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2. Read the following text and translate it. Kyiv University. Its Historical and Modern Aspects.

Kyiv University is a higher educational establishment, which trains specialists in many fields of knowledge and carries out research. It was founded in 1834 and since then it has made a priceless contribution to the education, science and culture of Ukraine. Although this description can be applied to many other institution of a similar kind, Kyiv University enjoys a special status among the establishments of higher learning in Ukraine. It is the number one Ukrainian university, and a major center of advanced learning and progressive thinking. It consists of more faculties [΄fæk(ə)lti] and departments than any other higher school in Ukraine and provides training of specialists in a greater number of fields than any other comparable Ukrainian educational institution.

Kyiv University is named after Taras Shevchenko, a major figure in Ukrainian arts. Its reputation transcends the boundaries of Ukraine. Since the time of its foundation a hundred and seventy five years ago, the University has been generating progressive ideas, shaping Ukrainian intellect and providing championship of national liberation activity in Ukraine. It has always upheld the Ukrainian freedom-loving spirit.

The first 62 students started their studies at Kyiv University in 1834, in one and the only Faculty of Philosophy, which had two departments: the Department of History and Philology and the Department of Physics and Mathematics. There were new additions to the original faculty in 1835 and 1847: the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Medicine. Later on, the original Faculty of Philosophy was divided into two separate units: the Faculty of History and Philology and the Faculty of Natural Sciences. There were no more additions to the number of the departments until the 1920s. The names of the University changed several times: Kyiv Emperor’s University named after St. Volodymyr, Kyiv University, Kyiv Higher Institute of People’s Education named after Drahomanov, Kyiv State University named after Taras Shevchenko. The present name of the Alma Mater is Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko.

According to the Statute, Kyiv University was under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Public Education as well as the Guardian of the district, the latter was considered “the head of the University”. The Rada (Council) governed the University. The rector headed the Rada and the Guardian personally supervised it. The Rada consisted of ordinary and extraordinary professors. It elected rector for two years and the Tsar approved him. The Rada also elected professors and adjuncts (junior scientific assistants) and the Minister approved them. The University Rada annually elected the deans, the Minister later approved them. The term of study was four years. All applicants had to pass examination to a “special committee of professors” appointed by the rector. Students also had to pass exams at the end of each course and before graduation.

Faculty members, scholars and scientists of Kyiv University have made a worthy contribution to the development of science and social and political thinking in Ukraine. The list is long and comprises, among others, prominent historians and philologists M. Maksymovytch, M.Kostomarov, M.Drahomanov, Agatangel Krymsky; lawyers: K.Nevolin, M.Ivanishev, M.Vladimirskiy-Budanov, O.Kystyakovskyi; biochemist O.Palladin; specialists in medicine: M.Sklifosofsky, M.Strazhesko and many others.

The newly acquired independence and changing situation in Ukraine have put forward new requirements to Kyiv University. Kyiv University has constantly been improving the study process to train specialists with profound fundamental knowledge, capable of independent creative work. A whole series of new perspective specialities and specializations [spe∫əlai΄zie∫(ə)n] have been introduced such as ‘International Economics’, ‘International Management’, ‘Land and Ecology Law’, ‘Social Work’, ‘Social Information Science’, ‘Medical Radio Physics’ and others.

Today, Kyiv University is a powerful diversified educational and scientific complex combining 14 faculties, 5 educational institutes, a centre for training and advanced training of foreign citizens and two lyceums. The University provides training and re-training for specialists comprising 63 specialties and 157 specializations. The University study process is performed by 158 departments with 1,840 teachers, 82 per cent of which are in possession of academic degrees and status, and 24 per cent are doctors of science and professors.

3. Give each paragraph a heading of your own. Compare your headings with other members of the group. Are all the headings possible?

4. Give the corresponding equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

A) higher educational establishment; to carry out research; to make a priceless contribution to the education; to apply this description to many other institutions; named after; to govern the University; to elect rector; to approve somebody; a “special committee of professors” appointed by the rector; to pass exams at the end of each course; advanced training; a powerful diversified educational and scientific complex; profound fundamental knowledge; junior scientific assistants; to be under the jurisdiction; new perspective specialities and specializations; the study process; council; fields of knowledge; to put forward new requirements; to provide training and re-training for specialists; newly acquired independence; capable of independent creative work.

