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daily routine for students.doc
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1. Match the numbers with the letters:

1) an opera house; 2) a repertoire; 3) an outing; 4) a western; 5) a pastime; 6) a commercial; 7) a circus; 8) a thriller; 9) a matinée

a) a trip, usually for pleasure; b) an exciting novel or film, usually about crime; c) a hobby, way of passing your spare time; e) an afternoon performance of a play or a film; f) a theatre in which opera is performed; g) works which a theatre company has ready for performance; h) a novel or a film about cowboys and Indians in the USA; i) a piece of publicity on television; j) a travelling show with animals, clowns, etc.

2. What do we call it/them?

1. People listening to a concert, watching a film or a play; 2. Calling for a performer to repeat a song, a piece of music, etc. 3. TV or radio programme where people are asked questions; 4. To send out by radio or television; 5. Music for a few instruments, originally played in a small room; 6. Seats on the ground floor in a theatre or a cinema;7. A factual film about a real subject; 8. A person who writes plays; 9. A person who writes stories for films (screenplays); 10. The side of the stage in a theatre where actors wait before going on stage.

3. Insert prepositions where necessary:

1. Many theatre-goers ... the world know this play ... Chekhov. 2. I'd so much like to go ... backstage and see what is happening there ... the play. 3. When the curtain rose the stage was brightly lit ... stage lights and footlights. The whole cast was ... stage. 4. The success ... a performance depends ... many things but it begins ... the play. 5. Could you, please, show me ... my seat. I'm afraid I can't see Row F. 6. The opening night is ... a week. It's time to take care ... the tickets. 7. You'd better borrow a pair ... opera-glasses: your seat is ... the pit rather far ... the stage. 8. How many seats ... the show would you like, sir? 9. ... singing ... encore she had four curtain calls. Her number definitely was the highlight ... the programme. 10. I love the sound ... the orchestra tuning ... before the beginning ... the performance. It gives me thrills to watch ... the curtain go ... and the lights fade slowly. It's all part ... the miracle called theatre. 11. Classical plays are becoming less popular ... young people who prefer modern, unconventional, experimental art. 12. When the conductor dropped his baton there was a burst ... applause. 13. He is a great admirer ... jazz music and has been collecting jazz records ... over forty years. 14. I can hardly hear what the announcer is saying, please turn ... the telly. 15. Do you find it difficult to stay ... character ... the TV camera?

4. Answer these questions:

1. What do you do when you are at leisure?

2. What's your favourite pastime?

3. What diversions outdoors and indoors are most popular in this country?

4. What's the best place for an outing?

5. How do you like the idea of organised walks?

6. Where do you go if you want to spend an evening out?

7. Have you ever gone camping? If you have, was it fun? Why?

8. Where do you usually go on holidays? Why?

9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of sightseeing tours?

10. What entertainments would you arrange for foreign guests staying with you? Explain your choice.

5. Listen to the following conversation and say how Americans tend to spend their weekends. Do Russians spend their weekends in the same way? Be ready to describe and compare.

(audio files 1,2: Harry’s and Svetlana’s weekend)

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