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Кикоть В.М. Декодирование и воссоздание подтекста как состав-ляющей поэтического макрообраза (на материале поэзии Роберта Фроста и ее переводов). – Рукопись.

Диссертация на соискание ученой степени кандидата филологических наук по специальности 10.02.16 – переводоведение. – Киевский национальный университет имени Тараса Шевченко. – Киев, 2009.

Диссертация посвящена исследованию особенностей возникновения, де-кодирования и перевода подтекста как составляющей макрообраза поэтичес-кого произведения.

В диссертации изложена история исследования подтекста и смежных по-нятий, релевантных для перевода; рассмотрены характеристики подтекста как образной доминанты, роль ретроспекции в декодировании и воссоздании под-текста; исследовано значение затекстной информации в переводе подтекста и воздействие последовательности произведений в поэтическом цикле на его тол-кование и перевод; рассмотрена роль идиолектной символики в интерпретации подтекста; выявлены границы контекста, в рамках которого осуществляется актуализация и интерпретация подтекста, а также определены факторы, влия-ющие на его декодирование и перевод.

Ключевые слова: подтекст, перевод, декодирование, образная доминанта, идиолектная символика, контекст, последовательность произведений, ретро-спекция, макрообраз.


Valeriy Kykot. Decoding and Rendering Implied Sense as a Poem Macro-Image Component (as based on Robert Frost’s writings and their translations). – Manuscript.

Thesis for the Scholarly Degree of Candidate of Philology, Speciality 10.02.16 – Translation studies. – The Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University. – Kyiv, 2009.

The thesis deals with implied sense in Robert Frost writings and their translations. It contributes to the theory of literary translation, particularly the verse translation. It focuses on rendering the poetic implied sense regarded as a subsemantic image that constitutes a relatively independent component of a poem as macroimage. It also presents the first comprehensive study of a subsemantic image both in monocultural and cross-cultural contexts, it sets up a theoretical framework for decoding the poetic implied sense through such its indices as idiostyle symbols and the sequence of poems.

The research enables to prove that poetic implied sense is revealed and interpreted both within one supra-phrasal unit and in correlation of several contact and distant supra-phrasal units but more frequently on the whole text level.

Implied sense in poetic text is presented by signals (markers). By means of those markers implied sense is revealed and reconstructed in translation. Poetic implied sense can be intentional and occasional. Both types of implied sense are to be reconstructed in the poetic translation. Sometimes poetic implied sense presents an additional poem content but it is more frequent that it presents the main concept of the poem. At the same time it is a special type of image: implied sense image.

Implied sense image is an image that is constructed on semantic and composition level. The translation theory principle of synthesized analysis providing macroimage poem approach enables to distinguish implied sense image as macroimage component – subsemantic image. If a subsemantic image forms the main idea of a poem it acquires dominancy while poem rendering.

Subsemantic image elements analysis while rendering has to be done in two aspects – compositional and structural. The primary goal in poem stylistic analysis is revealing certain correlation of individual (compositional) and general (structural) function in each element.

Subsemantic image is shaped in proportion as content-factual information in the whole aesthetical text structure is developed. Because of the fact that subsemantic image structure most frequently envelopes the whole poem and thus implied sense and poem limits coincide one may assume that structural correlation between components of a poem having its subsemantic bearing becomes a basic rule of implied sense perception and rendering.

Subsemantic image as implication category is not always distinguished in poetic text and thus not always perceived by recipient-translator. Its interpretation varies even in case of its complete or incomplete perception, however it is not boundless but it is limited by the text and is subordinate to it. Co-authorship of author and translator is the main condition of adequate poetic translation.

Among the factors influencing subsemantic image decoding and rendering are: translator’s knowledge extent of original and translation languages and language analysis means, translator’s association memory and its activity, time criteria, territory, national and cultural originality, translator’s experience and general information thesaurus, translator’s capability to get to the bottom of social, political, cultural and historical background of the original poem, other translator’s background knowledge including author biography details, poem writing history and conditions, poem critical materials, author’s comments and sayings, author’s philosophical, social, political and other views, memoirs and epistolary etc.

Text inner relation system research plays significant role in implied sense rendering. This research consists of two processes: a process of text related elements repetition and a process of their retrospective correlation. Retrospection not only creates conditions for the system construction but also plays an important role in decoding and rendering all the scope of image information that the confronted units bring. The whole information scope is decoded and reconstructed in translation as a result of all repeated unit analysis only.

A poem can in many cases find its identical interpretation being only perceived within the context of the whole book it belongs to. It is because all poems in the book are quite often mutually supplemented or they have image correlation. This approach and analyzed patterns are shaping basis for one author writings unity phenomenon as well as existence and interconditionality of individual author symbols (idiolect symbols) that often base poetic implied sense. Writings unity phenomenon also explains important role of sequence of poems within poem series, book or the whole author literary heritage as well as the necessity of complex analysis of a certain author writings dealing with all texts as with individual style paradigm. The paradigm is a groundwork for revealing objective association meaning spectrum of image or symbol the subsemantic poetic image is based on.

Syntagmatic level poems examination shows the Robert Frost poetry frequently repeated words reaching symbol level due to the author’s poetic text organization. At the same time image analysis within the text as integral structure helps to reveal the symbol sense perspective. An appropriate poems translations examination enables to reveal functional capability of translator’s image rendering means.

Context necessary for implied sense image comprehending and interpretation (receptive interpreter context) is characterized by wide outer textual relations and may differ in size. It is an objective criterion of various translations and subjective interpretations estimate. Meanings of language and image units poetic images and macroimage consist of are actualized, concretized and elaborated in receptive interpreter context.

Key words: implied sense, translation, decoding, image dominant, idiolect symbol, context, sequence of poems, retrospection, macroimage.