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3. Transformation technique in the process of translation

Translation transformation techniques are complicated inter-language transferences resulting in the creation of such a text that at full scope reveals the information of original text. The problem of transformation techniques is thoroughly elaborated by contemporary scholars. The scholars differentiate between lexical, grammatical and stylistic transformations. The transformations are differentiated only in the theory, but really they are intermingled.

Divergences in the structures of the two languages are so considerable that in the process of translation various grammatical transformations indispensable to achieve equivalence. These transformations may be classed into four types: 1. transpositions; 2. replacements; 3. additions; 4. omissions.

Language systems of meaning are also different. Any language is able to describe things, notions, phenomena and facts of life. This ability of language ensures cognition of the outside world. But the ways of expressing these things and notions usually vary in different languages. Lexical transformations are the devices of logical process that reveal the meaning of the lexical unit of the SL that is different in the context from the dictionary one. Types of lexical transformations: differentiation, concretization, generalization, logical development, antonymic translation, general reinterpretation, compensation.

Stylistic means and devices present considerable and varied problems for translation. They possess a distinct national character although at first sight they may appear to be identical. The translator must be fully aware of the function of a stylistic device and its effect, to be able to reproduce the same effect by other means, if necessary, thus minimizing the inevitable losses due to inherent divergences. Stylistic equivalence may be achieved by different means and not necessary by the same device.

4. The definition and classification of translations

Barchudarov’s definition:

Translation is a process of substitution of the text, message or utterance in the source language by the text, message or utterance in the target language provided that the contents of the text, message or utterance remained unchanged and the norms of the target language are not violated.

In practice, there is considerable variation in the types of translations produced by translators.

Translation is carried on the level of speech and any language exists in its oral and written forms. Dependent upon the form the SL and the TL are used the following forms of translation are distinguished: oral and written. Written translation is when both languages – SL and TL are used in their form. It can be literary or specific, depending on its content. Oral translation is when both languages are used in their oral forms. There exist two subforms of oral translation: consecutive (the interpreter listens to a speech and takes notes as it goes on, when the speech stops he renders the speaker’s speech) and simultaneous (the interpreter sits in a small sound-proof booth, as the speech goes on, he rapidly injects the translation, one or two sentences at a time into the mouthpiece of a telephone).

R. Jakobson in his semiotic approach distinguishes three types of translation: intra-lingual or rewording (reinterpretation of verbal signs with the help of other signs of the same language), inter-lingual or translation proper (reinterpretation of verbal signs of one language with the help of the signs of other language), inter-semiotic or transmutation (reinterpretation of verbal signs by other signs of non-verbal system.

There is also some variation depending on the purpose of a given translation. The following three types of translation can be distinguished: equivalent, adequate, literal and free translation.

Adequate translation is the translation performed on the level sufficient and necessary to convey the information and preserve the norms of the TL, while equivalent translation is one that has a constant correspondence that exist independently upon the context. Thus, we may state that adequate translation may be non-equivalent and equivalent translation can be inadequate.

Literal or word translation is to be employed when dealing with separate words whose surface form and structure, as well as their lexical meaning in the source language and in the target language, fully coincide.

Free translation is a special type of translation used as a rule in annotations, précis, abstracts. Free translation is rendering of meaning regardless of form. The aim of such translation is to convey information to people in other countries in a most compact and condensed manner.

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