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Set Work

I. Give the best English equivalents of:

потребление наркотиков; марихуана; ЛСД; эпидемия наркомании; состав наркотиков; по сравнению с; злоупотреблять наркотиками; осудить; уступить требованию; способствовать ухудшению ситуации; выделить $100 долларов; пропаганда борьбы с наркотиками; специалисты по реабилитации (от наркотической зависимости); наносить серьезный вред здоровью; спад/подъем; есть признаки, что…; неотложная помощь; быть озабоченным проблемой.

II. Render the above article into English.

III. Find a Russian article devoted to the described problem. Render it into English and say if the drug-related situation described in the article “Crave for Drugs Show No Signs of Abating” has changed by now?

IV. How can we make young people aware of the seriousness of the problem in question? judge proposes drug court to sober up abusers

35th District hopes to see fewer drunken drivers and addicts.

Plymouth – The 35th District Court is planning to get more involved with repeat drunken drivers and drug addicts through a proposed drug court.

Defendants with a history of substance-abuse problems would be placed in a treatment program that would include surprise visits from probation officers and routine checks on their progress.

The 35th District Court, located in Plymouth, handles cases from Plymouth and Northville and Canton, Northville and Plymouth townships. About 46,000 cases are expected to pass through the court this year – about 23,000 per judge. Drunken driving is one of the most common offences, District Judge Ron Lowe said.

“We like to think of it as addressing the community’s needs,” Lowe said. “We’d remove the defendant from the revolving door and get them out of the system. We need to get them into the world of sobriety again.”

The court is trying to implement the program through the US Department of Justice’s Drug Court Planning Initiative. Lowe said he hopes to have the program running within a year.

Drug courts are special courts given the responsibility of handling cases involving offenders through extensive supervision and treatment. The idea is to put people with substance-abuse problems in treatment programs instead of prisons.

Since 1989, more than 1,000 court jurisdictions across the nation have established or are planning to establish a drug court. Earlier this month, two Michigan communities received $700,000 from the US Department of Justice to implement drug courts. The Livingston County Circuit Court in Howell received $159,211, and the Family Division of the Monroe Circuit Court received $500,000. The courts were among the 33 jurisdictions to get the federal funds this year.

Lowe said he wanted to start a drug court last year after hearing about a similar program in Novi. The 52nd District Court in Novi offers sobriety court, a voluntary program that targets the worst drunken drivers. The offenders show up for review hearings and are rewarded when they doing well.

As of May 30, 106 people had used the Novi program, which began in March 2001.

“It’s about teaching people to be sober for the rest of their lives,” Novi District Judge Brian MacKenzie said. “When I sentence people, I only see them when they’ve got problems. What’s nice about this is I get to see people who are making progress.”

Shanteé Woodards

/USA Today, April 1, 2004/

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