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4. Match up these words to make collocations:

  1. low-priced

  1. maturity

  1. product

  1. decline stage

  1. reach

  1. of scale

  1. go into

  1. items

  1. production

  1. product

  1. economies

  1. phase

  1. support

  1. life cycle

5. The growth-share matrix (also known as Boston matrix)puts each of a firm’s businesses into one of four categories known as Cash Cow, Star, Dog and Question mark. Use your Economic dictionary to define these terms. Then fill in the gaps with appropriate words from the box (you can use them more than once)


question mark

cash cow


The Growth-Share Matrix

The growth-share matrix was originally conceived by the Boston Consulting Group. It is basically a tool to help marketers decide which products need extra support – in terms of cash investment – and which should be dropped completely.

a)_________ are the dream product: they generate high income but don’t actually require a lot of spending. A b)_____ product practically markets itself. A c)_____, on the other hand, is a new product, it requires a lot of cash, the advertising budget is high. You hope it might become a d)_____, but it offers a possibly very high short-term profit.

e)______, also known as problem products, probably need a lot of cash investment to turn them into f)_____. On the other hand, they may never be really successful.

At least the choice is usually clearer with g)_____: they don’t use much cash, but they don’t generate much income, either; they can probably be dropped.

6. Find combinations in the chart that refer to the definitions given below.

  1. the activity of adding new products to an existing range that are higher or lower in price in order to attract a different group of customers;

  2. the process of planning and directing the products that a company produces and the way that they are sold;

  3. a person who is in charge of planning and organising the marketing of a particular brand or product;

  4. all the products and items that a particular company offers for sale;

  5. the type of advertising in which a company pays to have one of its products appear in a film/movie or television programme;

  6. a set of products of a particular type that are made or sold by a company;

  7. when a company that has a contract to use or provide particular products, uses different products instead, especially ones that do not meet the required standards;

  8. the activity of adding new products to an existing range in order to make the range more complete.

7. Complete the sentences with the suitable word combination from the previous exercise.

  1. … closes gaps in the market and keeps competitors out.

  2. The company is trying to widen its … … .

  3. It is forbidden to practise … … of cigarettes in the movies.

  4. The management plans to improve the stores and broaden the … …

  5. If a company produces shampoo, it will constantly add more different shampoos to the … … to increase the market share.

  6. For the luxury car manufacturer, … … means producing a car for the middle range of the market.

8. Give the English equivalents for the following.

Удовлетворить потребность; предложенные для продажи; жизненный цикл товара; товары повседневного спроса; снятие товара с рынка; поведение покупателей; товары первой необходимости; список покупок; места с интенсивным движением; товары предварительного выбора; сравнение цены и качества; отличия в дизайне; отличаться от конкурентов; товары особого спроса; добиться преданности покупателей; товары пассивного спроса; стадия внедрения товара; стадия роста; стадия зрелости; стадия спада; экономия на масштабе; производить качественный товар; повредить имиджу компании; заполнение продуктовой линейки; матрица «рост-доля рынка»; ассортимент товаров; узнавание марки; фирменное название; немарочный товар; логотип товара; ярлык производителя; «неверный» потребитель; стратегическое бизнес-подразделение; фабричная марка; марка розничной сети.

Brand switcher; to build loyalty; staple products; shopping list; shopping goods; brand awareness; convenience products; differences in design; product life cycle; differentiate from rivals; unsought goods; introduction stage; to produce a quality product; to damage company’s image; line-filling; offered for sale; the growth-share matrix; product range; generic product; product logo; decline stage; brand label; strategic business unit; manufacturer brand; economies of scale; private distributor brand. to satisfy a need; specialty goods; buyer’s behavior; maturity stage; heavy traffic areas; price and quality comparisons; product deletion; brand name; growth stage.

9. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1. Наш бренд известен по всей Европе.

2. Объем продаж зависит от того на какой стадии цикла находится продукт.

3. Компании, чья цель – большая доля рынка, обычно имеют длинные товарные линейки.

4. Наполнение продуктами может привести к поглощению одного продукта другим, если продукты слишком похожи.

5. Продуктовую линейку можно увеличивать в двух направлениях:– двигаясь на рынок дешевых или дорогих товаров.

6. Использование стратегической бизнес единицы необходимо для компании выпускающей большой ассортимент товаров.

7. Товары импульсной покупки размещаются в местах с большим потоком покупателей.

8. У товара, как правило, четыре стадии жизненного цикла – внедрение, рост, зрелость и спад.

10. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right.

  1. protection

  1. a legal or other formal measure intended to preserve civil liberties and rights

  1. design

  1. a plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of a building, garment, or other object before it is made

  1. symbol

  1. a mark or character used as a conventional representation of an object, function, or process

  1. registration

  1. the action or process of registering or of being registered

  1. purchase

  1. acquire (something) by paying for it; buy

  1. promotion

  1. the publicizing of a product, organization, or venture so as to increase sales or public awareness

  1. package

  1. an object or group of objects wrapped in paper or packed in a box

  1. right

  1. the authority to perform, publish, film, or televise a particular work, event, etc

11. Complete these sentences with the words from the box.









  1. We have three main brand values which we try to … in all our internal and … communication.

  2. Our customers … us with the highest quality products.

  3. That’s something we can … through our brand.

  4. We have always had a … for coming up with new products and we try to … that through our brand.

  5. Hopefully that is … from our logo and corporate design.

  6. Our products are … seen as the safest on the market.

12. Make up your own sentences using the words from exercises 10 and 11.

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