result of the preceding event, the so-called ‘stative passive’).

He smelt the meat cooking à He smelt that the meat was cooking (the meaning of the action/event in progress, happening simultaneously with the action of the finite predicate).

1. He had caught Mark hiding the cigarettes in a shoebox under his bed the day before. 2. She has just had her car cleaned. 3. Mark noticed the pistol lying between them. 3. “Take and separate all these grains, putting all of the same kind in a parcel by themselves, and see that you get it done before evening,” she said. 4. Do you want to go to doing different from what’s in the books, and get things all muddled up? 5. He found himself hoping that things would go as planned. 6. He could hear them buzzing like summer bumble-bees. 7. Often Jesus Pietro had watched groups of children standing fearful and excited at the dangerous edge, looking down toward the hidden roots of the mountain, daring each other to go closer and closer. 8. When he wasn’t writing letters, Yarber caught himself thinking about the money. 9. We had the roof repaired yesterday. 10. I don’t want you following me. 11. “Lady Brackenstall actually saw the three men drinking, did she not?” 12. I wanted the project abandoned, at least for now. 13. When I got down out of the tree, I crept along down the river bank, and found the two bodies lying in the edge of the water. 14. Just then I heard somebody coming down the stairs, back behind me. 15. When I got to the three log door-steps, I heard them unlocking and unbarring and unbolting.

Ex.6. TRANSLATE into English using Complex Object with the Participles:

a) after verbs of perception or inducement:

1. Она вдруг услышала, как назвали ее фамилию (call). 2. Когда тебе доставили новый компьютер? 3. Бабушка обнаружила детей в соседнем дворе – они играли под деревом. 4. Он добился, чтобы его назначили на этот пост. 5. Мы ясно слышали, как сигналы повторялись три или четыре раза. 6. Полковник приказал, чтобы пленных отправили в штаб (headquarters). 7. У меня вчера обворовали (burgle) дом. 8. Приехав из театра в гостиницу, я обнаружил, что меня ожидает телеграмма. 9. Я услышал, как кто-то идет по лестнице и отпер дверь посмотреть, не Лиза ли это. 10. Оглядев стадион, я увидел (spot) Стэнли беседующим с главным тренером у края дорожки. 11. Мне удалили два зуба. 12. Ты распорядился, чтобы принесли стулья для совещания (conference)? 13. Открыв шкаф, я обнаружил в нем спящего черного котенка (discover). 14. Почему она все время (keep) отворачивает лицо (avert)? 15. Я слышал, как он нас звал, но не мог ему ответить. 16. Я не позволю, чтобы эту картину отсюда убрали (remove). 17. Где Вам сшили этот чудесный костюм?

b) after verbs of wish and mental activity:

1. Гость предпочитает, чтобы кофе ему подавали (serve) со сливками (white). 2. Она находит эту проблему решенной. 3. Она не хочет, чтобы интервью было записано на пленку. 4. Желательно (prefer), чтобы ответ был дан не позднее среды. 5. Я полагаю, что такое объяснение не является удовлетворительным (satisfy). 6. Не позволю, чтобы со мной разговаривали так высокомерно. 7. Я полагаю, что вопрос исчерпан. 8. Так вы хотите, чтобы это письмо перевели на испанский? 9. Он попросил, чтобы его костюм погладили к шести часам вечера. 10. Я хочу, чтобы этот документ был напечатан в двух экземплярах.

Ex.7. TRANSLATE into English using the infinitive or participle I in Complex Object phrases:

1. Я знаю ее как честную и бескомпромиссную журналистку. 2. Мы наблюдали, как он взял топор и направился в сарай, а затем вышел, но уже с корзиной в руке. 3. Я заметила, что, когда раздался выстрел в соседней комнате, он разговаривал с новым гостем. 4. Мы уже слышали, как Лидия исполняет вальсы Штрауса. 5. Вы слышали, как она вчера вечером пела в своей комнате? 6. Он наблюдал, как люди торопились к выходу на перрон. 7. Мне не довелось видеть, чтобы она улыбалась или шутила. 8. Заставьте его переписать контрольную. 9. Крис заметил, что она бросила письмо на стол, не читая. 10. Скажите, чтобы принесли бумагу и цветные фломастеры. 11. Утро застало их все еще обсуждающими план побега. 12. Они ощутили по запаху, что в духовке уже готовится индейка. 13. Кто-то из нас увидел, как она второпях выскочила из дому. 14. Дайте мне подумать. 15. Пусть чайник немного покипит. 16. Мы очень хотим услышать, как вы играете на гитаре. 17. Мы наблюдали, как гоночный автомобиль набирает скорость на большом вираже. 18. Вам нужно сдать телевизор в ремонт. 19. У Брентов я обнаружил, что меня окружают друзья и доброжелатели (well-wisher).

