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6.The adjective (имя прилагательное)

В английском языке имя прилагательное имеет те же степе­ни сравнения, что и в русском: положительную (positive), сравни­тельную (comparative) и превосходную (superlative).

Односложные прилагательные образуют сравнительную степень при помощи суффикса -ег, а превосходную при помощи суффикса -est, которые прибавляются к прилагательному в поло­жительной степени:

long — longer — the longest

Степени сравнения многосложных прилагательных образу­ются при помощи слов more - для сравнительной и most - для превосходной степени:

important — more important —the most important

Степени сравнения наречий образуются аналогично степе­ням сравнения прилагательных: late — later — the latest, actively — more actively — the most actively.

Некоторые прилагательные и наречия образуют степени сравнения не по правилу.

В английском языке после прилагательного в сравнительной степени употребляется союз than (чем), тогда как в русском языке этот союз может опускаться: My son is younger than yours. Мой сын моложе вашего.

Есть прилагательные и наречия, образующие свои степени сравнения не по правилу. Их нужно запоминать:

good well


(the) best

bad badly


(the) worst

much many


(the) most



(the) least



(the) farthest/(the) furthest


Прилагательные и наречия употребляются в следующих сравнительных конструкциях:




as... as

not so ... as (not as... as)

такой же ... как

также ... как

Не такой ... как

не так ... как

This boy is as tall as my brother. Этот маль­чик такой же высокий, как мой брат.

Не runs as fast as you do. Он бегает так же быстро, как ты.

This room is nol so light as that one. Эта ком­ната не такая светлая, как та.

She doesn't know Minsk as well as we do. Она знает Минск не так хорошо, как мы.

Сравнительная степень прилагательных употребляется р., определенным артиклем для выражения в русском языке союза ... чем ..., тем ....

Например: Чем больше мы говорим по-английски, тем лучше.

The more we speak English the better.


1. Use the necessary form.

  1. The Baltic Sea is (cold) than the Black sea.

  2. The second experiment is not so (long) as the first one.

  3. The Mississippi is (long) river in the world.

  4. The (early) you get up, the (much) you can do.

  5. That method was (efficient) than the common one.

  6. Where is it (good) to spend holiday: in the South or in the North?

  7. This is the (important) question.

  8. The (much) you heat this substance, the (tenacious) it becomes.

  9. Which product is the (cheap)?

  10. I speak English (badly) than my wife but (well) than my children.

2. Read and translate the text.


Our apartment is on the fifth floor. We come out of the elevator and ring the bell. All my family, my boss, and his wife are here. I intro­duce Richard to everybody. My wife shows him our apartment.

There's a housing shortage in Leningrad. But we're very lucky. We've got a large apartment not far from downtown. We used to live in a very small one. It was very far from my office. My wife's parents used to live in an even smaller apartment. It was very crowded. Now we all live together. Our apartment has four bedrooms and a living room. The smallest room is my son's bedroom. The biggest one is, of course, the living room. There is also a very big kitchen. We use it as a dining room too.

We take Richard to the living room and offer him a drink. Most of the people are new to him, and so we ask him to play a little game:

He has to guess their names, their ages, their jobs and their hobbies. Some of Richard's guesses are right and others are wrong. Everyone is having fun. We laugh a lot.

Soon my mother-in-law calls us to dinner. She can cook very well but my father-in-law cooks much better. We eat a lot and drink a little wine. Richard proposes a toast to our new friendship.

Task 1. Напишите транскрипцию и перевод следующих слов: can't, know, secret, of course, in-laws, apartment, shortage, par­ents, guess, laugh.

Task 2. Найдите прилагательные и наречия в тексте и напишите их недостающие степени сравнения.