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Grammar Section past perfect & past perfert continuous

1. Fill in the gaps with one of the verbs from the list in the past perfect continuous.

Read, scream, argue, try, watch, eat

1. Ann was angry. She ….. with her partners for an hour. 2. Andrew had a headache. His sister ……. for half an hour. 3. Simon was confused. He ……… to win the case for weeks. 4. Helen felt sick. She …….. chocolates all afternoon. 5. Sally was frightened. She …. a horror film for half an hour. 6. John was very tired. He …. all night.

2. First, say which action happened first, then join the sentences using the words in brackets, as in the example.

Example: He saved a lot of money. Then, he bought a car. (when) – saved a lot of money: happened first When he had saved a lot of money, he bought a car.

1. He learned the words. Then, he began to write the report (before). 2. He passed all the exams. Then, he went on holiday. (by the time) 3. My colleagues came. Then, we started working (when). 4. The girls put on their uniforms. Then, they went to school. (before) 5. He committed a crime. Then, the police arrested him. (after) 6. Solon abolished Draco’s laws. Then, he issued his own laws. (after)

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the past perfect or past perfect continuous.

1. A: Did you do anything last night? – B: I went to the library to prepare for the ceminar and I …. (just / arrive) home when Michael phoned me. He said he …. (try) to phone me for ten minutes before I finally answered the phone. 2. A: Did you meet your client yesterday? – B: Yes. I … (sit) in my office for half and hour when he came. 3. A: Did you have enough time to finish your English test? – B: Almost. I …. (just / start ) writing the last sentence when the bell rang. We …. (write) it for about an hour. 4. A: Why were you so upset this morning? - B: I was very upset, because I …. (fail) my examination, I …. (prepare) for it for nearly a week. 5. A: Why were you late for your classes this morning? – B: I …. (wait) for the bus over 20 minutes before it eventually arrived.

4. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past tense.

A. On Monday morning, Jo 1) ….. (miss) the bus and had to walk to University. When she 2) ….. (arrive), the bell 3) .… (already / ring) and the classes 4) …. (start). The students 5) … (work) quietly when Jo 6) …. (walk) into the classroom.

B. When Jack 1) … (get) to the party, a lot of people 2) …. (dance) to music. Everyone 3) … (wear) jeans and T-shits. Jack 4) … (buy) a new suit for the party and he 5) …. (wear) that. He 6) … (feel) quite silly because everyone 7) … (look) at him.

5. A. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

Oprah Winfrey (1) …… (begin) speaking publicly in church at the age of two. By the time she (2) ……. (be) twelve, she (3) …….. (already / decide) what she wanted to do for a living. She (4) …… (want) to be ‘paid to talk.’ In fact, it wasn’t too long afterward that she (5) ….. (get) her first radio job. Although she (6) …… (not / have) any previous experience, she was hired to report the news.

When Winfrey (7) …… (get) her own TV show in 1986, she (8) …….. (already / be) a TV news reporter and (9) …….. (make) her acting debut in a major Hollywood movie, The Color Purple. Oprah’s warm personality (10) …… (make) her TV guests comfortable, and her human-interest stories on topics such as child abuse – Oprah, herself, (11) …….. (be) a victim – touched the hearts of her viewing audience. ‘The Oprah Winfrey Show’ quickly (12) ……. (become) one of the most popular shows in the United States, and by the late 1980s ‘Oprah Winfrey’ (13) ……… (become) a household world. When asked about her future, Winfrey says, ‘… it’s so bright it burns my eyes.’

B. Complete the psychologist’s description of a patient who had appeared as a guest on ‘The Oprah Winfrey Show.’ Use the appropriate verb from the box and put it in the correct form.

arrest; leave; become; lose; bring; recommend; have; see; hurt

I (1) _____________ hundreds like him before. He sat on the couch and stared out the window. He was only sixteen. His mother sat next to him. She (2) _________ him to see me. She (3) ___________ control of her son. Ever since his father (4) ____________ them four years before, she (5) __________ trouble with her son. He (6) _____________ more and more angry and depressed. Recently he (7) ___________ someone in a school fight. The police (8) __________ him and (9) _________ psychological counseling. The mother was afraid he was going to run away from home.

6. Translate into English. А)

А) Я написав вправу


б) Я прочитала цю книгу

(можу переказати її).

(ось вона.)

у минулому семестрі.

до того, як прийшла мама.

до того, як ти прийшов.

Я писала листа

доки він читав.

Я готувався до семінару

коли він прийшов.

коли він прийшов.

до його приходу.

вже годину, коли він прийшов.

