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Lesson 1 exercises Work at the words!

1. Read these words paying attention to the stress:

Ударение на втором слоге: economy, to economize, economist

Ударение на третьем слоге: economics, economic, economical, economically

2. Choose the correct word:

  1. I am a student of (economy, economics) now.

  2. At school I didn’t study the (economy, economics) of Great Britain.

  3. I hope he’ll make a good (economist, economy).

  4. There are many (economic, economical) problems in the world.

  5. This car is very (economic, economical).

  6. I try to spend money and time (economical, economically).

  7. This car (economize, economizes) fuel.

3. Say the same using the words economic or economical:

  1. a practical woman

  2. problems of economics

  3. a crisis in the field of economy

  4. to be careful in the spending of money

  5. reforms in the field of economy

  6. a law (закон) regulating the sphere of economics

  7. a plan of the industrial development of the country

  8. a small car that doesn’t use too much fuel (топливо)

  9. Geography that studies the location (размещение) of industries, markets, transport

4. Read the text, try to understand the meaning of the word economy:


The words “the economy” are words we hear or read almost every day. For example, we may be told that “the world economy is in the doldrums”, or “the European economy is making little progress out of recession”, or “the Scottish economy has held up relatively well during the recent recession”.

But what is meant by the economy? What is an economy? What happens in one? How does an economy work?

The economy is a social mechanism which answers these questions. The economy means a system for the management, use and control of the money, goods and other resources of a country, community or household.

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жители отдельного района

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  1. Insert the necessary word (economy, economics, economist, economic, to economize, economical):

  1. The national … is the system of the management and use of resources of a country.

  2. You can … if you compare the prices of goods before buying them.

  3. Adam Smith was a famous … .

  4. Inflation may cause a bad … state (положение) in a country.

  5. If you’ve got a large family, it’s more … to travel by car than by train.

Check your Grammar!

6. Read and translate the following word combinations:

aircraft industry

cotton industry

automobile industry centre

high technology industry

coal industry

business centre

school year

command economy

market economy

land resources

price mechanism

price level

market mechanism

economy planning

7. Translate the following word combinations:

  1. the production of machinery

  2. branch of a foreign company

  3. form of business

  4. the eastern part of the country

  5. a shortage of raw materials

  6. the high cost of production

  7. the number of workers

8. Insert the verbs to be or to have, translate into Russian:

  1. The United States … a lot of mineral deposits such as coal, gold, silver, copper, lead and zinc.

  2. Texas … rich in oil.

  3. New York … a financial and advertising business centre.

  4. Now the U.K. … a great variety of industries.

  5. London … a big port on the River Thames, a major commercial, industrial centre.

  6. Birmingham … an iron and steel centre.

  7. Britain … very few natural resources.

9. Translate the sentences paying attention to there is/are, make the past and future forms of the sentences if possible:

  1. There are plenty of coal mines there.

  2. There is a lot of fruit raising area in California.

  3. There are a lot of large and modern cities.

  4. There is a new store in our street.

  5. There is a sale in this supermarket.

  6. The partnership is a firm where there are a few partners.

  7. There are different forms of money.

  8. There are consumers with different needs and opportunities.

10. Choose the correct way of forming the Degrees of Comparison:

low, natural, strong, few, deep, successful, many, profitable, poor, rich, wealthy, valuable, well, high, modern

11. Translate into Russian paying attention to the Degrees of Comparison:

  1. the richest farming region of America

  2. one of the world’s largest exporters

  3. New York City is the first biggest city of the States.

  4. The sole trader is the oldest form of business.

  5. One third of the farms is less than one hundred acres.