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21. Omission. Addition.

Omission is a type of transformations by means of which some units are omitted in case they violate the norms of the TL. We also omit the words that are not necessary for understanding or expressing a certain colouring. One of the cases of superfluity is the use in English of twin pair synonyms mostly typical of judicial documents. E.g. regular and normal session – обычная сессия, with the advice and Consent of the Senate – с согласия сената

Some typical cases of redundancy may be mentioned here: synonymous pairs, the use of weights and measures with emphatic intent, subordinate clauses of time and place. Homogeneous synonymous pairs are used in different styles of the language: Equality of treatment in trade and commerce. – Равные возможности в торговле. Words denoting measures and weights are frequently used in describing people or abstract notions. They are either omitted or replaced in translation: Every inch of his face expressed amazement. На его лице было написано изумление.

Subordinate clauses of time and of place are frequently felt to be redundant in Russian and are omitted in translation: The storm was terrific while it lasted. Буря была ужасная.

Sometimes semantic units available or implied in the deep structure drop out when it is transformed into the surface structure. These semantic units should be deduced from the deep structure and added in the process of translation. This process is called addition. E.g. oil countries – страны-производители нефти, wages demand – требование повысить зарплату, solid engine – двигатель на твердом топливе. There are particular cases when additions are caused by compressed structures such as the absolute possessive, attributes formed by juxtaposition N1 + N2 structures and by attributive groups.

The model N1 + N2 often requires additions in translation: death vehicle – автомашина, убившая прохожего. Sometimes additions are required by pragmatic considerations: pay claim – требование повышения заработной платы. Attributive groups are another case in point. The elements forming such groups vary in number, their translation into Russian as a rule requires additions, e.g. oil thirsty Europe – Европа, испытывающая нехватку нефти. Additions are also caused by discrepancy in the use of the plural and singular forms of certain nouns: Delegates from various industries – представители различных отраслей промышленности. Another cause of additions is English word building, e.g. conversation and the use of some non-equivalent suffixes: We showered and dressed.Мы приняли душ и оделись.

22. Loan translation

Translation loans are words and expressions formed from the material existing in the TL but according to the patterns taken from the SL. E.g. Дом культуры – House of Culture, backbencher – заднескамеечник, стенная газета – wall newspaper.

Literal translation should not be confused with translation loans. A translation loan is a peculiar form of word-borrowing by means of literal translation. Translation loans are built on the pattern of foreign words or phrases with the elements of the borrowing language, e.g. collective farm is a translation loan of the Russian колхоз but in a full and not in an abbreviated form; oil dollars -нефтедоллары; goodneighbourly relations – добрососедские отношения (a full loan); war effect (a partial loan as number does not coincide).

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