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Тема: «Согласование времен в английском языке. Случаи отклонения от правил согласования времен».

  1. Краткая аннотация

Данные методические рекомендации предназначены для студентов 2 курса факультета экономики и права при организации «Согласование времен в английском языке. Случаи отклонения от правил согласования времен». Комплекс заданий, направленный на достижение поставленных целей и задач КСР, разработан в соответствии с учебной программой по дисциплине «Коммуникативная грамматика».

Цель темы — совершенствование грамматических навыков употребления согласования времен в речи.


  • углубить теоретические знания студентов об особенностях употребления согласования времен;

  • овладеть грамматическими навыками, достаточными для реализации коммуникативных намерений в устной и письменной речи;

  • развивать память, логическое мышление и воображение студентов.

  1. Тематический план

2 Курс, 3 семестр

Тема: «Согласование времен в английском языке. Случаи отклонения от правил согласования времен».

  1. Список основной литературы:

1. Богацкий, И.С., Дюканова, Н.М. Бизнес-курс английского языка / И.С. Богацкий, Н.М. Дюканова – 5-е изд. испр. – Киев: ООО «ИП Логос», 2003. – 352с.: ил. (серия «Вас ждет успех!»)

2. Дроздова, Т. Ю., Берестова, А.И., Маилова, В.Г. English Grammar: Reference and Practice: учебное пособие для старшеклассников школ и гимназий, студентов неязыковых вузов с углубленным изучением английского языка. Изд. 6-е, перед. и доп. / Т.Ю. Дроздова, А.И. Берестова, В.Г, Маилова – СПб: ООО «Издательство «Химера», 2000. – 360с.

3. Карневская, Е.Б. Учебно-методическое пособие по практической грамматике английского языка / Е.Б. Карневская – Мн., 1999. – 290с.

4. Качалова, К.Н., Израилевич, Е.Е. Практическая грамматика английского языка с упражнениями и ключами./ К.Н. Качалова, Е.Е. Израилевич – СПб.: БАЗИС, КАРО, 2007. – 608с.

5. Крылова, И.П. Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка / И.П. Крылова – М.: Книжный дом «Университет», 2003. – 432с. – На англ. яз.

6. Оловникова, Н.Г., Андарало, М.А., Бирюков, В.В. и др. Коммуникативная грамматика английского языка = Communicative English Grammar: учеб.-метод. пособие. В 2 ч./ Н.Г. Оловникова, М.А. Андарало, В.В. Бирюков и др. – Минск: БГПУ 2008. – 301с.

7. Хведченя, Л.В. Практический курс современного английского языка. В двух частях / Л.В. Хведченя – Мн: Вышэйшая школа, 2003. – 317с.

8. Христорождественская, л.П. Английский язык для среднего этапа обучения. Практический курс: в 2 ч./ л.П. Христорождественская – Мн.: ооо «Плопресс», 1998. – 464с.

Список дополнительной литературы:

1. Grant, D. Business Basics. Students’ Book/ D. Grant, R. McLarty. – Oxford University Press, 1999.

2. Evans, V. Grammarway (pre-intermediate, intermediate)/ V. Evan, J. Dooley. - Express Publishing, 2000.

3. Murphy, R. English Grammar in Use / R. Murphy. – CUP, 1997.

4. Simkhovich V.A. English grammar in Communication/ V.A. Simkhovich – Мн.: НФК «Экаперспектива», 1995. – 285с.

5. Vince, M. First Certificate Language Practice/ M. Vince. – Heinemann. Macmillan PublishersLimited,1996.

  1. Учебно-методический блок

  1. Study theoretical material.

  2. Give the definition of the sequences of tenses.

  3. Speak about tenses used in English and Russian Subordinate Clauses after a Past Tense in the Principal Clause.

  4. Do the test.

The sequences of Tenses

I. Decide which answer (A, B, C, D) best fits each space.

      1. "They are having dinner". He said that they ... dinner,

  1. are having b) has c) had dinner d) were having

2. "You will enjoy the film ". She said that you ...film,

  1. will enjoy b) would enjoy c) enjoyed d) enjoy

3. "We 've kidnapped your child". They wrote that they ... his son.

