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Grammar Section future simple

1. Give your astrological prediction for the next year. Use the future simple.

1. Tom Murray / win elections. 2. Economy / improve significantly. 3. Number of road accidents / increase. 4. Parliament / adopt / new code of laws. 5. Earthquake / strike / Asia. 6. Scientists / not discover / cure for common cold.

2. Complete the following sentences with I’ll + suitable verb.

A. Example: I’m tired to walk home. I think I’ll get a taxi home.

1. I feel a bit hungry. I think ….. something to eat. 2. It’s too late to telephone Tom now. …. him in the morning. 3. It’s a bit cold in this room.’ – ‘Is it? ….. on the heating then. 4. ‘We haven’t got any cigarettes.’ – ‘Oh, haven’t we? …… and get some.’ 5. Did you write that letter to Jack?’ – Oh, I forget. Thanks for reminding. …… in the evening. 6. ‘Would you like tea or coffee?’ – ‘….. coffee, please.’

B. Example:. It’s cold. You decided to close the window. – I think I’ll close the window.

It’s raining. You decided not to go out. – I don’t think I’ll go out.

1. You feel tired. You decide to go to bed. - I ______________ . 2. A friend of your offers you a lift in his car but you decide to walk. – Thank you but I _________________ . 3. You arranged to play tennis. Now you decide you don’t want to play. - ___________ . 4. You wanted to go swimming. Now you decide that you don’t want to swim. - ________________ .

C. E.g. Oh, I must do the washing-up.’ – ‘No, it’s all right. I’ll do the washing-up.’

1. I must get the dinner ready. 2. I must do the shopping. 3. I must water the plants. 4. I must air the room.

D. E.g. A: Can you clean the windows? – B: Sure, I’ll clean them in the afternoon. A: Do you promise? – B: ‘Yes, I promise I’ll clean them in the afternoon.

1. A: Can you call me later? - B: Sure, _______ tonight. A: Do you promise? B: Yes, ______ ? 2. A: Can you repair the clock? – B: OK, _____ tomorrow. - A: Do ______ ? B: ___________ 3. A: Please don’t tell anyone. – B: All right, ______ . A: _______________ . B: ____________ . 4. A: Please don’t hurt me. – B: Don’t worry, ___________ . A: ____________ . B: _______________ .

3. In pairs ask and answer questions using the prompts below, as in the example.

E.g. Are you going to book the airline tickets? – Yes, that’s what I’m going to do. / No, that’s not what I’m going to do.

1. prepare for the seminar; 4. buy the text-book;

2. complain to the manager; 5. ask the bank manager for a loan;

3. borrow the books from the library; 6. bring the action.

4. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of be going to or will and the verbs in brackets.

1. A: Why are you buying flour and eggs? – B: Because I …. (make) a cake. 2. A: I have decided what to buy Mum for her birthday. – B: Really? What …. (you / buy) for her. 3. A: Did you ask Jackie to the party? – B: Oh, no! I forgot! I …. (ask) her tonight. 4. A: Could I speak to Jim, please? – B: Wait a minute. I …. (get) him for you. 5. A: What are your plans for the weekend? – B: I … (spend) some time with my friend. 6. A: What are you doing on Friday night? – B: Oh, I … (probably / stay) at home with my family. 7. A: Have you tidied your room yet? – B: No, but I promise I … (do) in the afternoon. 8. A: Look at that boy! – B: Oh, yes! He …. (climb) the tree. 9. A: Jason is very clever for his age. – B: Yes. He says he … (become) a doctor when he grows up. 10. A: I’m too tired to cut the grass. – B: Don’t worry! I … (cut) it for you.

5. Decide which form of the verb is correct or more natural in these sentences.

1. I will / am going to the reunion party tomorrow night. Would you like to come? 2. According to the weather forecast it will rain / is raining tomorrow. 3. I’m sure Tom will get / is getting the job. 4. I can’t meet you this evening. A friend of mine will come / is coming to see me. 5. A: Have you decided where to go for your holiday yet? – B: Yes, we will go / are going to Italy. 6. Don’t worry about the dog. It won’t hurt / isn’t hurting you.

6. Put the verb into the correct form using will or be going to .

1. A: I’ve got a terrible headache. B: Have you? Wait there and I …. (get) an aspirin for you. 2. A: Why are you filling that bucket with water? B: I … (wash) the car. 3. A: I’ve decided to repaint this room. B: Oh, have you? What colour …. (you / paint) it? 4. Look! There’s smoke coming out of that house. It’s on fire! – B: Good heavens! I … (call) the fire brigade immediately. 5. A: The ceiling in this room doesn’t look very safe, does it? - B: No, it looks as if it …. (fall) down. 6. A: Where are you going? Are you going shopping? – B: Yes, I …. (buy) something for dinner. 7. A: I can’t work out how to use this camera. – B: It’s quite easy. I …. (show) you. 8. A: What would you like to drink – tea or coffee? – B: I … (have) tea, please. 9. A: Has George decided on what to do when he leaves school? – B: Oh, yes, everything is planned. He …. (start) a computer programming course. 10. A: Did you post that letter for me? – B: Oh, I’m sorry. I completely forgot, I …. (do) it now. 11. A: What shall we have for dinner? - B: I don’t know. I haven’t made up my mind. – A: Come on, hurry up! Make a decision! – B: Okay then. We …. (have) chicken. 12. A: We need some bread for lunch. B: Oh, do we? I …. (go) to the shop and get some. I feel like walking. (Before he goes out, he says:) I ….. (get) some bread. Do you want anything from the shop? A: Yes, I need some envelopes. B: Okay, I …. (get) you some.

7. Fill in the gaps with shall, will or be going to. We use:

1. A: It’s too hot in here. - B: You’re right. I …. open the window. 2. A: …. I put the baby to bed, now? – B: Yes, he looks a little tired. 3. A: Have you seen Lucy recently? – B: No, but I …….. (meet) her for lunch later today. 4. A: Have you done the shopping yet? – B: No, but I …. (probably /do) it tomorrow. 5. A: … we ask Mr. Perkins for help with the project? – B: That’s a good idea. Let’s ask him now.

8. Read the situation and write a sentence with shall I/ shall we? In each situation you are talking to a friend.

1. You’ve just tried on a jacket in a shop. You are not sure whether to buy it or not. Ask your friend for advice. 2. You’re going out. It’s possible that it will rain and you’re not sure whether to take an umbrella or not. Ask your friend for advice. 3. It’s Ann’s birthday soon and you don’t know what to give her. Ask your friend for advice. What … ? 4. Your friend wants you to phone him / her later. You don’t know what time to phone. Ask your friend for advice. What time…. ? 5. You and your friend haven’t decided what to do in the evening. You say: What….? 6. You ask your friend for advice where to go for holidays. You say: Where…? 7. You and your friend haven’t decided what to have for dinner. You say: What….? 8. You and your friend are going out. You say: Where…? 9. You haven’t decided whether to go by car or to walk. You say: …. or …..?

9. Replace the words in bold with will / won’t or shall I / we.

1. I’ve asked Paul to talk to the landlord, but he refuses to do it. 2. Do you want me to make a reservation? 3. Can you call Berry for me, please? 4. Why don’t we try this new dish? 4. Where do you want me to put these flowers?