вже кілька годин, коли він прийшов.

В) Я зробив доповідь

минулого тижня.

г) Вони вивчили нові слова

(можете перевірити.)

до 9-ї години.



до того, як ви зайшли до залу.

до того, як ти мені дзвонив.

Я робив доповідь

коли ви зайшли до залу.

Вони вчили нові слова

вчора о 7 годині.

вже півгодини, коли ви зайшли до залу.

вже кілька годин, коли я прийшов до них.

Е) Дощ йшов

вчора весь день.

Дощ пройшов

минулого тижня.

цього тижня.

вже кілька годин, коли ми вийшли на вулицю.

до того, як ми вийшли на вулицю.

Б) 1. Катя вийшла з університету, сіла на автобус та поїхала додому. Коли вона прийшла додому, її брат робив домашнє завдання. Доки він займався, вона готовула вечерю. 2. Що ти робила вчора у цей час? – Я писала курсову в університетській бібліотеці. Я писала її вже майже годину, коли прийшли мої одногрупники. – Коли ти повернулася додому? – Пізно. 3. З ким ти розмовляв вчора, коли я зустрів тебе? – Я розмовляв з другом. Він приїхав до Києва два дні тому. Ми розмовляли вже півгодини, коли ти побачив нас. 4. Петро жив в університетському гуртожитку вже півроку, коли його двоюрідний брат приїхав відвідати його. Він розказав Петру, що його батько був хворим кілька тижнів, але він вже повністю одужав. 5. Ніна приїхала до нашого міста три роки тому. До того часу вона вже закінчила університет. 6. Коли він зайшо до класу, то згадав, що залишив не лише підручник, але й зошит вдома. Він дуже нервував, тому що не вивчив слова, які задавала вчителька. Після того, як він неправильно переклав речення, його одногрупниця спробувала перекласти його правильно.

7. Underline the correct form of the verb. In some sentences both verb forms are correct.

1. In those day, I always used to get up / got up early in the morning. 2. When I got to the cinema, Jack had been waiting / was waiting for me. 3. We would always have / were always having breakfast in bed on Sunday. 4. Mary was always falling /always fell ill before important examinations. 5. My sister used to own / would own motorcycle. 6. Pay no attention to Dave’s remarks. He wasn’t meaning / didn’t mean it. 7. I felt awful after lunch. I ate / had eaten too much. 8. Brenda left / had left bedore I had time to talk to her. 9. The explanation was simple. In 1781 HMS Sovereign, on her way back from India, had sighted / sighted an empty boat drifting off the African coast. 10. Pauline has changed a lot. She didn’t always use to look / wasn’t always looking like that.

8. Put the verb into the correct form.

A. The train ………. (1. grind) to a halt at a small station miles from Lomdon, and it ……….. (2. become) apparent that the engine ………… (3. break down). Everyone ……….. (4. get) their cases down from the luggage racks, and we ………….. (5. wait) on the platform in the freezing wind for hours until the next train …………. (6. turn up).

B. The mysterious disappearance of Professor Dawson …… (1. be) on Inspector Gorse’s mind. Six months before the Professor’s disappearance, he ……. (2. receive) a letter from Jean Dawson, the Professor’s wife. In the letter, Jean …….. (3. accuse) her husband of plotting to murder her. Gorse ……….. (4. consider) what his next step should be when the telephone ……….. (5. ring). It was Sergeant Adams from Thames Valley police force. A fisherman ……. (6. discover) a body in the River Thames, and it ……… (7. fit) the description of the Professor.

C. 1. I realized that someone ……… (steal) my wallet when I ………. (feel) their hand in my jacket pocket. 2. When I ………. (phone) Helen last night she ……….. (prepare) for the seminar. 3. Peter ….. (offer) me another drink but I decided I ………… (have) enough. 4. Nobody ….. (watch), so the boy …… (take) the packet of sweets from the shelf and …… (put) it in his pocket. 5. I ……… (not / realize) that I …… (leave) my umbrella on the bus until it …… (start) to rain. 6. At school I …….. (dislike) the mathematics teacher because he …….. (always / pick) on me. 7. Wherever Marion ……….. (find) a job, there was someone who …….. (know) that she …………. (go) to prison. 8. Several years later I ……….. (find out) that during all the time I …….. (write) to my pen friend, my mother …… (open) and ………. (read) the replies! 9. I ……….. (not / understand) what ………… (go on). Several people ………. (shout) at me, and one passer-by ……….. (wave) a newspaper in front of my face. 10. I ………. (know) I ………. (do) well in my exams before I ………… (receive) the official results.