B) зробити гідний / безцінний внесок у розвиток науки; мати особливий статус серед закладів вищої освіти; вища школа; бути заснованим; виробляти прогресивні ідеї; формувати український інтелект; забезпечити лідерство в національно-визвольній діяльності; підтримувати свободолюбивий дух; обирати ректора; висувати нові вимоги; вищий навчальний заклад; творча робота; філософський факультет; земельне та екологічне право; молодший науковий співробітник; академічний ступінь; медичний факультет;спеціальності та спеціалізації; засновувати; галузі знань; скласти (успішно) іспит; юридичний факультет; навчати спеціалістів; навчальний процес; знаходитись під юрисдикцією; згідно зі статутом; призначати деканів; названий на честь; закінчувати внз; видатні вчені та науковці.

5. Match the words with their definitions.

1. jurisdiction

a) to confirm; to give a favorable opinion;

2. to approve

b) to assign a position or office;

3. establishment

c) a demand as a right

4. requirement

d) academic title; rank or grade given by university to one who has passed exams;

5. to appoint

e) legal authority; right to exercise this;

6. degree

f) watch and direct (work, workers, an organization;

7. to supervise

g) a business organization or public institution

6. Fill in the gaps with the suitable word.

Acquired, possession; elected; approved, degree, contribution; jurisdiction; appointed, put forward; requirements.

1. We read and … the minutes (протокол) of the meeting. 2. Mr. Smith was … manager. 3. By the age of 14 she had … skill of riding a horse. 4. After graduating from this college he got the … of Master of Arts. 5. Everyone should fulfill …… of the law. 6. We want to ……. this idea at the next meeting. 7. We have just ….. a new chairman. 8. In the USA all courts fall under the …….. of two different court systems. 9. You can’t take ….. of the house until all the papers are signed. 10. Our scientists made a great ….. to the development of the world’s science.

7. Decide if the following statements are true or false. Correct those, which are false.

1. The necessity to organize a Ukrainian university arose in the 17th century. 2. In 1834 Kyiv University started its work and 62 students started studying Law and Philosophy at two faculties. 3. Kyiv University has changed its names several times. 4. There were new additions to the original faculty in 1835 and 1847: the Faculty of Physics and the Faculty of Mathematics. 5. The present name of the Alma Mater is Kyiv State University named after Taras Shevchenko. 6. The rector who was the head of the Rada governed the University. 7. The rector was elected for life. 8. The deans were appointed annually by the rector. 9. Nowadays Kyiv University is a powerful scientific complex including a centre for training of foreign citizens.

8. Answer the questions bellow using the text and your own knowledge.

1. What is the status of Kyiv University? 2. When was it established? 3. What was the structure of the original faculties? 4. What was the procedure of appointing and electing deans and rectors? 5. What outstanding figures studied and taught at Kyiv University? 6. What new specialties and specializations are there at Kyiv University? 7. In what way is it organized nowadays?

9. Home assignment. Translate into English.

1. Керівництво університетом здійснюється згідно його власного статуту, який був схвалений Президентом України. 2. Київський університет був заснований у 1834 році. 3. Першим ректором Університету був обраний Михайло Максимович. 4. Університет став вищим навчальним закладом, який несе освіту і культуру українському народові. 5. Прогресивні професори, викладачі та студенти завжди брали активну участь у суспільно-політичних рухах, що відбувалися в Україні. 6. Сьогодні Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка – це потужний багатогранний навчально-науковий комплекс, який об’єднує 14 факультетів, 5 навчальних інститутів, Центр забезпечення підготовки та підвищення кваліфікації іноземних громадян. 7. Зараз тут навчається 26 тисяч студентів та учнів. 8. Студенти Університету все частіше беруть участь та перемагають у міжнародних, Всеукраїнських олімпіадах та конкурсах. 9. Київський університет постійно вдосконалює навчальний процес з метою підготовки нового покоління спеціалістів, які володіють глибокими фундаментальними і спеціальними знаннями та здатні до творчої самостійної роботи. 10. Деякі українські вчені є почесними докторами Кембриджського університету.

10. Speak about Kyiv University using the questions above as the plan.

11. Write the composition ‘My first impressions of Kyiv University’.