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Exercise 1. Прочитайте слова, делая правильное ударение:

'fifty, 'many, 'timer, 'careful, 'badly, 'energy, 'factory, 'interest, 'faculty, 'memory, ne'cessity, a'bility, ra'pidity, tech'nology, at'traction, at'tention, com'pletion, in'vasion, ad,mini'stration, in,vesti'gation, com,muni'cation, e,xami'nation.

Exercise 2. Переведите предложения с инфинитивом-определением.

1. The problem to be solved is of great importance. 2. Everybody was interested in the problem to be discussed at the conference. 3. The work to be done by the computer is very useful. 4. Silicon is the material to be widely used in industry. 5. The device to be tested has been brought to our lab. 6. The apparatus to be designed will be useful in speeding up the process. 7. Silicon was perhaps the first material to be used by man for making a transistor. 8. The work to be done tomorrow was given by the engineer-in- chief. 9. There are many problems to be solved concerning the programming of a computer. 10. The disadvantages to be overcome were discussed at the scientific conference.

Exercise 3. Сравните инфинитив-подлежащее и инфинитив-обстоятельство.

1. To master the speciality we must study hard. 2. To master this speciality is a complicated task. 3. To solve the problems dealing with speed computations scientists had to conduct a lot of experiments. 4. To collect new information by satellites will help to get better results. 5. To translate a foreign text correctly you must know grammar. 6. To read scientific articles is a useful and interesting way to master the speciality. 7. To create a new electronic device the engineers have to make certain measurements. 8. This method was introduced to achieve better results. 9. The size of modern computers is such important as to be taken into consideration. 10. To study means to work hard.

Exercise 4. Переведите сочетания с инфинитивом:

to create new equipment we make; to create new equipment is; we want to create new equipment; new equipment to be created is; he was the first to create new equipment; new equipment is too important to be created now; new equipment has to be created;

can process, could be processed, might discuss, might be discussed, must perform, must be performed, should obtain, should be obtained; have to do, has to be done, had to be tested, had to program, is able to translate, were able to connect.


Запомните следующие слова.





темп, скорость












прибор, аппарат



двигатель, машина









схема, расположение

make up

[meik Ap]










точный, правильный



соединение, сочетание









надлежащий, правильный















счетчик, измерительный прибор



случай, обстоятельство






ручка, рубильник















внешний вид


Exercise 5. Прочитайте и переведите интернациональные слова:

carburettor, mixture, cylinder, motor, contact, gas, proportion, nylon, material, factory, principle, detail, negative, negatively, positive, positively, integral, register, division, dominion, calculate, calculator, focus, uniformly, proportional, diameter.

Прочитайте текст и переведите его со словарем.


In many modern machines and engineering processes certain quantities have to be controlled, such as temperatures, rates of speed and so on. This is often done by automatic devices. The various highly ingenious means for doing this are known in general as control systems.

Simple examples of control apparatus are found in the steam engine where there is a governer to control the speed. In the petrol engine the carburettor and throttle, as is known, control the mixture of air and petrol vapour and its flow to the cylinders.

Electric motors have control arrangements made up of switches or contacts operated in the correct order and rate, often in very complicated combinations. Gas and electric stoves and boilers, electric irons and kettles, and many other pieces of equipment have automatic devices for controlling temperatures.

Some of the most important applications of automatic control mentioned are applied in the chemical industry. Chemical processes such as the manufacture of nylon or certain stages of oil refining require very close control to the proper values of quantities such as temperatures, rates of flow, pressures, acidity, proportions of materials and so on.

Formerly chemical factories had to employ many people to watch various meters and measuring instruments and to move control handles. Now, more and more, such operations are being done by automatic control systems.

These apparatus are costly, but much labour is saved. Besides, in many cases, the automatic controls, as is stated, work faster and more uniformly than even the most skilled operator can.

We know the automatic controls are also used to control the thickness in rolling steel plant, or to obtain the precise amount of stretch of the wet paper in paper-making machines. They are used to control the work of many machine-tools.

