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Exercise 1. Запомните чтение гласных буквосочетаний:

road, know, grow, roll, cold, folk, coltish; high, sign, kind, light, mild, design; found, town, now, ground, count; boy, coin, exploit; hear, engineer, engineering, near; there, chair, bear, hair; poor, tour, sure, insure; our, tower, hour, powerful; grey, contain, day, eight, leisure, break; lion, science.

Exercise 2. Поставьте глаголы в нужном времени.

1. A lot of important problems (to be solved) by the scientists.

1)yesterday; 2) the whole evening yesterday; 3) at the present moment; 4) every day;

5)next month; 6) by the next month; 7) just.

2. Automatic control (to be introduced) in this plant.

1)already; 2) next year; 3) now; 4) last month; 5) before he started working; 6) for a year; 7) by the end of this year.

Exercise 3. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на времена.

1. The invention of the computer was followed by other inventions. 2. Most of us have heard about this new electronic device. 3. Great changes have taken place in microelectronics since recent years. 4. Yesterday from 5 till 7 engineers were discussing that problem. 5. Since you have done all the work for today you may go home. 6. In a number of plants automatic machines are replacing the work of men. 7. Rapid growth of science is one of the main features of our time. 8. Many people work at computer design. 9. Man has learned to control forces of nature. 10. They have saved a lot of time by using computers in their research.

Exercise 4. Переведите предложения с согласованием времен.

1. We thought that the experiment would begin the next day. 2. The design engineer said that the new machine would be used in the future. 3. The operator said that he was feeding new data into the machine. 4. Yesterday I read in a newspaper that those machines had been used by our engineers. 5. We knew that Professor N. had published the results of his research. 6. He asked me why I was working at that problem. 7. I did not know who had invented the computer. 8. We heard that he wanted to know everything about this experiment. 9. We know he will be a good programmer if he studies this subject thoroughly. 10. They believed that computers would be a very effective tool if the people used the machines correctly.


Запомните следующие слова.








набор, комплект



иметь (отношение и т.п.)



сходство, подобие















двоичный, бинарный






обращаться, работать






соответствовать, сообщаться

depend (on)

[dI'pend qn]

зависеть от



схема, диаграмма






























значительный, важный



роль, часть






особый, специфичный








Exercise 5. Прочитайте и переведите интернациональные слова:

natural, algebraic, normally, binary, originally, position, practical, ordinary, operate, electronics, registration, legal, official, formal, formalize, active, correction, real, reality, realization, association, organ, organize, organism, organizer.

Прочитайте текст и переведите его со словарем.


A machine language is the natural instruction set of a computer which bears little resemblance to the algebraic form in which mathematical expressions are normally written. This language makes the operation of the computer possible. It is known as the binary number system and was originally used to represent and handle numbers only. Nowadays it is used to handle letters and symbols as well.

Binary system uses only two symbols, 1 and 0, rather than the ten decimal numbers (0-9), and the twenty-six letters of the alphabet we normally use.

The decimal numbers are compared with the corresponding binary symbols. The symbol 1 in the binary system can be used to represent one, two, four, eight, or sixteen depending on its position or place in a special chart.

The binary system is not so practical for ordinary numerical problems as the decimal system because more digits are required to express numbers. But this system suits modern computers because some of them can store millions decimal digits and operate with a lightening speed.

The basic unit of information with which digital computers operate is the bit. For many purposes, however it is better not to be specific about how the information is coded into bits. A byte is between 6 and 10 bits and corresponds to a storage unit necessary to contain the binary code.

The store also contains a numerical quantities and data which are to be processed. It also has a program or list of instructions or commands which are to be performed.

It is the machine language that greatly helps the arithmetic unit normally perform the operation of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and certain other special operations.

The input and output devices are to supply information and to obtain it from the computer. These devices play a significant part in making the capacity of a computer effective. In converting information from one form to another these units employ the machine language.


Exercise 6. Прочтите следующие слова:

language, natural, resemblance, quantity, machine, lightening, expression, chart, significant, correspond, handle, originally.

Exercise 7. Найдите в тексте английский эквивалент.

Обычный набор инструкций, иметь небольшое сходство с, делает возможным, первоначально использовалась, также, скорее чем (а не), соответствующие символы, в зависимости от, специальная таблица, подходит для компьютеров, молниеносная скорость, играют важную роль, по многим причинам, список инструкций.

Exercise 8. Вставьте пропущенные слова:

symbols, machine, handle, unit, set, position, suits, form, numbers, express.

1. A machine language is the instruction ... of a computer. 2. Mathematical expressions are usually written in algebraic ... . 3. This ... language is known as the binary number system. 4. The binary system was at first used to represent ... only. 5. Now it is used to ... letters, symbols and numbers. 6. Binary system uses only two ... . 7. One symbol can be used depending on its ... in a special chart. 8. Digits are required to

... numbers. 9. The binary system ... modern computers. 10. The basic ... of information is the bit.

Exercise 9. Закончите предложения.

1. A machine language is ... 2. The machine language makes ... 3. The machine

language is called ... 4. The machine language is used ... 5. The binary system uses ... 6.

The decimal numbers are compared ... 7. The decimal system is used ... 8. The bit is ...

9. A byte is ... 10. The store contains ...

Exercise 10. Найдите синонимы:

to resemble, to place, certain, sort, structure, to connect, kind, hard, design, to put, to be like, definite, to link, solid.

Exercise 11. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is a machine language? 2. Does this language resemble a mathematical expression? 3. What is the function of the language in the computer? 4. How do they call this language? 5. What is the language used for nowadays? 6. How many symbols does the binary system use? 7. How do the decimal numbers look like in the machine language? 8. Why can the symbol 1 be used to represent different numbers? 9. Why is the binary system not used for usual numerical problems? 10. What is the basic unit of


computer information?

Exercise 12. Прочитайте и переведите следующие наречия:

widely, fully, easily, completely, necessarily, greatly, highly, normally.

Exercise 13. Прочитайте следующие символы.













Exercise 14. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на время.

1. The operations performed by a computer are called data processing. 2. An electronic computer can perform mathematical work. 3. Digital machines have many applications. 4. Analog computers were designed to accept physical forces. 5. The earliest computers were referred to as 'giant brains'. 6. A problem must be fed into the machine. 7. There are some computers that are able to perform many different jobs. 8. Electronic computers have become very useful in industry. 9. Computers will save research workers years of hard work. 10. The problem this computer is dealing with is very complicated. 11. Scientists believed they would create a powerful device for making calculations. 12. If you use a computer in your work, you'll solve the problem easily. 13. We thought that the electronic devices had been designed some decades ago. 14. The specialists knew the work was requiring expertise and ingenuity. 15. We were said that there would be no possibility to solve the problem if we continued making such bad mistakes.

Exercise 15. Прочитайте и переведите предложения c наречиями.

1. They worked hard and their hard work resulted in new discoveries. 2. She will hardly come as she is very busy. 3. It is highly important that high speed should be applied to calculations. 4. Nearly all the devices were near the TV set. 5. It was already late when we left the laboratory. 6. A very interesting book by this scientist has appeared lately. 7. As everything was ready they could begin the work. 8. It is known that a computer takes the coded instructions readily. 9. It was a close investigation and the scientists closely tested the results. 10. It looks like a computer. 11. It is likely to be a robot. 12. The calculations took a short time but shortly we came across some difficulties. 13. He made much work and it was a great success. 14. A computer is a great achievement of science. 15. Computers have greatly influenced the age of scientific and technological revolution.

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