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Active Vocabulary

Appeal (v) 1) взывать, обращаться (с призывом) appeal (to sb) for sth

They’re appealing to local businesses for sponsorship money.

appeal for calm/ unity/ restraint - обращаться с призывом к спокойствию/ объединению/ сдержанности

As the crisis grew worse, local community leaders appealed for unity.

appeal to sb to do sth She appealed to her former husband to return their baby son.

2) привлекать, интересовать + to The show’s direct approach will appeal to children.

3) апеллировать, + against – обжаловать Green’s family say they will appeal against the verdict.

appeal (n) 1) призыв, воззвание, обращение The police have renewed their appeal for help from the public. There have been several appeals for an end to the fighting.

2) привлекательность broad/ mass/ popular/ wide appeal Football has popular appeal.

3) апелляция, обжалование An appeal against his conviction is being considered.

Challenge (v) 1) сомневаться, отрицать, оспаривать, подвергать сомнению

No one has challenged the assumptions that are made in the report.

This decision is likely to be challenged by the oil companies.

challenge sb on sth They are not likely to challenge us on any of the details.

challenge sb to do sth We challenged the company to prove that its system was safe.

2) пригласить сыграть challenge sb to sth The girls challenged the boys to a cricket match.

3) вызывать, бросать вызов My present job doesn’t really challenge me.

challenge (n) 1) вызов, сложная задача, проблема

I was bored with my job and felt I needed a new challenge.

+ of We were all keen walkers, and enjoyed the challenge of this remote place.

meet a challenge – решить задачу, проблему Are western nations ready to meet the enormous environmental challenges that lie ahead?

face a challenge – столкнуться с проблемой The new government faces the daunting challenge of completing the building on time.

2) сомнение, возражение, критика There seems to be no significant challenge to the party’s free-market ideology.

pose/ present a challenge to sth – подвергать сомнению Recent discoveries pose a serious challenge to accepted views on the age of the universe.

3) предложение сыграть The champions are ready to accept a challenge from any team that is a serious contender.

Delight (n) 1) наслаждение, радость, удовольствие

+ in Joe’s delight in his children’s achievements was beautiful to see.

+ with They would slide down the icy slopes, shrieking with delight.

to sb’s delight To my great delight, she said yes.

take (a) delight in (doing) sth – наслаждаться чем-л.

He seemed to take great delight in embarrassing me.

2) прелесть, очарование Enjoy the delights of rural Spain.

delight (v) – приносить удовольствие, радовать We were all delighted by the news.

delight in (doing) sth – получать удовольствие He delights in corresponding with his old students.

Exaggerate (v) – преувеличивать Don’t exaggerate! It wasn’t that bad!

greatly/ grossly/ wildly exaggerate

The paper’s political influence has been greatly exaggerated.

exaggerate the importance/ significance of sth

We should not exaggerate the importance of this agreement.

exaggeration (n) – преувеличение a slight/ gross exaggeration

To say that the government has failed is a gross exaggeration.

Excess (n) 1) избыток, излишек

Cover both sides of the meat with flour, shaking off any excess.

2) excesses (pl) превышение (власти, полномочий, инструкций) the worst excesses of the regime

excess (adj) – излишний, избыточный Drain off any excess liquid.

excessive (adj) – чрезмерный, излишний Crops were destroyed by the excessive rainfall last August.

Feature (n) 1) признак, черта, характеристика

a distinctive/ important/ interesting/ key/ main / special/ striking feature

Each room has its own distinctive features.

2) (usually plural) черты лица He had fine delicate features.

3) большая статья в газете, журнале + on a special feature on new children’s books

a feature writer/ editor/ article He now works as a freelance feature writer.

feature (v) 1) выводить в главной роли, показывать, изображать, представлять

feature sb/ sth in sth Her work will be featured in a new exhibition.

feature sb/ sth as The film features Diane Ashmann as a young French student.

2) быть характерной чертой Jazz and Blues feature prominently in the magazine.

Immature (adj) – незрелый, молодой, инфантильный

I don’t know why you like him – he’s so immature.

Participate (v) – участвовать, принимать участие

+ in The rebels have agreed to participate in the peace talks.

participant (n) – участник It was argued that he was a willing participant.

+ in the participants in a televised debate

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