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Упражнения на закрепление материала

1.Переведите предложения, используя приемы транскрипции и/или транслитерации.

Bank of London, Minnesota, Wall Street Journal, Detroit Red Wings, Beatles.

2. Дайте русские соответствия названиям. Обратите внимание на то, что данные названия передаются на русский язык методом калькирования.

А. The Irish Sea, Montenegro, the North Sea, Easter Island, the Salt Lake, Cape of Good Hope, the Orange River the Rocky Mountains

B. The Royal Academy, the World Health Organization, the Winter Palace, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the White House, the American Astronomical Society, the National Gallery, the Table Tennis Association, the British Museum

3. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на передачу названий и имен собственных.

1. John Harris, a Republican, and heir to the Standard Oil fortune, donated to the environmental causes.

2. Linda Pritzker, a Tibetan Buddhist, is heiress to the Pritzker family fortune, the founder of Slimfast.

3. The French Trade Minister said France would urge other EU countries to reject the WTO draft at a meeting of European foreign ministers in Brussels on Monday.

4. The five richest states (Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and

Maryland) all voted for Mr. Gore. Mr. Bush won the 14 poorest states, except New Mexico.

5. Mr. Dahlan was arrested 11 times by the Israelis and served five years in Israeli jails, picking up fluent Hebrew in the process. He was expelled from Gaza in 1988 and made his way to Mr. Arafat's headquarters in Tunis from where he

helped direct the first antifada.

6. De Beers recently signed a deal with African Diamonds, a Dublin-based diamond exploration company that also has projects in Sierra Leone, Lesotho and Guinea.

7. Miramax movie mogul Harvey Weinstein was so impressed by the Christian Dior hante-couture show in Paris that he has asked their flamboyant designer John Galliano if he'll direct one of his films.

8. The US Marines arrived in Somalia last week to orchestrate the evacuation of the last of the UN's peacekeepers.

9. Tour de France winner Floyd Landis was sacked by his team after the back-up doping sample taken during the race confirmed that he had excessive levels of testosterone in his body.

10. Research from Boston College's Centre on Retirement suggests that no more than 10 per cent of those drawing benefits at 62 are genuinely unable to work.

4. Затранскрибируйте:

- своё имя, отчество и фамилию

- свой адрес

- 5 знакомых вам населённых пунктов края или СибФО

- названия любимых музыкальных групп.

Обзорные упражнения

1. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом. Назовите лексические трансформации, которые вы использовали при переводе.

1. Caroline was a dedicated athlete. Her elder sister nicknamed her "Miss Wimbledon".

2. Eddie was convinced that body-building exercises could turn any weakling into an athlete.

3. The recent governmental crisis has brought about a reshuffle of the Cabinet.

4. Mrs. Leary was proud of her collection of fine china which was displayed in two walnut cabinets in her parlour.

5. It was obvious that the collapse of the bridge which was heavily guarded by the German troops was definitely not a mere accident but an act of sabotage.

6. The deliberate disregard for the administration's instructions on the part of the staff was nothing but sabotage.

7. He was a young man of about eighteen, tall and wellbuilt, but with a sallow complexion which suggested poor health.

8. By the time the expedition was reached by the rescue party the men had run out of food and had been living for several days on biscuits and water.

9. In the highly unsanitary conditions of the little African village every minor disease may prove fatal.

10. Among Shakespeare's characters Hamlet is the one that allows of dozens of interpretations.

11. The rich collection of Egyptian parchments treasured at the Cairo museum keeps a record of the ancient civiliza­tion.

12. Peter kept practicing for months because he was set on breaking his own last year's record in the high jump.

2. Проанализируйте следующие варианты перевода словосочетаний. Определите правильный вариант перевода.

внутренняя политика

inner police

domestic policy

секретный замок

secret lock

combination lock

центральная газета

central paper

national paper

первый рейс (о корабле)

first voyage

maiden voyage

официальное приглашение

official invitation

formal invitation

фабричная марка

factory mark

trade mark

фактическое положение дел

factual state of affairs

actual state of affairs




коммунальные услуги

communal services

public utilities

специальное образование

special education

specialist education

регулировать движение

to regulate traffic

to control traffic


to gasify

to supply with gas,

to install gas

фундаментальная библиотека

fundamental library

main library

3. Переведите на русский язык предложения, используя лексические трансформации.

