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to be - быть, находиться












he, she, it


- was

- will be

a student.

we, you, they


- were






(shall - I, we)




to have - иметь, обладать







he, she, it




a diploma.

I, we, you, they


- had

- will have


Exercise 1. Вставьте to be в нужном времени.

1. Nick ... a pupil last year. 2. But now he ... not a pupil any longer. 3. He ... a firstyear student. 4. All of you ... not pupils now. 5. You ... first-year students. 6. But last year you ... pupils. 7. In five years you ... engineers. 8. I think you ... good specialists. 9. Your friends from other groups ... specialists too. 10. All of you ... group-mates now.

Exercise 2. Вставьте to have в нужном времени.

1. My friend ... many interesting books. 2. They ... a big house in the country next year. 3. His family ... a nice garden. 4. She ... a good trip to London last month. 5. I ... a dog. 6. We ... much work last year. 7. You ... three exams this summer. 8. Her parents ...

a comfortable flat. 9. John ... a diploma in five years. 10. The students ... four lessons every day. 11. His brother ... a computer at home. 12. Mary ... two brothers.

Exercise 3. Дайте краткий ответ на вопросы.

1. Have you a computer at home? 2. Have you a brother? 3. Has your brother children? 4. Had he a car last year? 5. Have you a friend? 6. Have you any English books at home? 7. Had our city two universities two years ago? 8. Has the moon an atmosphere? 9. Will the moon have an atmosphere in thousands years? 10. Has the word 'dog' 5 letters? 11. Have you a university diploma now? 12. Will you have a diploma in five years?


ОБОРОТ There + be

1) На русский язык предложение переводится с конца: Где?, Когда? -> Что?

There are some books on the table.

There will be a test tomorrow.

На столе есть несколько учебников.

Завтра будет тест.

2)There + was/were - было There + will be - будет

3)There + is, are/exist - имеется, есть, находится, существует

There exist many difficulties in space research.

Существует много трудностей в исследовании космоса.

4)There + смысловой глагол

There will come a day - Наступит день.

Once there lived .... - Жили-были ....

Exercise 4. Вставьте to be в нужной форме.

1. There ... a TV-set in this room. 2. There ... no mistakes in his last dictation. 3. There ... no garden near his new house next year. 4. There ... two pictures in my sister's room. 5. There ... a lot of French books in her library last year. 6. There ... no English newspaper on the table. 7. There ... coffee in my cup when I had breakfast. 8. There ... a telephone in my flat next month. 9. There ... no maps on the walls of our classroom. 10. There ... no ink in my pen. 11. There ... four classes yesterday. 12. There ... an English lesson tomorrow.

Exercise 5. Прочитайте и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. There are many satellites in orbit at the present time. 2. There is no atmosphere on the sun. 3. There were no computing machines before 1940. 4. There happened a great fire last year. 5. There existed no human beings on Mars. 6. There will come a day when people will travel from one planet to another. 7. There is no progress without hard work. 8. There were dinosaurs on the earth millions years ago. 9. There is no light in space. 10. There are 12 months in a year.


It is necessary to study. - Необходимо учиться. It was summer. - Было лето.


Exercise 6. Составьте предложения, используя следующие фразы:

far from my home, evening, terrible, 7 o'clock, time to go home, cold, Saturday, a long distance, autumn, dark, late.

Осень. Суббота. Вечер. 7 часов. Пора идти домой. Холодно. Темно. Поздно. Далеко от дома. Долго идти. Страшно.

Exercise 7. Переведите на русский язык.

1. It's difficult to speak English. 2. It's necessary to study English. 3. It's easy to do nothing. 4. It's important to know a foreign language. 5. It's pleasant to read this book. 6. It was interesting to hear the news. 7. It will be fine to see him here. 8. It is nice to meet you. 9. It will be obligatory to learn new words. 10. It was terrible to listen to his story. 11. It is good you've come. 12. It will be bad not to come.


Служит для выделения отдельных членов предложения:

It is/was ... that/when/who/whom ...

При переводе появляются наречия: именно, лишь, это, как раз, же, ведь. It was in Russia that the first sputnik was launched in 1957.

Это в России был запущен первый спутник в 1957 году. It was the first sputnik that was launched in Russia in 1957.

Именно первый спутник был запущен в России в 1957 году. It was in 1957 when the first sputnik was launched in Russia.

Как раз в 1957 году в России был запущен первый спутник.

