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Савельева, Астапенко_методичка для переводчиков...doc
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2.2 Грамматические замены

Грамматическая замена – это такое преобразование, при котором грамматическая единица в оригинале заменяется на единицу в языке перевода с иным грамматическим значением.

В данном пособии подробно рассматриваются грамматические замены, так как они вызывают у студентов наибольшие трудности при переводе:

2.2.1 Замена частей речи

2.2.2 Перевод конструкций с глаголом в пассивной форме

2.2.3 Перевод модальных глаголов

2.2.4 Перевод каузативных конструкций

2.2.5 Перевод препозитивных атрибутивные конструкций

2.2.6 Артикль и его переводческие соответствия в русском языке

2.2.1 Замена частей речи

Замена частей речи является распространенным видом грамматических замен в процессе перевода. Переводчик прибегает к данному приему, когда в русском языке отсутствует часть речи или конструкция с соответствующим значением, когда этого требуют нормы сочетаемости русского языка и т.д. Для англо-русских переводов наиболее характерны следующие замены:

- замена глагола на существительное.

Пример: They did their best to prevent the disaster. - Они сделали все возможное для предотвращения катастрофы.

Тенденция к замене глагола чаще всего наблюдается при переводе научно-технических, публицистических и документальных текстов. Личные в неличные формы английского глагола обычно заменяются русскими существительными. Замены могут быть обязательными, когда в русском языке соответствующего глагола не существует, как в приводимом далее примере, или когда в данном контексте использовать русский глагол невозможно.

- замена прилагательного на существительное.

Пример: Australian prosperity was followed by a slump. – За экономическим процветанием Австралии последовал кризис.

- замена прилагательного на наречие.

Пример: The blonde waved a graceful hand. – Блондинка грациозно помахала рукой.

- замена существительного на глагол.

Пример: She is a good cook. - Она хорошо готовит.

- замена существительных с суффиксом –еr, на глагольное сочетание в случаях, когда в русском языке у данного глагола отсутствует производное имя, обозначающее лицо.

Пример: She is no good as a letter-writer. – Она не умеет писать письма.

С заменой существительных другими частями речи приходится сталкиваться реже, чем с заменой глаголов. Чаше всего заменяются существительные, не имеющие прямого соответствия в русском языке. Нередко замена существительного может диктоваться и чисто стилистическими соображениями.

Упражнения на закрепление материала

1. Переведите предложения, производя замену выделенных глаголов на имена существительные.

1. In her capacity as First Lady she has developed programmes to help preserve the national parks and protect the ecological diversity of the country.

2. It was the right time to reassess priorities.

3. The Stamp case was one chapter in a long book that took over a year to write.

4. The party is still struggling to find a strategy to overcome its humiliating defeat in the 2002 elections.

5. The office of Monika Harms, the chief federal prosecutor, said Saturday that the Syrian, together with the two Lebanese suspects, used his computer to research bombmaking instructions in the Internet.

6. The standard way to produce colonies of stem cells is to let an early human embryo grow to a size of about 150 cells.

7. Some politicians oppose Item's decision to use part of its oil windfall to support Hezbollah in Lebanon.

8. Hard-line Iranian President opened a heavy-water production plant that could be used to make nuclear weapons.

9. The study reports that 62 per cent of GPs would encourage their patients to use garlic to maintain a healthy heart and blood circulation.

10. Edison's primary goal was the adaptation of science to benefit people.

11. A classic example of applying abstract scientific principles to create a new field of technology was provided by three American physicists in the 20th century.

12. Modern fire brigades have many specialist vehicles to fight fires in all sorts of circumstances.

13. There is not much stone in the delta of the Nile so they often use old buildings to create new ones.

14. Although the Egyptian government has brought in new measures to prevent the destruction of ancient historical cities, it is too late to save some of them.

15. In those days, my grandfather regarded me as his companion to go hunting and fishing with.

16. There are essentially seven methods which pressure groups use to influence government.

17. Action groups have urged the government to take action to protect poor countries from the effects of climate change.

2. Переведите предложения, производя замену выделенных наречий на номинативные структуры.