1. He went to the telephone and placed a person-to-person call, collect, to Mrs. Evelyn Hollenbach.

2. A radio was playing country music.

3. He became a public relations agent for General Electric, New York.

4. In the U.S. Labor Day is always celebrated on the first Monday in September.

5. On Saturday night Slim took the young man to a beer hall for a few drinks and a game of darts.

6. The customs officer asked me to step into the office. I entered the room where the Stars and Stripes stood shoulder to shoulder with the Union Jack.

7. "By the way, that is your green Ford at a parking meter outside, isn't it?"

"Yes, why?"

"There's a traffic warden putting a parking ticket on it."

8. The 180-ton ship «Mayflower», carrying the Pilgrim Fathers to their new life across the Atlantic, left England on September 6th, 1620.

9. About 4,600 years ago - or may be more - the Stone Age inhabitants of Britain started building an enormous stone structure. This structure is now called Stonehenge, and it is near Salisbury, in the South of England.

4. Не переводя всего предложения, определите, каким словом можно перевести существительное men, которое требует конкретизации.

1. Before he left, Columbus also told his men to build a fort and moat to impress the Indians.

2. The news trickled back that General Lee had issued orders that no private property in Pennsylvania should be touched, that looting world be punished by death ... Not turn the men loose in the rich storehouses of that prosperous state?

3. Scarlett was indignant that he had read her mind. She liked to believe herself a mystery to men, but she knew Rhett thought her as transparent as glass.

4. Nowadays the only news was that which passed from mouth to mouth. Short of paper, short of ink, short of men, the newspapers had suspended publications after the siege began, and the wildest rumors appeared from nowhere and swept through the town.

5. The Vikings began their expeditions from the Scandinavian countries about 800 A.D. and went on until about 1000 A.D. While trading, looting and conquering, these tall, blond, blue-eyed men found their way to the British Isles, the Frankish empire and the Mediterranean, to the Baltic lands, Russia, Byzantium, Iceland, Greenland and America.

5. Переведите предложения, пользуясь приемом конкретизации или генерализации.

1. His hands were short and broad.

2. There was a similar campaign about 10 years ago.

3. From her corner she could see every inch of the big room.

4. It turned my limbs leaden.

5. Our challenge now is to promote ideas of freedom.

6. The lady's hat was an elaborate affair of ribbons and feathers.

7. Martin's performance at the exam was, unfortunately, far from perfect.

8. It is now perfectly clear to me that my previous pattern of life was gone for ever.

9. If you make up your mind to visit Madrid I can be of some help to you. I've got a nice little place there and I'm sure you'll find it very comfortable.

10. All the houses along the seafront promenade had black, blank windows, for this was a summer place, in February it was only half alive.

11. She had been in perfect health when she stepped off the kerb in Piccadilly and the car had killed her.

12. James looked furtively at Irene and across from her to Soames. "He's fond of her, I know," he thought. "Look at the way he's always giving her things."

6. Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания. Назовите прием, который вы использовали при переводе.

A. Modern weapons; defences; other philosophies of the past; workers of all industries; imports and exports; chemicals; cottons.

B. Presidential campaign; campaign trail; election rally; Tory bill; Tory cabinet; anti-nuke rally; conference diplomacy; conference facilities; foreign aid policy; management development; disarmament debate; disarmament negotiations; proliferation of international organizations; proliferation of parties; inaugural address; inaugural meeting; moderate government; moderate leader, negotiated peace.

7. Сопоставьте английские названия международных организаций с их русскими эквивалентами. Выделите слова, которые были добавлены при передаче наименований международных организаций на русский язык.

World University Service

Всемирная организация помощи студенчеству

International Africa Institute

Международный институт изучения Африки

International Economic Association

Международная научно-экономическая ассоциация

International Federation of Arts, Letters and Sciences

Международная федерация деятелей искусства, литературы и науки

International Liaison Committee of Organizations for Peace

Международный комитет по связям организаций борьбы за мир

International Music Council

Международный совет по вопросам музыки

International Refugee Organization

Международная организация ООН по делам беженцев

International Social Science Council

Международный совет по изучению общественных наук

United Nations Conference on

International Organizations

Конференция ООН по вопросам международных организаций

United Nations Standards

Coordinating Committee

Координационный комитет ООН по вопросам стандартизации

8. Переведите предложения на русский язык, используя прием лексического опущения.

