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Тексты для ЭА.doc
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to release- высвобождать

instead of- вместо

boiler- котел

to cause- вызывать, быть причиной


proper- соответствующий

to provide- обеспечивать

steady- постоянный

to maintain- поддерживать

chain- цепь

liquid- жидкость

to remove- удалять

core- ядро, центр

environment- окружающая среда


civil- гражданский

to locate- располагать

to contaminate- удалять, устранять


2. Выполните упражнения:

1) Ответьте на вопросы:

а) How long did the emission from the Windscale reactor last?

б) What did the emission result in?

в) What was the cause of the Chernobyl accident?

г) Were does the energy for operating a nuclear plant come from?

д) What are the differences between various of nuclear reactors?

е) How is a chain reaction maintained?

ж) Why do accidents occur?

з) How many atoms are there in uranium?

2) Найдите все формы причастия, укажите их и переведите предложения:

1. The energy lost in the capacitor appears in the from of heat being generated in the dielectric.

2. The problem being discussed is of no great importance for practice.

3. The generators constructed at the plant have no commutators.

4. The code widely used is called Morse code.

5. While passing through the conductor, resistance results in the production of heat.

6. Having been insulated with polythene, the line was tested under unfavorable conditions.

7. Having made a number of tests, the researched got some useful results.

8. Having been tested under different conditions, the motors were put to use.

9. When being rubbed, some substances produce electric charges.

10. Decelerating trains and descending elevators use negative, or braking, torque.

11. In what way is the transmitter controlled in an amplitude-modulated system?

3) Найдите в тексте предложения в Passive Voice и переведите их в Active Voice(где возможно).

4) Замените подчёркнутые слова синонимами из текста:

а) The work of nuclear power plant is connected with fission of uranium.

б) The vapour which is produced in generator drives a turbine generator

в) The contstant measure of heat is necessary for power plant the which

г) Heat is emitted is used in operating energy

д) Many plants are situated in big cities

е) The Chernobyl Accident is very great

ж) Many nuclear facilities were built for civil purposes

5) Поставьте инфинитив во временные формы, укажите рядом

to heat- Past Indef._________________________________________

to discharge- Pres. Contin._________________________________

to remove- Pres. Perf.______________________________________

to burn- Pres. Perf. Contin._______________________________

to waste- Future Ind.____________________________________

to demand- Past. Perf.________________________________________

to move- Future Perf.____________________________________

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