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Determine what types of actions result in success in your network marketing company. It could be getting people on conference calls. It might be going to training or opportunity meetings, or selling product at salons or to chiropractors. Whatever it is, do it and do it consistently, six days a week if you can. Prospecting is not something you do; it’s a way of life! You have to stay committed to it. An athlete works out, a musician plays an instrument, a singer practices notes and octaves, an artist paints, a writer writes. What exactly do you do? Define it, write it on a piece of paper, put it on your wall, and commit to it for 90 days, and your life will change forever.



In sales, there are certain fundamental laws. Network marketing seems to amplify their importance because we are dealing with people’s hopes and dreams and they guard them closely and rarely expose them for others to see. When they do reveal them or are at risk by investing some time or money, these laws become critical to understand and apply.

Law of Attraction

The law of attraction states that for things to be attracted, you must be attractive. That doesn’t mean you have to wear a special suit or look a certain way. It means whatever you are selling, sharing, or giving away must have a value that is obvious to the other party. Sometimes network marketing companies’ products and opportunities have weaknesses, flaws that may be obvious to some people and not to others. It may be the compensation plan, the product price, the competitive environment, the web site, company history, or lack of company longevity. The point is if you don’t have a pretty face, then learn how to sing! Figure out what is attractive to others and talk about it with passion.

It is important that you can tell anyone what you like best about your company in 10 seconds or less.

The reason I like Company XYZ is _____________. The products have done _____________ for me and my family. We are on track to earn _____________ dollars in the next few months, and it’s fun, simple, and profitable. Do you know anyone who wants to have fun, make money, and experience ______________?

Posture, Process, and Perspective Create Profits


Law of Familiarity

Asking someone their name is a simple task in itself. Most people don’t have to think about the answer. They know their name, their age, where they were born, favorite foods, colors, movies, and more. No thought is needed. That is how familiar you need to be with answering objections, product questions, and marketing questions, and relaying your company’s history. It takes only a few hours to learn these things and then 20 to 30 conversations to lock them in.

Law of Association: Books, Tapes, and People

Who do you spend time around? How are they affecting you, and is that okay? Surround yourself with quality people, ideas, and energy. Spend most of your time with people who support what you are all about in life; don’t spend much time with negative people who wear you down. Do your friends think of ideas, concepts, service, and society or do they talk about gossip, celebrities, TV shows, and headaches? You have to love your family, because they are your family, but you do not need to drown yourself in pity, negative discussions, and arguments. Get plugged into a leadership tape series. Read books. Go to the library. Only 5 percent of Americans own a library card. The books are free, and all of the knowledge in the world awaits you, right down the street. Attend local mixers and Toastmaster meetings, and visit your upline in person or by phone as often as possible. Stay motivated by surrounding yourself with motivated people.

Law of the Farm: Planting and Reaping

The more people you talk to, the better your chances to succeed. Rejection is the process that paves the way of success. It is like the weather—it takes rain and sun to create a rainbow. The only way you are going to be massively successful is to take on a great number of conversations in a short period of time or do so for a long period of time. A parable teaches us that when we plant seeds in a garden, some fall on the hard soil, some seeds get eaten by the birds, and some seeds fall on fertile soil and grow. You never really know what seeds are ready to grow until after you water them. Farmers plant a great deal of seed and allow the law of the farm take root. In network marketing, you never know who is ready to take action. It often comes from unlikely sources and they do it for their reasons, not yours. It took me a great deal of time to realize that it isn’t my fault if they don’t join or take action. That is not to say that I shouldn’t learn how to do a nice presentation and follow up properly. It just means that people show up with their own baggage, unspoken commitments and concerns, motivations and desires. Usually they


do not share the real reason they are interested at the beginning. It often takes several weeks to find out. That is the law of the farm at work.

Law of Averages and the Funnel Concept

The law of averages is the single most powerful lesson to learn in terms of sales. There are three fundamental rules that apply to the law of averages:

1.Exposure is everything.

2.Fortune is in the follow-up.

3.Work with the willing.

Once you employ these concepts, you will be well on your way to success. You have to share the business, use the products, and talk to people. Expose your products to others in any way you can. It is best to have at least 100 conversations in 30 days to produce momentum in your business. (See Figure 35.1.) Commit to at least three conversations a day. Success results from follow-up. A third of the people are not interested, a third of the people will try the product, and a third of the people want to know more about the money. Work with the ones who are ready now. For now, forget about the ones who are not ready or don’t want to be customers. We will go back to them later. Right now, you are looking for the willing—people who want to take action now. You will only need to spend a fraction of the time with a motivated, teachable person than you will with someone who needs to be convinced that you have a good opportunity. Working with the willing will make you more money in a shorter period of time (with fewer headaches) than anything else you do.

Law of Inertia

In network marketing, we somehow duplicate ourselves whether we like it or not. Once you begin to take action, the world around you changes. People need to see you active to believe that you are a leader. You can not talk about leadership—you can only demonstrate leadership. I have gone through periods of my life when I was a leader and times when I was a follower. People need to see you lead. Take action quickly, consistently, and passionately for three months. It will change your life forever when you realize that it’s only 100 days to freedom and just 1,000 days to fortune.

Law of Increasing Returns

At the end of the day, success in network marketing is all about delivering value. The more conversations you have, the more lives you touch, the more

Posture, Process, and Perspective Create Profits


100 calls

60 prospects

30 customers

20 distributors

10 active ones

5 great leaders . . .

then, start 5 more profit tunnels.

Figure 35.1 The Funnel Concept

exponential growth you will have. The law of increasing returns is the opposite of “get rich quick.” The key is to stay committed after picking a company that has systems in place, offers quality tools and events, and has leadership providing support.

You must be willing to change, knowing that you are a work in progress. You will be better tomorrow than you are today, wiser, more effective, kinder, and richer. You will have more knowledge and a better attitude through perspective and process. Your posture will improve. Your contact base will increase. Your sales volume will soar, and you will realize that you are on the path to greatness. It can be a rocky, dirty, and steep path, but many before you have climbed it. You can, too. Take action, set your course in motion, and be willing to grow and listen and learn. You have to believe that you are only a few months away from a tremendous growth spurt. Take action and your faith will be rewarded.

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