1. He felt that he knew nothing. (Cronin)

2. Poirot sighed. He was glad that he was no longer young. (Christie)

3. I said to him that I didn't want to come.

4. He will do this work as soon as he can.

5. I shall go home after I have finished my work.

6. He will ring me up unless he gets home too late.

7. I shall post this letter, provided I don't forget about it.

8. John said that he knew nothing about Robert’s arrival.

9. The young man said that he was glad to get acquainted with her.

9. Переведите предложения, используя прием антонимического перевода.

1. Our bus just missed a car in the thick fog.

2. It seems they are in danger of missing the point.

3. The potato crop has failed this year.

4. He failed in his second attempt to pass a driving test.

5. Rules prevent any college athlete from accepting money.

6. He could hardly wait to tell them his good news.

7. He withdrew into his own little sitting room all the time and hardly ever came out.

8. There was a macaroni cheese on the kitchen table but hardly anyone was eating.

9. Feel free to do whatever you need here, but please remember to lock up when you leave.

10. His father hardly said anything at all.

11. Sometimes I don't think she knows who I am and what position I hold at County Hall.

12. She hardly ever saw her daughter, couldn't she stay in Dublin for another day?

13. I fail to understand how people can fail to be moved by art.

14. It is tomorrow that I see her and I can hardly wait to watch the hours go by.

15. I confirm that I am ignorant of Rachel's current whereabouts.

16. Some analysts believe that the ECB (European Central Bank) is reluctant to take new members.

17. All the countries but Poland miss the test for low inflation by a mile. This could prove a barrier to euro entry.

18. All that time he was a little reluctant to join one of the city's prestigious bridge clubs.

19. She's looking a bit off colour this morning.

20. The local firms failed to take advantage of the situation.

21. Because the Baltic countries fail the inflation criterion, the chances of their joining soon are slim.

22. It did not matter that he failed to influence the outcome.

23. If you see anyone hanging about the bus stop without catching a bus, let me know, will you?

24. Twice during the week he picked up the phone to call her, and twice he put it down without dialing.


Текст 1.

Переведите текст, обращая внимание на передачу названий и имен собственных

Royal Academy Wins Battle over Botticellis London has beaten New York in a battle to show one of the best kept secrets of the Italian Renaissance — a spectacular collection of 92 drawings by Sandra Botticelli illustrating Dante's Divine Comedy

They disappeared for 250 years and became separated. They have rarely been seen in public and have never been exhibited together. The Royal Academy will display the 500-year-old drawings next March.

The drawings were commissioned by Lorenzo Medici between 1480 and 1495. Botticelli, the most influential artist in Florence at the time, was asked to illustrate the Divine Comedy, written by Dante Alighieri 200 years earlier. Many drawings show Dante accompanied by Virgil, or Beatrice, his love, or with Lucifer. They show the poet's journey through the circles of hell. For unknown reasons, Botticelli never completed the enormous task but it is likely that the incomplete work left Florence when the Medicis were banished from the city in 1494.

The drawings vanished and have had a chequered history, passing through some of the greatest houses of Europe. They first resurfaced in the mid-17th century in France in the ownership of a Parisian bibliophile. Queen Christina of Sweden bought some or all of them and when she died in 1689 her nephew, a cardinal, passed eight of

them to the Vatican library where they have been ever since. Eight drawings have been lost but the bulk of the collection passed to the Dukes of Hamiltone at the start of 19th century. They kept them in Scotland but put them up for sale, then bound in a volume, at Sotheby's in 1882.

Текст 2.

Переведите текст, используя приемы конкретизации/генерализации

Peter Kelly, a 14-year-old English boy, made headlines by running away to Malaysia on his father's passport.

The first time Peter ran off was two years ago, when he went to Edinburgh. "We were really worried," says his mother. "We knew he had gone but we didn't know where he had gone" Every time Peter runs off he calls his mother to let her know he is safe. She then calls the police and arranges for him to be cared for until he can return home. Each time his journey gets longer and longer. Before Malaysia he had been to Paris twice before his parents confiscated his passport. This time he solved the problem by using his father's passport. As his mother says, Peter just loves travelling and will go to any lengths to plan and execute a trip. Usually when he goes off there is a row, but he seems to generate them as an excuse for going.