Exercise 8. Прочитайте и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. It is with the help of the radio that we get the news. 2. It was the Russian scientist Lodygin who invented the electric lamp. 3. It was in April when the magazines were brought to the library. 4. It was his brother who brought me the letter yesterday. 5. It was yesterday when we discussed the plan. 6. It is the force of gravity that keeps the planets around the sun. 7. It was Nick who told me the news. 8. It was last week when we saw this film. 9. It was last month when I met him in the university. 10. It was Einstein who gave a new conception of time, space and gravitation. 11. It is in this article that you will find the necessary data. 12. The work was difficult and it was only due to your help that I could finish it.

Exercise 9. Выделите по очереди подчеркнутые члены предложения.

In 1869 for the first time in the history D.I.Mendeleyev classified the chemical elements according to their atomic weights in the Periodic table. (6 предложений)



основа гл. + -er/-or = сущ.: - лицо, производящее действие - орудие действия

to teach - teacher (учитель) to mix - mixer (смеситель)

to generate (генерировать) - generator, to distribute (распределять) - distributor, to clean (чистить) - cleaner, to cool (охлаждать) - cooler, to time (регулировать) - timer, to lead (руководить) - leader, to govern (управлять) - governor, to read (читать) - reader, to think (мыслить) - thinker, to write (писать) - writer, to listen (слушать) - listener, to operate (оперировать) - operator

основа гл., сущ. + -ist = сущ.: представитель профессии, учения journal (журнал) - journalist (журналист)

copyist, liberalist, sociologist, typist, realist, activist, naturalist, technologist, geologist, ecologist

основа сущ. + -ian/-an = сущ.: род деятельности, национальность

India (Индия) - Indian (индиец)

European, Asian, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Brazilian, electrician, archaeologian, republican, librarian, musician


1) Личное местоимение "он, она, оно", родительный падеж "его, ее":

This is a book. It is thick. Give it to me. Это книга. Она толстая. Дай ее мне.

2)Указательное местоимение "это": What is it? Что это?

3)Формальное подлежащее: It is 9 o’clock. Сейчас 9 часов.

4)В устойчивых выражениях (не переводится): It is said that...Говорят,что....

5)Выделительная конструкция: It is ... that ("именно, как раз, только")

Exercise 10. Переведите предложения.

1. It is a very interesting book, I like it very much. 2. Our club is open, everybody can visit it. 3. Don't give me that magazine, I have already read it. 4. It was late. 5. It is impossible to do our work today, we'll do it tomorrow. 6. It was Newton who discovered the law of universal gravitation. 7. It was the Moscow University that was founded by Lomonosov. 8. It is my friend. 9. Do you see it? 10. It is said that he is a good friend.

I see a lake. Я вижу (какое-то, одно) озеро. I see lakes. Я вижу (какие-то) озера.
I see a table. Я вижу (какой-то) стол.
The table is big. (Этот) стол - большой.






me, bye


same, pale, snake, cake, ate, hate, fate, place, space


be, me, he, cede, meter, decent, delete, region, medium


mine, fine, nice, price, sky, line, cry, bye, mile

o-[ou] hole, nose, go, rope, vote, bone, dose, pole, so


tune, fuse, amuse, music, student, tutor, duke, cue, cute


Служебная часть речи, являющаяся определителем существительного. Неопределенный артикль a/an употребляется для введения нового лица или

предмета в ед. числе. A ставится перед согласным звуком: a table, a University; an ставится перед гласным звуком: an apple. Если впервые упоминается много предметов, то артикль не употребляется.

Определенный артикль the употребляется со всеми существительными. Предмет или лицо, впервые упомянутое с неопределенным артиклем, далее употребляется с определенным, т.к. обозначает уже известный предмет. [Dq]

употребляется перед согласным звуком: the table; [DJ] используется перед гласным звуком: the end.

Неопределенный a/an

Определенный the

Exercise 11. Вставьте правильный артикль, где нужно.

1. I live in ...

modern city. 2. I live in

... big new house. 3. ....

house is in ...

centre of

... city. 4. I am ...

student. 5. I study at ...

State University. 6. My friend is ...


student too. 7. We are ... good friends. 8. Last year I was ... pupil. 9. I have finished ...

school this year. 10. In summer I passed ...

exams. 11.

I got ...

good marks. 12. My …

family is small. 13. I have

... parents and ...

sister. 14.

My mother is ... economist. 15.

My father is ... clerk. 16 ...

my sister is twenty five. 17. She is

... clerk in ... bank. 18.

She likes ... music. 19. I like ... detectives and ... horror films. 20. We are ... friendly family.

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