  1. have kidnapped b) had kidnapped c) kidnap d) kidnapped

4. Mike hopped his friend ... him with his car.

  1. would help b) will help c) helps d) helped

5. We didn't know the score, but we were sure their team ... the game,

  1. has lost b) lost c) had lost d) loses

      1. Yesterday Tom heard his aunt ...for 5 days,

  1. was ill b) has been ill c) had been ill d) be ill

      1. Please tell me where ...

  1. does Pete live b) does Pete lives c) Pete lives d) Pete live

      1. When I returned home, my father asked where I ...

  1. was b) had been c) have been d) was being

      1. Do you know when ... ?

  1. will they come b) shall they come c) they will come d) would they come

      1. Who ... Jimmy is a bad boy ?

  1. says b) does say c) does says d) say

      1. "I'm a student now !" He told that ... a student,

  1. I am b) I was c) he is d) he was

      1. George said that he ... see us in 3 weeks,

  1. shall b) will c) would d) should to

      1. He didn't see why they ... discuss the matter with their chief,

  1. may not b) should not c) might not a) can no

      1. 1 took my t° again later in the evening and found that it ... up by point two degrees, which made me uncomfortable.

  1. is going b) went c) gone d) had gone

      1. He asked us how long it ... us usually to get to the University,

  1. takes b) took c) will take d) would take

      1. Simon hasn't been informed that the lecture ...on Monday.

  1. hasn't taken place b) wouldn’t 't take place c) won't take place d) doesn’t 't take place

      1. "Where is the Tower of London? " They asked...

  1. what the Tower was b) where the Tower was c) what was the Tower d) where the Tower were

      1. They asked me if I ... enter the college next year,

  1. will b) shall c) would d) have

      1. She told me she ... black coffee.

  1. likes not b) not liked c) didn't like d) doesn't like

      1. The student asked the teacher ...

  1. what the moral of the story is b) what is the moral of the story c) what was the moral of the story d) what the moral of the story was

  1. Put the sentences into indirect speech.

1. She said, "I'm sorry but I don't love you ". 2. He said, "I'll never forget you ". 3. My uncle said, "I can rebuild your house in a year". 4. "Are you ready to order?", the water asked. 5. "What do you mean?", she said. 6. "Can you change my roubles to pounds?", he said. 7. Alice said, "Is this seat free?" 8. She said, "Come in, Mr. Smith. Have some wine". 9. "Change this banknote, please ", I said to the cashier. 3. Bob said, "Give me two fifties, please". 10. "Don't argue with your father", she said.

  1. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form.

    1. The teacher said London (to be) a capital of Great Britain. 2. I knew that water (to boil) at 100 degrees Celsius. 3. The teacher said that water (to freeze) at 32 degrees Fahrenheit. 4. He told me that the distance between Moscow and St. Petersburg (to be) 600 km. 5. My brother told me about the book which you (to be reading). 6. He was not able to translate the article because he (not to know) English well. 7. It was not so cold yesterday as it (to be) today. 8. She said she (must) hurry. 9. I said that you (must) do it at once. 10. I said that you (should) do it at once.

  1. Translate the sentences into Russian.

    1. I knew you were ill. I knew you had been ill. 2. We found that Loretta left home at 8 о 'clock every morning. We found that Loretta had left home at 8 о 'clock that morning. 3. When Mr. Smith learnt that his son Ron always received excellent marks in all the subjects, he was very pleased. When Mr. Smith learnt that his son Ron had received an excellent mark in English, he was very pleased. 4. We didn't know where Richard spent every evening. We didn't know where Richard had spent the night before. 5. I didn't know that you studied at our University. I didn't know that you had studied at our University. 6. Ann mentioned that her brother was a pilot. Ann mentioned that her brother had been a pilot. 7. He was sure that his watch showed the right time. 8. I thought that it was John who was shaving in the bathroom. 9. We didn't know what had happened to them. 10. Julia was afraid she would wake her little sister.