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  • The functions of Participle I in the sentence

  • The functions of Participle II in the sentence

  • Predicative Constructions with the Participle

  • The Functions of the Gerund in the Sentence

  • The Predicative Constructions with the Gerund

  • The Functions of the Infinitive in the Sentence

  • The Objective-with-the-Infinitive Constructions

  • The for-to-Infinitive Constructions

  • The Subjective Infinitive Constructions


Way of translation

English sentence

Russian translation

The Passive construction is translated by the analogous Russian construction.

Quality indicators need to be integrated within the instructional lines to evaluate educational processes and their outcomes on every pupil.

instructional lines - руководящие [методические] указания [инструкции]

The Passive construction is translated by the Active one.

Trainees are thus given the opportunity to practice behavior in conditions identical to or at least very similar to those they will meet when they complete the course.

The Passive construction is translated by the indefinite-personal sentence (неопрделенно-личное предложение).

A strategy may be thought of as a pattern of purposes, policies, programs, actions, decisions, and/or resource allocations that defines what an organization is, what it does, and why it does it.

resource allocation - распределение ресурсов

One legendary Chanel creation, hand-embroidered by celebrated Maison Lesage, is said to have sold for 230 000 euros.

embroidered - украшенный вышивкой, вышитый

Maison Lesage - дом моды Мишоне

Functions of the modal verbs

Modal verb


English sentence

Russian translation


Physical or mental ability (to be able to is an equivalent)

To fill its entry-level marketing positions, the company recruits students from universities or business schools who can demonstrate an ability to handle cross-cultural situations.

entry-level position - начальная должность [работа] (должность, на которую назначаются новые работники, не обладающие большим опытом и квалификацией, т. е. первая должность при поступлении на работу)

handle - управлять (чем-л.), справляться (с чем-л.)

He will be able to use the computer after he finishes the training course.

Possibility + permission

1) due to circumstances

Unions are institutions which counterbalance the centrifugal forces created by globalization and technological change. They can play a crucial role both in redressing imbalances of power in the process of change and in ensuring that productivity increases are used to raise living standards in an equitable way.

counterbalance - уравновешивать, служить противовесом

crucial - ключевой; решающий

redress - восстанавливать (равновесие)

equitable – справедливый

2) due to existing laws

You cannot play football in the street (i.e., you have no right).

Incredibility, doubt, astonishment ‘

How could she have been so cold, so unloving to this adorable creature? How could she have been so blind?

adorable - милый, восхитительный, очаровательный


Permission ‘

It was entirely my fault. Please, forgive me. May I kiss you?

Uncertainty as to the fulfillment of an action, state or occurrence, supposition implying doubt

Children may find it hard to settle back into school or relate to old playmates.

Possibility due to circumstances

In either case, the survey questions generally ask people not to evaluate their own characteristics but to describe their past behavior. For example, they might be asked when they had last eaten a meal from a cuisine that was unfamiliar to them.

cuisine - кухня, стол (питание; кулинарное искусство)


You might pay more attention to your lessons.


Necessity or obligation

1) due to circumstances

They must perceive that the learning will be relevant and useful to them personally.

2) arising out of the nature of man and consequently inevitable

All experience tended to show that man must die. (Galsworthy)

A command or a prohibition

You must leave the room at once!

Probability or supposition, bordering on assurance, almost a conviction (In this function must corresponds to the Russian должно быть), that is logical assumption

I must have seen you somewhere, your face is very familiar to me.

Strong advice

You must come and have dinner with us some day.

Should / ought to


It should be specially prepared with briefs written for each participant explaining the situation.

brief - инструкция, задание


Care should be taken when making this computation …

computation - вычисление; выкладка, расчет

Something which can be naturally expected

In today’s brave new, though uncertain, world, it should come as no surprise to learn that new groups of workers are looking to unions to represent them.

uncertain - нестабильный; изменчивый

group of workers - бригада

union - профсоюз

To be to + Infinitive

An order which is generally the result of an arrangement made by one person for another, an arrangement which is not to be discussed

As described in FASB … such fees are to be deferred …

FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board) - Совет по стандартам финансового учета

defer - задерживать, откладывать, отсрочивать

An arrangement or agreement, part of a plan

I was to send him a letter. (mutual arrangement)

Possibility ‘

(In this meaning the passive form of the Infinitive is used unless it is a question beginning with the interrogative adverb how. Here the meaning of the modal expression comes very close to that of the verb can.)

And he knew that higher intellects than those of the Morse circle were to be found in the world. (London)

Something thought of as unavoidable

Sally wished Morris could be on the same terms of easy friendliness with her as he was with everybody else. But evidently, it was not to be. (Prichard)

terms - личные отношения

To have to + Infinitive

Obligation or necessity arising out of circumstances (It is often rendered in Russian приходиться, должен, вынужден)

The instructor may have to repeat the presentation …


Compulsion or strict order

Section 11(a) of the Federal Reserve Act provides that the Board of Governors shall publish once each week a statement showing the condition of each Federal Reserve Bank and a consolidated statement for all Federal Reserve Banks.

board of governors - совет управляющих

statement - (официальный) отчет


Shall we do this exercise now?

Threat or warning

You shall repent of this neglect of duty, Mr. Gummer. (Dickens)

repent - раскаиваться; сокрушаться; каяться, сожалеть


Don’t be afraid, Jane, I saw it was an accident. You shall not be punished. (Ch. Brontё)


Volition (волевой акт, хотение), intention (in most cases this meaning is rendered in Russian by emphatic intonation, but sometimes the verb хотеть is used

All I can hope for ultimately is that the error is not too great and that the element of chance inherent in the technique will work for me rather than against me.

ultimately - в конечном счёте, в конце концов

element of chance - элемент случайности

Persistence referring to the present or to the future

During the follow-up stage, the learner will continue to need help with particularly difficult tasks …

follow-up stage - стадия доработки


Volition (волевой акт, хотение)

He would do it.

Persistence (настойчивость, упорство, непоколебимость)

Generally, this liability would be increased by the accruals, decreased by claim payments …

liability – обязательство

accrual - постепенное увеличение капиталов, начисление, поступление

claim payment - платежи по заявлению о выплате страхового возмещения


Dare means ‘to have courage (or impertinence - дерзость, наглость, нахальство) to do sth. In the negative it denotes the lack of courage to do sth.

Dare is mostly used in interrogative and negative sentences.

You dare address me in that tone! (Shaw)

He didn’t dare to meet his uncle. (Kruisinga)


Necessity (it is mostly used in negative and interrogative sentences)

You needn’t be in such a fright. Take my arm. (Shaw)