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Kemerovo state university

  1. Study the list of topical vocabulary to avoid the difficulties in understanding the text in exercise IV. Consult the dictionary to pronounce the words correctly.

accommodation – жилье

arrange – устраивать, подготавливать

available – имеющийся в распоряжении

complete – полный, целостный

comprise – вмещать

defend – защищать

distinguished – выдающийся

facilities – средства обслуживания

full-time department – дневное отделение

graduate – выпускник

grant – стипендия

head – глава

hostel – общежитие

housing – жилье, снабжение жильем

opportunity – возможность

part-time department – заочное отделение

practical training – трудовая практика

provide – обеспечивать, давать

scientific supervisor – научный руководитель

staff – штат служащих, кадры

training – обучение

  1. Read the following international words and define their meaning.

History, Pedagogical Institute, University, status, faculty, department, result, academic, semester, examination, combination, discipline, Philosophy, Psychology, special, course, organize, lecture, seminar, consultation, conducting, individual, located, centre, distance, situated, campus, period, numerous, valuable, unique, laboratory, conference, service, project, interested.

III. Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian. Try to memorize them. Make up sentences using these words.

According to, beyond, within, each other.

IV. Read and translate the text below, say what its main points are.


Kemerovo State University is not old but it has its own history and rich experience in modern education. In 1949 Kemerovo Pedagogical college became a base for the foundation of higher educational institution – Kemerovo Teacher’s Institute. Later, in 1953, Kemerovo Pedagogical Institute, now Kemerovo State University, was founded. It was awarded the status of University in 1974. Rector is the head of the University. The administrative work of the University is also coordinated by the vice-rectors. Each of them controls the particular area of activity at every University subdivision.

The number of faculties and departments at the University is constantly growing according to the demands of modern society. Now there are 12 faculties at the University: Philology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Biology, History, Foreign Languages, Social Psychology, Law, Economics, Sports, Political Sciences and Sociology. The most part of the faculties have full-time and part-time departments.

To enter the University it is necessary to take entrance exams. The applicants are admitted or refused according to their examination results. The academic year begins in September and ends in June. It consists of two semesters with the examinations at the end of each one. If examinations are successfully passed the students get grant.

Kemerovo State University is famous for its distinguished staff. University professors are the leading scientists of Siberia and Russia. Professor K. E. Afanasyev, N. N. Danilov, V. Ya. Kartashov, N. E. Kasatkina, I. P. Povarich, Yu. A. Zakharov, V. V. Zheltov, M. S. Yanitskii and many others are widely known beyond the academic world.

Training of specialists at the University is based on the combination of education and research. All the University students are taught some general disciplines such as Foreign Language, Philosophy, the History of Russia, Psychology etc. Besides, every faculty arranges a number of various special courses and organizes practical training for its students. Teaching takes place in lectures and seminars. Every student chooses a scientific supervisor who gives professional consultations and helps with the personal research activity.

There are six buildings which belong to Kemerovo State University. The most part of them, including the main building, are conveniently located at the centre of the city, within walking distance from each other. The exception is the building of Mathematics Faculty situated many quarters far from the University campus.

University provides accommodation for its students who came from other towns. Three student hostels on campus are available only for full-time students; one of them is mostly for married students. The housing is provided for the period of studying at the University.

University offers numerous facilities to make the process of studying complete. Students can borrow different books from the University library. Its Reading Hall stores thousands of rare and valuable books, unique scientific editions, many journals and newspapers. If necessary, students may go to the University Internet Hall or do some work in the Computer Halls. The University comprises some laboratories for students’ experimental work and practical training. There are some gyms for the students who go in for sports, large Concert Halls for presenting performances, conducting student festivals and organizing scientific conferences. So the students of the University have all the services and facilities necessary to study and rest well.

After five years of study students are to take final examinations and defend the diploma project. A University diploma gives an excellent opportunity for the graduates to find a good job. If a graduate is interested in scientific work he may continue his education in any field at postgraduate level.

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