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10. Syntactic sDs based on peculiar compositional patterns of syntactical arrangement of the utterance

Syntactic Stylistics is concerned with stylistic potentiality of the units of syntactic level (words, sentences & larger units). It describes Syntactic SDs (SSDs) or figures of speech.

SSDs are syntactic structures which are always built according to a pattern, so that the structure remains the same but the words used & hence the meaning of the structure are always different. The effects of SSDs are created due to specific syntactic organization of the utterance. SSDs are aimed at having a definite impact on the reader

  1. SSDs based on peculiar patterns of syntactical arrangement a)based on unusual arrangement of the utterance’s components: Inversion, Detachment, Suspense b)SSDs based on the presence of redundant elements in the utterance: Repetition, Parallel constructions, chiasmus c) lexico-syntactical: Climax, anticlimax, antithesis

  2. SSDs based on the particular ways of combining parts of the utterance: Asyndeton, polysyndeton, gap-sentence-link

  3. Particular use of colloquial constructions: ellipsis, break-in-the-narrative

  • based on absence of logically necessary components of the utterance: represented speech

4) stylistic use of structural meaning: rhethorical question, litotes.

a) Inversion – SD consisting in indirect word ordering

Distinction is made btw. Gram. & stylistic I. i.e. Is he a student? (changes the communicative type of a sentence). Stylistic I. does not change structural meaning of the sentence – no violations of the norm of standard E., any member of the sentence may be inverted. i.e. Scandal he wouldn't stand. (the word to stress is pronounced on the highest pitch of voice).

Aim – to attach additional emotional colouring, logical stress, to emphasize.

The most imp posit-s in the text are: thq 1 and the last. The 1 is marked by the full force of stress, the last by a pause after it. Functions:ephasis, logical stress or aditional emotional colouring, it places the rheme (new) at the beg of the sent.

Detachment (DC) consists in separating some secondary member of the sentence in order to emphasize it, seems formally independent of the word it logically refers to. i.e. He had to beg for money. Daily (the word receives significance)

Patterns: Attributive or Adv. Mod. are placed not in the immediate proximity to its referent, but in some other position i.e. Sir Pitt came in first much flushing & rather unsteady

Effect – make the reader interprete the logical connections btw. the component parts of the s-nce.

Parenthesis is a variant of DC, it is a qualifying, explanatory word, phrase, clause, s-nce or other sequence which interrupts a syntactic construction without affecting it, having often a specific intonation & indicated in writing by commas, brackets. i.e. If I pick me up at 2 – by the way thanks for driving – we can be in time.

Suspense (retardation) – compositional device, consists in deliberate postponement of the completion of a sentence. The new info (main idea) is withheld creating the tension of expectation. i.e. Mankind, says the Chinese manuscript, which my friend read and explained to me, for the first 70000 ages ate their meat raw.

Aim – to keep the reader in expectation, to prepare the reader for the only logical conclusion of the utterance.

b) Parallelism – is a SSD based on the repeated usage of identical or similar syntactical constructions wh lexically are compl. Or partially different. (Faty was soft. Faty was superstitious). P. may be complete or partial.

Chiasmus – is reversed parallelism. The 2 part of P. is inversion of the 1 construction. Is used in titles and headlines. (сила закона и закон силы)

Repetitionanaphora (a…,a…,a…)- backgrounding function, stresses the last element.

Epiphora - …a,..a,…a

Catch rep - …a,a…b,b…c,c… There was nobody. Nobody to be seen.

Frame – a…a Making It All Right (the title)

Successive rep – a,a,a “Your husband, husband, husband, ran off leaving you asleep

c) Climax – is a SSD which is based on the rep of a syntactic pattern. In each repeated part of it the lex unit is either emotionally stronger or logically more imp.

Anticlimax – is lessing of tension twds the end of the utterance. Very oft based on defeated expectancy. (the ball ruined two big houses, the church and the flower pot).

Gradation – qauntit, emotional, logical

Antithesis – based on rep and contrast, it consists in putting 2 words or phrases together, that are opposite semantically. (Mor liked company, Nancy hated it). Syntactical patterns are repeated, incl antonyms.