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вопрос сначала е их непосредственным начальником, т.к. он никогда не действо­вал через голову своих подчиненных. 5. Наши цели всегда были достижимы и реалистичны. 6. Если вы будете внимательно слушать и наблюдать, то вы пойме тс, насколько ваши сотрудники мотивированы и удовлетворены работой. 7. Ваш начальник часто бывает в хорошем настроении и шутит на работе? 8. Вы верите, что работа может и должна быть удовольствием? 9. Старайтесь найти победы, а не поражения у своих сотрудников и вы станете великим боссом. 10. Сколько сейчас у вас идет проектов? 11. Мне все более или менее ясно. 12. Боюсь, что мне не к ко­му обратиться за помощью.



to be in high spirits - быть в приподнятом настроении

to give one's view (point of view) - выразить свою точку зрения

to sum up the results - подвести итоги

competitiveedge(advantage) - конкурентное преимущество

tobeunderway- идти, проводиться (о работах, проектах)

togetabsorbed- увлечься, погрузиться (в работу)

notice- замечать

benchmark- эталон; сравнивать

smoothly- гладко

quarterly - квартальный

interrupt - перебивать

assessment - оценка

view- точка зрения; вид

саге - забота

follower- последователь

condition- условие

facility- мощности, аппаратура

reward- награда

monitor- осуществлять контроль

improve- улучшать

internal- внутренний

interim- промежуточный

appraisal- оценка

disappoint- разочаровывать

disenchant- освобождать от иллюзий

feedback- обратная связь

effort- усилия

furious- взбешенный

murder- убивать

familiarize- знакомить

tender- тендер

common- общий, обычный

warn- предупреждать

ignominiously- позорно

change- переодеваться

talkative- разговорчивый

measurable- измеряемый

implement- внедрять

encourage- побуждать

honest- честный

commitment- обязательство

circumvent- обходить

counsel- совет

hold- проводить, держать

disrespectful- неуважительный

clowning- клоунский

fitin- подходить, вписываться

liken- сравнивать

schedule- расписание, график

suggestion- предложения

Lesson 9. Marketing

Grammar: The Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Unit 1

The Present Perfect Continuous To have been + Participle I

have been reading ou have been reading he has been reading le has been reading has been reading Vc have been reading hey have been reading

Have I been reading? Have you been reading? Has she been reading? Has he been reading? I las it been reading? Have we been reading? Have they been reading?

I have not been reading You have not been reading She has not been reading He has not been reading It has not been reading We have not. been reading They have not been reading

The Present Perfect Continuous Tense употребляется для выражения действия, которое началось в прошлом и продолжается до сих пор (включаю-I- ии'с) или только что закончилось (исключающее). Это время подчеркивает ■ процесс и длительность действия.


Ourexportshavebeengrowingsteadilyfor thepasttwoyears, (включаю-I bee)

She has been working for this company since she moved to Paris, (вклю-| чающее)

Your eyes are red. Have you been crying? (исключающее)

How long have you been waiting for me? (исключающее)

Exercise 1.

Change the sentences using The Present Perfect Continuous Tense and £ prrpositions since, for according to the pattern. Pattern: a) She began to work 5 years ago. She has been working lor 5 years, b) I came to this city in 1998. (live) I have been living in this city since 1998.

  1. They began producing vehicles in 1990.

  2. We started discussing prices 2 hours ago.

  3. They held the first conference 3 years ago.

  4. He became the head of the company 2 weeks ago. (work)

  5. We began advertising this model a month ago.



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  1. They began to send us catalogues in 2001.

  2. He went to Spain 2 years ago. (live)

  3. She phoned 30 minutes ago. (speak on the phone)

  4. They went to the concert 3 hours ago. (listen to music)

10. My friend went on holiday 2 weeks ago. (travel)


Exercise 2.

Open the brackets using Present Perfect Continuous or Present Perfect.

  1. The secretary (to talk) to the customer for 10 minutes.

  2. They (to modify) this model for 2 years.

  3. I (to make) purchases for an hour.

  4. The manager (to make) a report for 30 minutes.

  5. I (to leave) a message with the secretary.

  6. They (to establish) relations with us recently.

  7. We (not to improve) this model of computer yet.

  8. They never (to offer) a discount.

  9. They (to manufacture) these vehicles since 1996.

  1. He (not to discuss) business with me for a long time.

  2. How long she (to speak) on the phone?

  3. How long you (to buy) these goods?

Exercise 3.

Ask questions using the words in brackets.