Ex.8. POINT OUT Nominative Absolute constructions with the Participles or without them, and ANALYSE what their elements are expressed by. State the functions of the absolutives.

1. Pale-lipped, his heart pounding in his side, Andrew followed the secretary back into the committee room. 2. The visit over, they would set forth home, walking very slowly in the high narrow streets. 3. I sit at my desk, pen in hand, and trace figures. 4. Jack sat silent, his long face impassive and his long legs stretched out. 5. Then the bird fluttered away, running, trailing the broken wing with him in pursuit. 6. The air being cleared, the stars began to appear. 7. There was no moon at all, it not having risen yet, when Maryann entered Rick’s room. 8. The Carnatic, its repairs being completed, left Hong Kong twelve hours before the stated time; and we must now wait a week for another steamer. 9. My curiosity being aroused, I opened the mysterious door, and found myself in a narrow, blind corridor. 10. The Sun being the centre, the planet or world nearest the Sun is Mercury. 11. “Silence,” she said, her lips trembling. 12. “No, I do not,” he said, very firmly, his temper rising with each word. 13. “No party this year?” Candi asked, her eyes locking on to Nora’s like radar. 14. “Other things being equal,” said Holmes, “one would suspect the person at whose head the master threw a decanter.” 15. Life was no longer safe in England with the King spending his time and money with foreign favorites and buying alien soldiery to fight against his own barons, instead of insuring the peace and protection which is the right of every Englishman at home.

Ex.9. PARAPHRASE the sentences by replacing the underlined fragments by the nominative absolute constructions. GIVE variants, where possible.

1. As the room was dark, I couldn’t see him. 2. Every child from the neighbourhood could enjoy skating and hockey since the pond got frozen rock-solid. 3. This town is known as one of the busiest junctions – a number of railroad lines are passing through and near it. 4. Having written the letter he went out to post it. 5. When Dorian bowed to him shyly from the end of the table, a flush of pleasure stole into his cheek. 6. He stood up holding his hands behind him. 7. Within an hour he left but his thoughts were still confused and troubled. 8. When the table was laid, mother invited us to a holiday meal. 9. We set off; the rain was still coming down heavily. 10. He lay quietly on his sofa; he had a book in his hand but didn’t seem to be reading. 11. He talked hurriedly and his face was flushed, his cheeks burning. 12. The question was rather difficult to answer at once, and I asked for permission to think it over. 13. Dinner was served on the terrace, as it was very close in the room. 14. Now two of my books are lost therefore I am not going to let anyone borrow my books. 15. As our efforts to start the car had failed, we spent the night at a nearby village.

Ex.10. TRANSLATE the sentences using Absolute Constructions with and without the Participles.

1. Солнце еще не взошло – было сумрачно, туманно, где-то в деревне запели петухи. 2. Было очень жарко, и поэтому все старались найти хоть какую-нибудь тень. 3. Он вошел в офис с большой коробкой в руках. 4. Не постучав, мы шагнули в дверь, так она была широко распахнута. 5. Я смогу выполнить Вашу просьбу, если мой помощник подменит меня на дежурстве. 6. Потеряв ключ, я не мог открыть ящик с документами. 7. Дик и Трейси остались разговаривать в гостиной, а мне пришлось идти на кухню. 8. Так как поездов больше не было, мы решили остаться еще на день. 9. После окончания вечеринки он остался в зале и размышлял, что ему предпринять. 10. Затем, с сигарой во рту, он стал представлять нам гостей. 11. Он все еще стоял и слушал с широко раскрытыми глазами, как другие обсуждают эту новость. 12. Мы шли медленно, так как не было луны, и дорожки в парке были едва различимы. 13. Он внимательно посмотрел на нее, - его любопытство пробудилось, и в глазах его показался интерес к продолжению беседы. 14. Судьи решили не присуждать первого места, поскольку сразу две участницы показали просто великолепные результаты и были удостоены Гран-при (Grand Prix).

Ex.11. PRACTICE written translation: translate into Russian paying attention to Complex Object and Absolute Constructions with the Participles.

  1. In a large-sized man, love like his would have been touching. In a good man, it would have been grand. He being what he was, it was only a nuisance.

  2. Dorian Gray never took his gaze off him, but sat like one under a spell, smiles chasing each other over his lips and wonder growing grave in his darkening eyes.

  3. He was always late on principle, his principle being that punctuality is the thief of time.

  4. Ronald, crossing the pine grove from the hermitage to the monastery, suddenly noticed Andy lying face downwards on the ground under a tree, not moving and apparently asleep.

  5. He found the thought of having to go to a date at the circus show exhilarating rather than depressing; certainly it helped to distract him from his personal problems.

  6. She waited on patiently, almost cheerfully, without alarm, her memories gradually giving place to hopes and visions of the future.