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Ex.1. CONTINUE the sentences so that to use infinitives as objects.

1. Will you promise … ? 2. She has never pretended … . 3. I remember you promised … . 4. Would you explain to me, please … ? 5. I’d like … to start with. 6. I am so sorry I forgot … . 7. The girl sitting in the cinema next to me asked … . 8. My son wants … as soon as possible. 9. I will never ask you … . 10. The director demanded … .

Ex.2. PARAPHRASE the sentences using a verb with infinitive as its object instead of a noun.


I remember your promise not to talk about it.

à I remember that you promised not to talk about it.

1. They soon forgot the promise to find the book I wanted. 2. I was irritated by his refusal to answer the inspector’s questions. 3. George’s decision to quit the hockey club impressed the reporters. 4. My only wish was to be informed regularly. 5. They made a decision to have a talk about reptiles as a class discussion. 6. Her proposal to introduce changes to the scheme was welcomed. 7. He had no permission to leave the class. 8. He didn’t have any intention to let you down. 9. I told him of my agreement to accept the lawyer’s offer. 10. “Had the trainer given you any instructions to check the bicycles before?” asked the police officer. 11. They were driving to the country for dinner and she had the intention to force the issue of her marriage that night. 12. At last they came to the decision to buy the Alderton Sentinel. 13. It was obvious that he had a longing to confide his secret to someone. 14. She gave her consent to substitute for the teacher who fell ill.

Ex.3. COMPLETE the sentences, using infinitives after wh-pronouns when, how, what, which, where, etc. or conjunctions whether and if.

Example: He wanted to show how to operate the new word-processor.

1. The judge’s question made him instantly wary, unsure of … . 2. I was helping her to collect the clean linen. She was telling me … it. 3. Can you help me with this Walkman? I’m not sure … . 4. There were so many books on the shelves that we did not know … . 5. She is always acting as a boss, she tells everyone … . 6. But now that school is over, his wife Jenny doesn’t know … with the kids until camp starts. 7. When I heard the fatal news I was so bewildered, I didn’t know … or …. 8. We know … snow and ice; we live with it. 9. He didn’t know … his faith in her. 10. “And did you believe him?” “I wasn’t sure …, at that point.” 11. “Would you like to tell me the situation?” “Uh... I’m not sure … .” “We could start with your full name and address, and your age.” 12. Don’t worry! He would show you how … . 13. I explain to my cabdriver that I want an inexpensive motel in the vicinity, and he knows exactly … . 14. It was clear they still hesitated … or … .

Ex.4. PRACTICE saying what is important, useful, wise, etc. to do in your opinion. USE the pattern of INF phrases I find it useful/important to do smth.


It’s necessary to learn Grammar à I find it necessary to learn Grammar

(Does she / do you find it necessary to learn Grammar?)

1. It’s important to do exercises on correction. 2. It’s easy to roller-skate. 3. It’s necessary to let him know of Alice’s arrival – he has been expecting her visit so long! 4. It’s wise to attend this guy’s lecture on Economics, he’s famous. 5. It’s shameful to speak back to your mother, she just wants you to be happy, that’s all. 6. Is it hard to translate at a conference? 7. Is it reasonable to refuse such offers of cooperation? 8. Is it useful to be knowledgeable? 9. Was it harmless to touch a snake at the Zoo? 10. Was it correct to interrupt the lecturer several times? 11. It is incorrect to use this grammar form in relation to the past tense of the verb. 12. It was very clever to purchase a long rope for the hike.

Ex.5. TRANSLATE into English.

1. В машине они обсудили, что делать дальше. 2. Он не знал, как начать разговор. 3. Она показала, куда ехать. 4. Я не считаю нужным сообщать им все детали моего плана. 5. Мы сомневались, послать ли ему телеграмму или письмо. 6. Миссис Дриффилд любезно предложила прислать за мной машину, но я решил пройтись пешком. 7. Он даже не предпринял попытки остановить Дейзи. 8. После такого вопроса мы не знали, что делать дальше. 9. Мне и в голову не могло прийти, что ты намереваешься покинуть мой дом. 10. Я полагаю, что позвонить и предупредить его будет очень важным. 11. Соседи наверняка захотят узнать, где Кенни был все это время. 12. Мне не сказали, что делать дальше. 13. Она решила поговорить с Отцом Гайлом. Возможно, он понял что-то такое, чего она сама никак не могла понять. 14. Так как утром Селина почувствовала себя хуже, она решила остаться дома. 15. Он просто сгорал от желания спросить Марион, как ей понравилась его мать, но не решался. 16. Вы считаете удобным просить его дать Вам роль в новом фильме? 17. Я очень благодарна вам за то, что вы помогли мне, наконец, отвлечься от грустных мыслей. 18. Он позвонил Мисс Гритс и попросил ее пообедать с ними.

Ex.6. TRANSLATE the sentences. MIND the use of the Infinitive as Object in English and Russian:

A. 1. Marian wrote to specify the day and hour at which I requested to see him on private business. 2. Princess Helene asked to see the portrait of her aunt’s husband. 3. Sonya cried and begged to be forgiven. 4. He has asked to see you immediately. 5. Now Tom began to scrawl something on the slate, hiding the words from the girl. But she begged to see. 6. “That night, the last night of the year, towards nine o’clock, a man in a black dress rang at my gate, and demanded to see me”. 7. She had declined all offers of assistance with thanks, and had only asked to be left to rest in quiet. 8. Rosanna Spearman had asked to go out, for the usual reason, that her head was bad, and she wanted a breath of fresh air. 9. Nat was not strong enough for the long walk, and asked to stay at home with Tommy. 10. He produced the ring he had received from his uncle and demanded to be led to the Sultan’s presence. 11. When Juno saw my vase she asked to have it as a gift. 12. He wrote a note to Nero, in which he demanded to know the charges against him.

B. 1. Уолтер написал письмо, в котором потребовал, чтобы ему сообщили причины его увольнения. 2. На следующее утро гонец продолжил свой путь к лагерю войск императора и там потребовал, чтобы его к нему провели. 3. Инспектор просила разрешить ей осмотреть новые цеха. 4. Он высказал просьбу, чтобы ему дали возможность выступить первым. 5. Когда время платежа уже прошло, он потребовал, чтобы ему отдали его деньги. 6. Он попросил показать ему, что я читал. 7. Я просил разрешения остаться у них еще на пару дней. 8. Он умолял, чтобы никому ничего без его дозволения впредь не давали. 9. Потребуйте, чтобы вам дали не копию, а оригинал документа. 10. Когда тело его онемело, он попросил, чтобы его развязали, пообещав не пытаться бежать, ведь все равно кругом было открытое море. 11. Заметив вслух, что больше ей нечего сообщить, она высказала просьбу закончить интервью. 12. Она смотрела утомленным взором на стоящих подле ее кровати; наконец она попросила, чтобы ее подняли и усадили.