  1. Your manager is speaking at the meeting. You ask: (How long/make ;i| report?)

  2. The company always places an order with your company. You ask: (Howl many orders/place?)

  3. Your friend takes part in all meetings. You ask: (How many meetings/take J part in?)

  4. The company is making profit. You ask: (How much profit/make?) (How I long/make profit?)

  5. The secretary sends enquiries every week. You ask: (How many] enquiries/send this month?) (How long/send enquiries?)

  6. Your friend always spends a lot of time making purchases. You ask: (Howl much time/spend?)

  7. The representative of your company is having talks with your competitors. You ask: (How long/have talks?) (How many problems/discuss?)

  8. Your representatives usually buy equipment from your partner. You ask:] (How much equipment/buy this year?) (How long/buy equipment?)


Exercise 4.

Open the brackets using correctly Present Perfect, Present Perfect. Continuous, J Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple.

  1. She (to leave) a message with me. You can take it.

  2. This company is reliable. They (to sell) goods of high quality.

  1. We (to contact) them last week.

  2. They (not to make) a transaction yet.

  3. We (to negotiate) with them for 2 weeks.

  4. This company (to advertise) its products since 1990.

  5. How long they (to produce) these goods?

  6. We arc not satisfied with their prices. They (to quote) too high prices.

  7. We (to discuss) the terms of delivery these days.

  1. Look! They (to increase) the price by 5%.

  2. We (not to make) a transaction with them for 2 years.

  3. There (to be) 50 participants at the last meeting.

" Exercise 5.

' Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Вы уже сделали все расчеты? - Еще нет. Мы занимаемся расчетами race 3 часа. 2. Как давно ты ждешь своих друзей? - Уже 30 минут. 3. Ваша Компания получила доход в этом году? - Да. Она увеличила доход на 10%. |4. Мы благодарны вам за срочную поставку оборудования. 5. Я попросил ме­неджера объяснить мне условия платежа. 6. Мы обычно прилагаем документы || каталог к письму. 7. Когда прошла конференция? 8. Ты едешь на конферен­цию? - Я не знаю. Это зависит от многих причин. 9. Как давно они посылают m;im эту информацию? 10. Мы работаем с этой компанией с тех пор, как они [разместили у нас свой первый заказ. 11. Я благодарен тебе за поддержку. 12. Вы приняли приглашение принять участие в переговорах? - Мы еще не приняли решение. 13. Секретарь уже написала доклад? - Еще нет. Она пишет по с утра. 14. Сколько людей представляют вашу компанию на конференции? BS. Мы обсуждаем наш бизнес с партнерами с понедельника и недовольны ре-.iv платами наших переговоров. 16. Как давно вы экспортируете продукты пи­тания в нашу страну? 17. Я получил записку, в которой он сообщал мне о встрече с партнерами. 18. Она уже сделала все покупки? - Нет, она ходит по магазинам (to go shopping) уже 3 часа.

Unit 2 Working on the text

Read and translate the text. Find Present Perfect Continuous in the text and I vplain its meaning.

Diana has been working for Commodities United Ltd for a month already. She has been working really hard, returning home late at night. During this month me completed two projects and successfully managed the tender business and I );ivid appreciated that. Of course nobody knew she had applied to her father for help. Thanks to his advice she selected four companies that really turned to be* the



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best and David congratulated her on her choice. The fourth project was still under way - The White Rose Ball, it was to take place in a month.

They were going now to a meeting with organizers of this Ball where Commodities United was going to be a sponsor. They were late for the I appointment and David was driving at a high speed. The silence between them was getting awkward and Diana decided to break it.

"Well, David, while I have been with your company I've come to the jj conclusion that you are aggressive players. Am I right?"

"Yes, you are," - he looked down at her smiling, and Diana suddenly fell I embarrassed. "The art of marketing is the art of war and you must know that," lie continued". "Have you ever heard of Sun Tzu?"

"An ancient Chinese military genius? But his Art of War was written more 1 that 500 years B.C. and was intended** only for the military elite of his time."

"But it is one of those rare texts that transcends time. The basic tenet of Sun J Tzu's philosophy is that if your strategy is well founded, you will win - and if you 1 have a truly great strategy, you will win without fighting. We can apply his I military principles to marketing as well. 12 principles are the cornerstone of great I marketing. They do not change over time. As we can see the same basic principles I have directed great leaders for centuries."

"So, what are these great principles?" - she asked casually.

"You want to learn all my secrets, don't you?" he said playfully. "And then I I won't be of any interest for you, shall I?"