All these controls are based on the same principles of operation, the details and appearance of the apparatus being of course different in different applications.


Exercise 6. Прочтите следующие слова:

ingenious, carburettor, throttle, mixture, vapour, cylinder, arrangement, iron, kettle, acidity, detail, appearance.

Exercise 7. Найдите в тексте английский эквивалент.

Известны в основном, простейшие примеры, как известно, сейчас все больше и больше, кроме того, во многих случаях, как установлено, чем даже, точное количество, на тех же самых принципах, состоящие из, смесь воздуха и пара, определенные стадии, внешний вид прибора.

Exercise 8. Закончите предложения.

1. In engineering processes ingenious devices control ... 2. Examples of control devices are found in ... 3. The automatic controls for controlling temperatures find application in ... 4. In chemistry some manufacturing processes or certain stages of oil refining require very close control to ... 5. To watch various meters and measuring instruments and to move control handles a lot of people had to ... 6. Now in chemical plants most of operations are being done by ... 7. Though being costly the automatic controls save ... 8. Automatic controls work faster and ... 9. Automatic controls can control the precise amount of the thickness in ... 10. The details and appearance of all automatic controls are different and depend on different applications, though they are based ...

Exercise 9. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What quantities have to be controlled in modern production? 2. What does a control device do in a steam engine? 3. How does a control apparatus function in a petrol engine? 4. How do control units operate in electric motors? 5. In what kind of domestic equipment are automatic devices for controlling temperature used? 6. Why are the applications of automatic controls so important in chemical industry? 7. What kind of work did many people have to do in chemical works before? 8. Why is it more efficient to use the automatic control in industry? 9. What examples of efficient application of automatic controls in some other industries are there in the text? 10. Why are the details and appearance of various apparatus so different?

Exercise 10. Переведите следующие слова разными частями речи:

code, control, change, design, force, handle, input, limit, list, model, output, power, pulse, range, register, term, use, result, root, set, sort, switch, process, record, decimal.


Exercise 11. Переведите предложения с инфинитивом.

1. Modern complex controls can perform functions man would not be able to fulfil. 2. The worker in the plant with modern automatic equipment is to regulate the production processes. 3. All-round automation makes it possible to introduce remote control. 4. Software programs are used to actuate different machine-tools. 5. Automation is the use of machines to do work instead of men. 6. Automation helps people to work more easily. 7. In the steam engine there is a governor to control the speed. 8. In the petrol engine there is the carburettor and throttle to control the mixture of air and petrol vapour. 9. Chemical factories had to employ many people to watch meters and to move control handles. 10. To control temperature in electric irons and kettles we use automatic devices. 11. The operations to be done by automatic control systems are very complicated. 12. Electric motors to be operated correctly are made up of switches and contacts. 13. To control certain quantities in modern machines and engineering processes is a vital necessity today. 14. Automatic control is applied in the chemical industry to regulate the proper values of the quantities. 15. To move control handles was one of the main tasks of chemical workers in the past.

Exercise 12. Определите неличную форму глагола.

1.Having investigated the phenomenon he devised a new theory for its explanantion.

2.What apparatus do we use to measure air pressure? 3. We apply computers to process data. 4. Do you find any difficulty in solving this problem? 5. Science requires exploring new fields of knowledge. 6. The article discussed the results currently being tested by our research team.

Exercise 13. Переведите предложения с указателями количества.

1. Many electronic devices can be found in our laboratory. 2. Much information is being processed now. 3. A lot of operations are done by various types of computers. 4. We did a lot of work. 5. A large number of microchips build up the memory unit. 6. The memory unit stores a large amount of different data. 7. Specialists have created a great number of microelectronic units. 8. The microprocessor performed a few instructions. 9. Little information is to be used in our research. 10. New electronic computers need fewer parts than the earlier types. 11. An analog computer can process less information than a digital one. 12. We use more knowledge to design new devices now than we did some years ago. 13. More calculations are being performed by computers from year to year. 14. None of the instructions suited the program. 15. None of work has been done yet.

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