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1. Международная космическая станция: научные исследования. Космический туризм

  1. Тема: экспорт/импорт. Секреты успеха экспорта. Как и кем регулируются экспортно-импортные операции. Методы внедрения продукта на зарубежный рынок.

Import – buying from abroad, export – selling abroad.

Invisible import/export – goods, visible export/import – services.

Balance of trade – the difference between the monetary value of exports and imports of output in an economy over a certain period. Trade surplus = E > I, trade deficit = E < I.

Secrets of successful exporting:

  • understanding the needs of the customer

    • understanding the difference in requirements of customers

    • understand the market and adapt the products

  • using the services of an export specialist

    • selecting own agents(specialists in export) to represent the firm

    • carrying out own research

  • proper communication and documents preparation

    • build up network of contacts (key to getting started –rely on the fax, phone, e-mail)

    • then you can maintain communication with partners in more sophisticated manner

    • be familiar with all the paperwork in int.transactions especially with letters of credit prepared carefully, checked – reduce the risk

  • getting the right information

    • info about law and international finance

    • study the market, who is your target audience (plenty of ways to find that out - chamber of commerce, trade shows, find people who have the knowledge that u need)

Methods of establishing your products in a foreign market

  • working with local experts (sole agents эксклюзивный дилер or multi-distributors многопрофильная оптовая фирма), who have a specialist knowledge of the market and sell on behalf of the company

  • this leads to opening a local branch местный филиал

  • selling, or giving permission to use, patents and licences for products

  • start by manufacturing in the export market (set up local subsidiary дочернее предприятие or joint venture совместное предприятие with local partner)

Measures of trade regulation

The Protectionist measures raise the price of impoгted goods so that domestically produced goods will gаin а price advantage, so they protect domestically produced goods) – this is done by the government to protect infant industries.

Protectionist measures control international trade. The most common of them are tarrifs and quotas. Tariff(duties) – tax on imported goods.

Quota –is the maximum quantity of а product that mау bе admitted to а country during а certain period of time.

Билет 21

1. Международное морское право. Правовой режим прибрежных зон. Проблема морского пиратства.

The law of the Sea: legal regime of coastal zones

The 1982 Convention on the Law of the Sea (entered into force in 1994):

Internal waters:

- rivers, lakes, sea waters within baselines

- full and exclusive sovereignty of the State

- no right of innocent passage

The territorial sea:

- breadth limit – 12 nautical miles from baseline

- complete sovereignty of the coastal State (along with airspace, seabed, and subsoil)

- right of innocent passage of foreign merchants' ships and warships

The contiguous zone:

- up to 24 nautical miles from the baselines

- coastal State may enforce laws in four specific areas: pollution, taxation, customs, and immigration.

The exclusive economic zone

- extends to 200 nautical miles

- coastal State has sole exploitation rights over all natural resources

- freedom of navigation and overflight

The continental shelf – seabed and subsoil extending beyond territorial sea throughout the natural prolongation of the land territory

- not more than 350 nautical miles from baselines

- exclusive control over living resources "attached" to the continental shelf, but not to creatures living in the water column beyond the exclusive economic zone.

High seas:

- free for every State, is province of all mankind (res communis omnium)

- freedoms of navigation and overflight,

- laying submarine cables and pipelines,

- fishing, scientific research,

- constructing artificial islands and other installations (if permitted by international rules)

Landlocked states are given a right of access to and from the sea, without taxation of traffic through transit states.

The right of hot pursuit ceases as soon as the pursued vessel enters territorial waters of its state or territorial waters of the third state.

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