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English for students of Chemistry (1).docx
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X. Match the words in column a with their definitions in column b. Define the part of speech the words in column a belong to.



1) discovery

a) to show the essence or explain the meaning of something

2) observer

b) the branch of knowledge or activity dealing with scientific and industrial methods and their practical use in industry

3) define

c) something that is found out

4) science

d) knowledge which depends on testing facts and stating general natural laws

5) technology

e) someone who sees or watches something

XI. Answer the following questions and discuss the main points of the text Scientific English.

  1. Why are students of chemistry have necessity to read scientific literature in English?

  2. What are the three main factors which should be considered in examining the relation between everyday and scientific English?

  3. What features characterize everyday English?

  4. What are the main characteristics of scientific English?

  5. How does the position of a scientist influence his language (speech and writing)?

  6. What can you say about English scientific terms?

  7. Why is scientific vocabulary called specific?

  8. Are there any international scientific terms in the text? Could you give your own examples of international scientific terms?

  9. What does the word power mean in mathematics, engineering?

XII. Look through the text in exercise IV again, divide it into logical parts and entitle each of them. Speak on each point of your plan.

XIII. Translate the following Russian sentences into English using the vocabulary of the text Scientific English.

  1. Множество ученых публикуют статьи о новых открытиях на английском языке.

  2. Студенты заинтересованы в изучении научного английского, потому что информация о современных исследованиях и новых открытиях в науке представлена на английском языку в международных журналах.

  3. Чтобы понять научный английский, необходимо знать общие особенности повседневного английского.

  4. В науке обычно пишут о различных предметах, явлениях и процессах.

  5. Основные тенденции развития языка науки обусловлены взаимосвязью разных наук.

  6. Такие естественнонаучные термины, как атом, температура, мощность, являются частью обычного языка ученых.

XIV. Act out the dialogue.

Mrs. Natalie Kestel (teacher of English): Good morning. Let’s begin our first lesson of English at the University. First of all I’d like to ask you to say some words about the lessons of English at school.

Andrew (first year student): At school pupils begin to study English grammatical rules, use the most common constructions and general everyday expressions. They learn vocabulary which is universal and usual in ordinary speech.

Julia (Andrew’s group mate): Is there any difference between the lesson of English at school and University? Will the University students learn anything new?

Mrs. Natalie Kestel: Yes, of course. The English students learn is the language of science. The range of topics studied at higher educational institutions is concerned with the future profession of students.

Andrew: We are the students of the Faculty of Chemistry, so, will we study chemistry in English?

Mrs. Natalie Kestel: Not exactly. We’ll learn everything necessary to understand literature on chemistry. We should study fundamental problems of chemistry and learn many chemical terms in English.

Julia: Is it so necessary for us?

Mrs. Natalie Kestel: Certainly. I’m sure that you are interested in new discoveries and modern investigations into chemistry. But do you know that they are mostly presented in English?

Andrew: Yes, because English is an international language. If you want to get up-to-date information you should refer to scientific journals or the Internet. All this information is available in English, as a rule.

Mrs. Natalie Kestel: That’s right.

Andrew: The language of science is difficult for understanding. Some chemical terms are clear – because they are international, but the grammar constructions are very specific.

Mrs. Natalie Kestel: All you need to be good at scientific English is some special knowledge and practice.

Julia: What special knowledge of scientific English do we need?

Mrs. Natalie Kestel: Generally speaking, you should remember that the language of science is formal: it is precise and impersonal. As for grammar, there are passive constructions and sentences beginning with impersonal pronoun it. Would you give an example with the impersonal pronoun it?

Andrew: “It is necessary to mention that …”, “It should be noted that …”

Julia: “It is necessary to take into consideration …”, “It is easy to make a conclusion that …”, “It is important to emphasize …” etc.

Mrs. Natalie Kestel: Thank you very much. I see that you are well informed. This helps to gain success at the lessons of English at the University.

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