1. The result nationally was the worst for the Conservatives in modern times.

2. He wondered if the old woman was using the phrase literally or conventionally.

3. Although musically Neil Young is most conspicuous for his high-pitched voice, he is also renowned for being a ferocious guitarist.

4. Although the island is perennially popular and crowded in summer, it is still possible, even in the height of the tourist season, to explore the island's lesser-known

beaches with only one or two other people around.

5. To think sociologically about education requires you to consider the effects upon individuals of class, income, gender, race and the possible efforts of schools themselves.

6. Europeans are less prepared than Americans to buy electronically. They are more conservative in their shopping habits.

7. Public sports facilities have always been available in great number for participants. This may explain why Americans have traditionally done well internationally in a lot of sports.

8. Georgina was waiting for them in the living room, sitting apathetically, staring at the wall.

9. One of the most important aspects of doing business internationally is being able to speak other languages.

10. What remains to be seen is whether her methods and ideas will spread nationwide, or even be applied internationally.

11. The young man was frying sausages over a gas burner while his friends sat cross-legged beside him, entertaining him vocally and on a guitar.

12. She said bitterly, "That would be a neat way out of our troubles, wouldn't it?"

13. He has unhesitatingly thrust open the double mahogany door and, striding confidently into the room, had taken his seat in Henry Peverell's old chair.

14. Sonia wouldn't have known to do that. She wasn't mechanically minded.

15. The verdict of the inquest was correct. Legally that is the end of it.

16. But privately, Blair was said to be more cautious.

17. "He's just amazing physically," coach Bob Stoops says.

18. Medicinally, rosemary infusions have been recommended for giddiness, tiredness and toothache.

3. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на существительные, образованные с помощью суффикса er.

1. The boy was panting. It was quite a strain for him, always a mouth-breather, to have reached the sixth floor.

2. "I hope you won't mind having dinner in the kitchen," Ann said. "Certainly, not. We're a generation of kitchen-eaters," he answered.

3. "Certainly," she said, trying to frown - but she was clearly not a frowner.

4. As expected, the Socialists were easy winners in the first round of the elections.

5. Heery burst out laughing. In the great bustle of the last days I had forgotten what a good laugher he was.

6. The reaction of the public was most enthusiastic. Alfred, however, was among the non-responders.

7. Austin was a handsome ageing play-boy type, flamboyant dresser with styled iron-grey hair.

8. Rare and unusual plants - as long as they are also attractive - are doubly fascinating to the keen grower.

9. Above all else, President Bush is a firm believer in the value of personal diplomacy.

10. "You can use my library," Burton said. Andrew was no wobbler. He got up from the chair and came up to the shelves where Burton kept his most precious books on architecture.

11. Even so, the gainers from the liberal economic policies of Mr. Ghandi's early years in power far outnumber the losers.

12. An anonymous telephone caller to a newspaper claimed to have carried out the attack.

13. Mother insisted that we should remove the blue rug from the dining room. "It's a mistake to have a rug where people are eating. It's nothing but crumb catcher," she said.

14. "By the way," Robert said, "the car is not a heavy drinker, so the journey won't turn into a costly affair."

15. Young Jolyon was a good listener; it was his great quality.

4. Переведите предложения. При переводе выделенных слов замените части речи.

1. Most of the people I spoke to were unhelpful.

2. What is happening in New York will happen nationally.

3. At the age of eighteen, George earned an honest living.

4. The ship was listing badly but still kept afloat.

5. Uncharacteristically, he came over and put his arms around his father and hugged him.

6. She answered questions in monosyllables.

7. After the excitement, she slept heavily and dreamlessly.

8. He spoke so rapidly that I had difficulty understanding him.

9. At the Commonwealth conference in Kuala Lumpur, Mrs. Thatcher was predictably unrepentant.

10. People who were central to the civil-rights movement came out in support of the minority groups.

11. He asked me if I lived locally, what my job was and whether he could count on my support.

12. Macon had his pick of seats: window, nonsmoking.

13. There's going to be a thorough investigation into this and the FBI will be involved because we're a federally insured bank.

14. All banks measure profit in terms of earnings per share. Such earnings are widely studied by shareholders, investors and the business community nationally and internationally.