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7. Перечитайте текст, сосредоточив внимание на его важнейших деталях, и выполните нижеследующие задания.

7.1. Выберите правильные варианты ответов на поставленные вопросы (на каждый вопрос – только один правильный ответ).

1. Mass media is media which is intended for…

a) an undereducated audience

b) a large audience

c) an elitist audience

d) the residents of a certain community

e) a foreign audience

2. What media is provided for particular demographic groups?

a) mass media

b) print media

c) local media

d) specialty media

e) Internet media

3. Some local media outlets which cover state or provincial news may rise to prominence thanks to…

a) investigative journalism

b) the financial support of the government

c) he clout that their particular regions have in national politics

d) both “a” and “b”

e) both “a” and “c”

4. What is one of the biggest criticisms of the mass media?

a) it is politically biased

b) it is too topical

c) it is too shallow

d) it is unreliable

e) both “b” and “c”

5. Except the news, mass media also includes…

a) entertainment like television shows, books, and films

b) educational programming

c) political communications (propaganda etc.)

d) public service announcements and emergency alerts

e) all of the variants given

7.2. Заполните таблицу, разъяснив суть каждого вида средств массовой информации.




Mass media


Broadcast media


Print media


Internet media


Local media


Specialty media

7.3. Определите, истинно или ложно каждое из нижеперечисленных утверждений (относительно текста). Пометьте каждое предложение как “t (true)” или “f (false)”. Откорректируйте ложные утверждения.

1. Internet media cannot be regarded as mass media.

2. Only some people around the world rely on the mass media for news and entertainment.

3. Usually, mass media aims to reach a very large market, such as the entire population of a country.

4. The Guardian, formerly known as the Manchester Guardian, for example, is a nationally-respected paper in England which started as a specialty newspaper.

5. When a media outlet is forced to cover national and international news, it cannot address numerous interesting local stories because these stories are not of interest to very many viewers.

6. Mass media doesn’t deal with the news only.

7. Understanding mass media is usually key to understanding a population and culture.

7.4. Дайте развернутые ответы на поставленные вопросы, опираясь на содержание текста.

1. Why do some people refer to the mass media as the “mainstream media”?

2. What are the main criticisms of the mass media mentioned in the text? What other demerits could you add?

3. Why does the author of the text call the mass media ‘key to understanding a population and culture’?

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