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Belief: Why It’s So Vital,

How to Build It, Who’s Responsible

Art Burleigh

Belief—with enough of it, we can achieve just about anything; without it, we’re essentially paralyzed, blind, and disoriented, and any shot at success is pretty dim.


This is where it all begins—for all of us.

Who talks with you the most? You do. Your own internal conversa- tions—what you think about—are what will ultimately form who you become, what you do, and what level of success, accomplishment, and satisfaction you’ll ultimately achieve.

Since you’re already smart and involved enough in self-development to be reading this book, some of these ideas may seem rather obvious to you. But if we’re trying to grow a better network marketing organization—one that’s stronger, bigger, more self-sustaining, and one that finally creates its own momentum for continued growth and renewal—then we know that a bunch of people on our team need our training and help. This chapter provides some helpful guidelines and reminders. New distributors often need help in realizing how critical their own beliefs are to achieving success, and they need understanding in what areas to focus on for building belief along with tips on how to do that.

Let’s first look at where most people are starting from. What key things affect our internal conversations, our thinking, our beliefs?

Four key elements come into play here:

1.Mental nourishment, our programming (positive or negative—usu- ally it’s a mix). This is the data sphere and emotional environment



we grew up with and which we allow ourselves to be surrounded by now.

2.Our experiences and references that form our reality—what we know to be true for us so far—the results of all our efforts to date.

3.Our current beliefs that have helped us get to where we now are and/or have held us back in areas where we can’t seem to get ahead faster.

4.Our vision—what we hold to be inevitable about where we’re going and what we’re destined to achieve. Too often, this is a weak area that needs serious new, sustained effort so that a bigger vision will drive our self-motivation to propel us into the actions that enable us to accomplish our big dreams and goals.

The six inches between our ears—that’s the real battleground for virtually all of us. That little space is the canvas where it all plays out—what’s holding you back and what’s going to propel you to the achievements that’ll finally get you all the things you want.

With the right attitude, strong belief, vision, self-motivation, and doing the smart actions, this network marketing industry can provide you with a vehicle to achieve the peace of mind you so desire, the time freedom, the financial freedom, and the ability to move from money to meaning and from receiving to contribution. It can be the way to move from a posture of fear that maybe there’s not enough money in the universe to enrich you, too, to a place where you operate from abundance and share success secrets that empower others so that you become attractive, credible, and influential. From that place, you can then draw those same kinds of people to you and your network—and you’ll grow better in that process, get even more of what you want, and help countless others to do the same!

One big challenge is that mere desire for all that stuff isn’t enough. To get to that level of success requires us to work on our belief systems and on our vision and self-motivation—and then, of course, to take all the actions that will yield results required for success.

What we believe affects everything that we do and achieve (or don’t). If our beliefs are strong enough in four key areas, we’ll get involved, develop the needed skills, and take the actions needed to achieve success. Many people are challenged by the fear of rejection in presenting the huge benefits of their company’s products or services and business opportunity. I was at first. Because action overcomes fear, and stronger beliefs propel more action, the fastest way to conquer that natural fear of rejection is to work hard at first.

Building your belief in four key areas:

1.Belief in your company’s products/services.

2.Belief in your company.

Belief: Why It’s So Vital, How to Build It, Who’s Responsible


3.Belief in network marketing.

4.Belief in yourself.

If you’re weak in any one of those areas, your chances for success diminish. Many are weak in the last two areas especially. If you’re brand-new, you may be weak in all four.

After some personal work, once you get strong in those four key belief areas, you’ll have posture—big time! And with posture, you’re unstoppable because you then own what your network marketing business is all about. You own knowledge—either personal or third-party, from stories—that your company’s products/services work and have big value! And your own belief that your company’s strength grows as you and your team spread excitement about its many benefits to new ears and others get involved with you.



Use them more, and get others to use more, too. You and your family should use all of your company’s products or services that you possibly can—so you’re a product of the product and you’re personally enjoying all the benefits possible that your products/services provide. If you don’t do this, don’t expect others on your team to do so.

If you’re offering wellness products to the world, know that baby boomers are very willing to invest in their most valuable asset—their health! Eleven thousand boomers are turning 50 every day and they’re concerned about anti-aging and longevity. As you plant more seeds by getting more and more customers using and enjoying the benefits of your products or services, more success/satisfaction stories will develop, and that’s all valuable thirdparty validation for building stronger belief in what you offer.

When more people in your sphere of influence are using your company’s products/services and being coached properly by you, more will generate some positive results. More excitement spreads from there—even if you don’t personally achieve the speediest results you might have hoped for. If it’s a good product/service, it’ll probably produce important results for most people in time, including you. Tune in to all those success stories. That validation will build your belief in your products/services faster.

Other ways to strengthen your belief: Plug into all the tools your company offers, especially the weekly live training and business briefing calls. Listen in on your company’s conference calls to hear all the new success stories and how other (new!) people appreciate and benefit from what your company offers.


Stories Build Belief

The more success stories you’ve heard and know, the stronger your belief systems will become. Often, one story on a conference call will have a lasting impact on you—and you’re stronger after you hear that call. Your posture is different because of that increased strength.

People love to hear stories. Share the best success stories with your prospects. And tell the stories with passion (which helps to grab and keep their attention!) Remember, you have “the cookie” (your company’s lead product/service and business opportunity!). And many prospects will want that cookie, too, if your belief in it is compelling enough to make it seem so desirable that it’s irresistible.

What stories from your company inspire and drive you? And what are you doing to learn them so well that you can tell them to others? I strongly suggest you adopt a constant habit of mine: tape-record all of your company’s weekly live conference calls so you can hear them again and easily share them with your family, with other key team leaders, and with prospects.

Facts tell, stories sell! People remember stories! Stories deliver emotional impact. They make your business offering seem much more real, and people love to hear them. Stories build belief. So, if your company or success line offers live conference calls, make sure you plug into them so you’ll learn all the new stories from your company.

Benefits of Recording Conference and Training Calls

Avoids family conflicts at home, lets you time-shift your listening.

You can share the call with your spouse/partner at their convenience.

Lets you hear more calls—so you learn more success stories.

You can hear great calls again and again and share them with others.

You can rewind the tape to catch something you missed.

Lets you go to bed earlier in the more eastern time zones.

A family member or friend can tape for you.

You’ll acquire a treasury of valuable stories!

And the best way to learn those stories, and also learn the valuable information on the many excellent business and personal development training albums that are available today, is to listen and relisten to them when you’re exercising, walking, driving, and so on. You’ll learn lots more by hearing stories and trainings over and over again. That process will build your belief system stronger and stronger—and that’s one of the most valuable investments you can make in yourself.

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