It, of course, provokes the question of where and why it all went wrong with the Kelly family. His parents are afraid for him. "I don't want him to become a criminal. I imagine they start in a small way and when they find they get away with it they progress," says his mother.

Текст 3.

Переведите текст, используя приемы опущения/добавления

Television Sponsorship Hoping to Change Image

American television was founded on the idea of sponsorship - the term "soap opera" originates from soap manufacturers like Procter & Gamble which commissioned daytime programmes - yet in the UK the idea is only five years old and in some quarters is still regarded with suspicion by advertisers, agencies and some viewers.

All that may be about to change, however. One of the country's biggest and canniest advertisers, Mars, is negotiating sponsorship deals with Granada TV for Coronation Street and Gladiators.

The idea is that Mars's Pedigree pet foods division would sponsor the Street, Britain's most popular programme. For a nation of pet-lovers, the idea makes sense. But it won't come cheap, with figures of £10m bandied about for a programme that goes out three times a week and attracts 18m viewers a time. Separately, one of Mars's confectionary brands, possibly Snickers, would sponsor Gladiators. The latter programme attracts a large proportion of children, a fact recognized by its previous sponsor, Kellogg's Frosties.

Текст 4.

Выделите в тексте единицы, подлежащие либо транскрипции, либо калькированию, либо смешанному переводу и переведите текст.

The main body of the Salish, from whom the Bella Coola have become separated, occupy a large and continuous area in southern British Columbia and the Western portion of the State of Washington. They also occupy the eastern part of Vancouver Island, south of Cape Mudge, and the southern end of the Island around Victoria. On the mainland of British Columbia and the state of Washington the boundaries are less definite. Salish-speaking peoples live along the Frazer River and occupy its large tributary, the Thompson River. These interiour Salish tribes, the Thompson, Lillooet, and Shuswap, have never been considered as possessing the culture of the coast peoples since their houses, dress, food, religion, and art, are quite different not only from those of the Northwest Coast, but from their other neighbours as well.

Текст 5.

Проанализируйте текст и определите в нем термины и терминологические словосочетания. Составьте для текста двуязычный терминологический словник, отметив в нем единицы, транскрипция которых для данного текста неуместна. Переведите текст.

Science often means different things to different people. To many it means bodies of knowledge about the physical world grouped under different subjects; to some it means research or the pursuit of truth; to some it means the development of technology intended to benefit mankind; and to others it means finding out, experimenting, measuring. These are all different aspects of science, as the knowledge, experimenting, technology, etc., have all been produced by what could be called the "processes of science". Environmental problems are just one aspect of life to which science can be applied, but they are quite urgently in need of solution. Some science concepts are particularly relevant in the solving of environmental issues. Among them are:

1. Energy (types of energy, law of conservation of energy, and law of energy degradation);

2. Ecosystem (energy flow in ecosystems, law of conservation of matter, nutrient cycling in ecosystems, evolution of ecosystems);

3. Resources (the nature of resources: inexhaustible, renewable, irreplaceable);

4. Food (production, nutrition, energy use);

5. Pollution (pollutant, threshold, synergy, persistence, biological magnification);

6. Human population (growth and control, birth rate, death rate, fertility rate, marriage age, density, and distribution).

Текст 6.

Выделите в тексте имена и названия, которые следует переводить путем транскрипции. Попробуйте определить, какие единицы нуждаются в переводческих комментариях. Переведите текст.

The saga of the Northwest Indians probably began millennia ago when hunting families in search of food set out from Siberia, walked across a land bridge, the Bering Strait, to a new country that became known as Alaska. Later, many Indian tribes lived south of the Arctic Circle and divided into two distinct language groups: the Algonquians extended eastward to below Hudson Bay, and the Athapascans stayed in Northwest Canada. Gradually, some of each group moved southward.

The Lewis and Clark explorers of 1803 to 1806 probably were the first white men to be seen by some descendants of those ancient Athapascan tribes. Mainly they lived on the north side of the Columbia River; on the south side of the river tribes of the Salishan language family located. Salishan Indians derived their name from the Salish, another name for the Flathead tribes of Montana. Among other tribes of this group are Chelan, Okanogan, Wasco, Kwakiutle, Aleut, etc.