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Set Work

  1. Think of the best English equivalents of:

порка на городской площади, «отсидеть», Федеральная службы исполнения наказаний, попасть под амнистию, исполнять уголовное наказание, осужденный, лечебно(-производственные) мастерские, народное хозяйство, условно-досрочные наказания, подать заявление, следственный изолятор, малолетний преступник, криминальный авторитет, ранее судимый, потерпевший, правозащитные структуры, мошенничество, изолятор, вынесение приговора, настораживать, тяжкое преступление, электронные кандалы, колония-поселение, массовые беспорядки, контингент, захват заложников, переговорщик, наносить увечья, пиар, побег, «общак», методичка, системы видеонаблюдения, выйти на свободу.

II. Find in the article the Russian for:

a usual thing to do, the landmark of the epoch, to instill a mindset, a shift in values, at large, to at odd with sth, HIV-positive inmates, large-scale, disgruntled, to drum sth into sb’s head, omnipresent, to usher in, to keep a sharp eye on sb, hostage takers, to aggravate, well-balanced nourishment, to tighten security, first-time offenders, to lose touch with sb, distant education, to do away with, to be on one’s conscience, to stand up for sth, to go astray.

III. Say if you share the idea expressed in the sentences below:

  1. It’s high time we humanized the system of inflicting punishments.

  2. The State should do its best to help the released person get back to normal.

  3. Prison conditions should be improved.

  4. High-profile crime lords make laws in prisons and penitentiaries.

  5. We should do away with Soviet-type prisons.

  6. TV crime can spill over into real life.

  7. It’s next to impossible to combat crime worldwide.

  8. Bribed officials put their weight behind crime lords and kingpins.

  9. First-time offenders, serving time in prisons, should be discouraged from committing further crime with the adequate help of prison wardens.

  10. Cells must be modernized.

  11. Society itself connives at the spread of violence in modern life.

  12. One can serve a sentence outside prison.

  13. Cells must be made more spacious.

  14. Prison must be turned into a rehabilitation centre for misled people.

IV. Explain the difference between:

conditional discharge – suspended sentence.

V. Points for discussion.

  1. Why do some criminals regard prison as something akin to home?

  2. Do Soviet era prisons differ from their modern counterparts?

  3. What criminals should be granted clemency?

  4. Is the opposition between imprisoned crime lords and prison authorities inevitable?

  5. Why are high-profile criminals given VIP treatment in prisons? Is it fair?

  6. What do you know about M. Hodorkovsky’s case? What do you think of it? Does it have anything to do with PR?

  7. Why do prisoners make escapes and plan rescues?

  8. Are prison disturbances widespread? What causes them?

VI. Render the article into English, trying to use as many words under study as you can.

VII. Comment on the headline and formulate the author’s message.

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