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Grammar Section Future Continuous, Future Perfect, Future Perfect Continuous

1. You want to ask your friend to do something for you. Use the prompts below to make questions, using the future continuous.

1. You want your friend to buy you something at the supermarket. (go to) 2. You want your friend to post a letter for you. (go to) 3. You want to use your friend’s notes today? (use) 4. You want your friend to give a letter to your acquaintance? (see)

2. Complete the conversation. Use the future continuous tense and short answers where appropriate.

1. Student: (1) ________________ (you / have) office hours today? I’d like to talk to you about my term paper?

Prof. Granite: I (2) __________ (go) to lunch at two o’clock. But stop in any time before then.

2. Prof. Gupta: (3) _____________ (you / join) us for lunch? Dr. Russ from the Mars Underground is going to be there?

Prof. Granite: (4) _____________. I’ve been looking forward to meeting him.

3. Mrs. Granite: When (5) __________ (you / be going / leave) the office?

Prof. Granite: At two o’clock. Why? Do we need something?

Mrs. Granite: Would you mind picking up some salt? I forgot to put it on Robo’s list.

Prof. Granite: OK.

4. Reporter: I’m calling from the Times-Dispatch. We’ve heard that the Mars Underground (6) __________ (start) a shuttle service to Mars soon. Is that true?

Prof. Granite: I can’t comment now. But I think we (7) _____________ (be going / hear) a lot more about it in the next few weeks.

5. Prof. Granite: Dr. Ross, (8) _______________ (you / be going / make) an announcement about the Mars Shuttle soon? Everyone is very curious.

Dr. Russ: (9) __________. We’ve decided not to say anything until our plans are more developed.

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the future simple or the future continuous?

A: Shall we go to the beach today?

B: Well, I’m working in the morning, but I 1) …. (phone) you when I finish.

A: Shall we ask Ben and Linda to come with us?

B: Yes. I 2) ….. (see) Linda at work in the morning, so I 3) ….. (ask) her then.

A: If they want to come I 4) …. (pick) you up from work and we can all go together.

B: Great! Just think, we 5) ….. (swim) in the sea this time tomorrow! I can’t wait!

4. A. The people below are all friends. What do they hope they will have done by the time they are thirty years old? Using the prompts below, make sentences.

1. Sam – travel all over the world; 2. Andy – start his own business; 3. Moira – become famous; 4. Jane – make her first collection of clothes; 5. Alec – build his own business; 6. Mark – have his first exhibition.

B. The same people will be thirty-five years old in a month’s time. What will they have been doing by the end of next month? Using the prompts below, make sentences.

1. Sam / travel / ten years; 2. Andy / run / own business / eight years; 3. Moira / star in films / six years; 4. Jane / design clothes / four years; 5. Alec / build houses / ten years; 6. Ted / paint / fifteen years.

5. Choose the correct answer.

1. ‘What are you thinking about?’ ‘This time next week I …. on the beach.’

a) will have sunbathed; b) will be sunbathing; c) will have been sunbathing;

2. ‘Have you finished decorating your flat yet?’ ‘No, but I …. by Friday.’

a) will be finishing; b) will have been finishing; c) will have finished;

3. ‘Have you just moved here?’ ‘No. I …. here for two years next month.’

a) will be living; b) will have been living; c) have lived;

4. ‘….. to the supermarket today?’ ‘Yes. Do you want me to get you something?’

a) Will you have gone; b) will you have been going; c) Will you be going;

5. ‘Can you give Steve a message for me?’ ‘Certainly I …. him at work, later on today.’

a) will be seeing; b) will have seen; c) will have been seeing;

6. ‘You’ve been working hard all day.’ ‘Yes. At 3 o’clock, I …. for six hours.’

a) will be studying; b) will have been studying; c) will have studied

7. ‘Sarah has gone to the cinema to see that film again.’ ‘ I know. After this time, she …. it five times.’ a) will have seen; b) will have been seeing; c) will be seeing;

8. ‘John has an exam tomorrow, doesn’t he.’ Yes. In fact, at this time tomorrow, he …. the exam.’ a) will have been sitting; b) will be sitting; c) has sat;

9. ‘Are you typing another report?’ ‘Yes. By the time I finish this one, I …. twenty-three reports today.’ a) will have been typing; b) will have typed; c) will be typing;

10. ‘Those two people have been dancing all evening.’ ‘Yes. By 11 o’clock, they …. for four hours.’ a) will have been dancing; b) will have danced; c) will be dancing

6. Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the conversation.

A: Graduation ceremonies were this afternoon. I can’t believe this year is already over.

B: Me neither. Do you realize that in September we’ll live /’ll have been living in this apartment for two years?

A: Amazing. And you’ll have been studying /‘ll be studying here for four years.

B: I know. Next year at this time I’ll have been graduating / ‘ll have graduated already.

A: So, what’ll you be doing /’ll you have done next June? Any plans?

B: That’s easy. Next June I’ll be looking /’ll have been looking for a job. How about you?

A: I won’t have graduated /’ll have been graduating yet. I plan to go home at the beginning of July next year, so during June, I guess I’m going to be getting ready /’ll have got ready to travel to Greece.

B: Lucky you. Next summer you sit /’ll be sitting on beautiful beaches while I go / ‘ll go on job interviews.

A: But just think. By the time I’ll be getting / get back, you’ll find /’ll have found a good job. So while I’m learning / will learn about verb tenses, you start /’ll start your career.

7. Translate into English.

1. Я певен, що він прийме участь у роботі цього семінару. 2. Не запізнюйтесь. Я буду чекати на вас у бібліотеці о 9 годині ранку. 3. Завтра у нього зустріч із клієнтом. 4. Я не знаю, коли ми зустрінемося. 5. Я розповім вам про цю справу, коли ми зустрінемося. 6. До того часу як ми повернемося, вони вже дійдуть згоди. 7. «Ви пообідаєте зі мною у понеділок?» - «Я б задоволенням, але в цей час я буду складати іспит.» 8. Коли пролунає дзвоник, вона закінчить доповідь, головне вона вже скаже. 9. Він каже, що до того часу як ми прийдемо, вони будуть працювати над справою вже кілька годин. 10. Ми зустрічаємо делегацію на вокзалі завтра вранці. 11. Вона розуміє, що до кінця року вона буде жити повністю на гроші, взяті у борг, вже кілька місяців. 12. Це правда, що ти одружуєшся наступного тижня? 13. «Ви підете до стоматолога сьогодні? – «Так, а що?» - «Не могли б ви записати мене?» 14. В суботу мені 20 років, тому у мене буде вечірка. Ви прийдете? 15. За прогнозом погоди завтра буде дощ зі снігом. 16. «Мій брат наступного року буде у дев’ятому класі». – «Значить, моя мама буде викладати йому англійську».