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  • Making Business Presentation Sample a


We 'all know | that there have been some 'major changes in our market over the

last ten years | and we can expect further changes over the next ten years. 'I’d like to


pre'sent the trends | over the last ten ˙years | and also anticipate the trends we

predict | over the next ten years. 'I’d like to pre'sent the trends | over the last ten

˙years | and also anticipate the trends we predict | over the next ten years.

s s s

I’m not going to talk for long – 'just long enough | to 'give you an overview | of


developments | so that we can discuss the implications …

Sample b

s s s

So | 'that’s our 'view of the market position. In particular | we’ve noted our


trading strength | 'as well as our weaknesses. 'Moving on | 'now I’d like to 'take a

˙look at our 'organization | and at our 'company culture. 'First ˙of all | let me say | it

s s s s

has 'given me great | personal satisfaction 'to 'read in the press | that Rossomon | is

s s

con'sidered one of the 'hundred ''best companies to 'work ˙for in the UK.

  • Advertising Sample a


Which fabric conditioner has a softness that feels this good against your skin?

s s

Everybody feels good in Lenor.

Sample b

f f

Kellog’s fruit and fibre’s delicious combination of fruit, nuts and flakes means


you never know what’s gonna come next. For instance one minute it’s … and the

f s

next it might be. See what I mean? Absolutely delicious. Kellog’s fruit and fibre!


Every mouthful is a new experience.

1.5. Voice Volume

Voice volume refers to the degree of loudness or the intensity of sound. What you need to know is how to control the volume of your voice so that it is appropriate for the situation in which you are speaking. In general, voice volume must be adjusted to fit these situations, namely

  1. speaking face to face;

  2. speaking to a group;

  3. speaking with electronic equipment.

We would like to point out here that voice volume /loudness/ is classified into normal, increased a) being either louder than usual or b) shouting at the top of one’s voice, and diminished a) speaking in a soft voice or b) very softly indeed.

This is how voice volume is marked:

  • normal –

is left unmarked

  • i ncreased



  • d iminished

a) -----------------

b) ……………..

Focus on:

Try these stretches to observe variation of the voice volume. Keep to the marks and practice over the examples to be appropriate for the phonetic style of communication. Remember to use the appropriate rate.