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English for students of Chemistry (1).docx
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XI. Look through the text Branches of Chemistry, find Participles (I&II), Infinitives and Gerunds. Try to define their functions in the sentences.

XII. Answer the following questions.

  1. How is chemistry defined?

  2. What and why do chemists study?

  3. What happens to the modern knowledge of chemistry?

  4. How many branches of chemistry are there in modern science? What are they?

  5. What does inorganic chemistry study?

  6. What does organic chemistry treat of?

  7. What is analytical chemistry concerned with?

  8. What does practicing analytical chemistry mean? What does it enable to do?

  9. What does physical chemistry deal with?

  10. Why is the knowledge of physical chemistry so important?

  11. What is electrochemistry?

  12. What does photochemistry consider?

  13. What branch of chemistry studies atomic nuclei transformations?

  14. What is the largest branch of chemistry?

  15. Why is it necessary to divide chemistry into separate branches?

XIII. Read the text Branches of Chemistry again, divide it into logical parts and entitle each of them. Speak on each point of your plan. The chemistry laboratory

  1. Study the list of topical vocabulary to avoid the difficulties in understanding the text in exercise IV. Consult the dictionary to pronounce the words correctly.

alike – одинаковый, похожий

beaker – лабораторный стакан, мензурка

Bunsen ['bΛnsn] burner – горелка Бунзена

burner – горелка

carefully – осторожно

case – коробка, ящик

chemicals – химические препараты

corrosive – едкий

crucible – плавильный тигель

dangerous – опасный

device – прибор, устройство

drawer – выдвижной ящик

drug – лекарство

escape – утечка, выпуск, улетучивание

evaporating dish – выпарная чашка

explosive – взрывчатый

extend – расширять

flammable – воспламеняющийся

flask – колба

funnel – воронка

glassware – стеклянная посуда

(protective) goggles – защитные очки

harmful – вредный, опасный

ignite – зажигать

improve – улучшать, совершенствовать

laboratory bench – лабораторный стол

odour – запах

overall – (рабочий) халат

poisonous – ядовитый

porcelain – фарфор

practice – применять, осуществлять; заниматься, практиковать

safety rules – правила безопасности

test-tube – пробирка

vapour – пар

ventilating hood – вытяжной шкаф

workshop – мастерская

II. Translate the following words into Russian. Make up sentences using them.

To be provided with, to be equipped with, to be employed.

      1. Read and translate the sentences paying attention to the word one used as indefinite pronoun.

  1. One must follow the rules of behaviour in the chemistry laboratory.

  2. In the University laboratory one can carry out many interesting experiments.

  3. One never knows what may happen to this old device.

  4. One must wear special clothes in the chemistry laboratory.

  5. When igniting a material one must be careful.

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