"Well..." - Diana was at a loss and laughed insincerely, realizing that shel rather liked David than hated him as her enemy.

"First Principle: Honour the Customer. If the customer purchases your j product or service, nothing else matters.

Second principle: Organization of Intelligence. Know your market as well as ] you know yourself.

Third Principle: Maintenance of the objective. It means a clear intention and a j steady aim.

Fourth Principle: A Secure position. Occupy a position that your opponents j cannot easily take from you.

Fifth Principle: Offensive action. Keep on the offensive to secure freedom of


Sixth Principle: Surprise. Surprise is the best way to gain psychological dominance and deny the initiative to your opponent.

Seventh Principle: Maneuver. The easiest routes are often the most heavily j defended; the longest way round can be the shortest way home.

Eighth Principle: Concentration of Resources. Mass sufficiently superior force at the decisive place and time.

Ninth Principle: Economy of Force. Assess accurately where you employ your resources.

Tenth Principle: Command structure. The management process unleashes I lie bower of human resources.

Eleventh Principle: Persona!Leadership. It requires the leader's faith in his or her people and their faith in the leader's ability to win.

Twelfth Principle: Simplicity.

Strategically honoring the customer aims at building a lifelong relationship.

It's common knowledge that companies exist because customers have their needs. If a company does know its target customer and it does bring real value to mat customer it will be doing business for life. As your strategy is to win the customer you must always offer him benefits. Successful strategy needs good inlormation. Failure to organize the input leaves you and your organization in the position of sifting through data that are not relevant, and in this case time and opportunities may be lost. That is why we need intelligence.

Another major factor related to the second principle is a thorough assessment Щ your marketing opportunity. It includes SWOT analysis. The acronym stands lor strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

Knowledge is marketing power.

The objective must be clearly defined and communicated to the subordinates. Si rategically there must be only one main direction and tactically there must be a single objective. Of all maxims in the Art of War "fighting when victory is assured" is among the most significant and useful because it clearly states that the way to win must be determined before the battle. Usually a narrowly focused business will be more successful than the one offering a broad variety. One more essential point related to the third principle: Do not underestimate.

The leader must take up a strong position, inspire others to follow him, discover mere the enemy is weak and attack there. Proceeding from the forth principle the firs! thing is to make yourself invincible. But to do it one must devise new weapons or new technology. Strategically offensive action provides initiative for movement ,ii к I tactically it keeps you in control.

Successful execution of the plan is critical to success. Only offensive action achieves decisive results. Because action permits the manager to exploit the Initiative and impose his will on the marketplace or the competition. Keys to the successful offense are skills, preparation, training, and above all, information. Sin prise is the best way to gain psychological dominance and deny the initiative to I lie opponent."

"Diana, are you sleeping?"

"Oh, no! I'm listening very attentively getting ready to become offensive." She smiled provocatively.

"Good. We have almost arrived".

•turned to be the - оказались лучшими **to be intended - предназначаться



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Exercise 1.

Find English equivalents in the text.

Справляться, поздравлять, опаздывать на встречу, прийти к заключе­нию, превосходить, основной принцип, обоснованный, небрежно, игриво, краеугольный камень, растеряться, неискренне, разведка, продолжать вести наступление (атаковать), вера, способность побеждать, общеизвестно, потреб­ности, целевой покупатель, предлагать преимущество, просеивать, знание сила, недооценивать, вдохновлять, непобедимый, выполнение, навязать свою



Exercise 2.

Answer the following questions:

  1. How successful was Diana during her first month at work?

  2. What topic were David and Diana discussing on their way to the meeting? ]

  3. What did you learn about Sun Tzu?

  4. How many military principles do businessmen use in marketing? What are j


  1. What is intelligence?

  2. What is SWOT analysis?

  3. Do you agree that knowledge is marketing power?

  4. Explain personal leadership.

9. Do you believe that only offensive actions can bring results? Why?

Exercise 3-

Fill in the gaps with suitable words.

f) attributes; g) target markets; k) marketing mix. _

a) household; b) response; c) government; d) authority; e) resale; ibutes: й) target markets; h) buyers; i) consumer market; j) production;

Markets are groups of actual or potential ... . 1. ... who can afford to buy the product, have the needed ... . 2. ... to buy the product, desire the product and will respond similarly to a.... 3.... appeal. The acronym MAD-R - for money, authority, desire, and ... . 4. ... - will help you remember these characteristics. Groups ol people who possess these MAD-R ... . 5.... in greater abundance are called ... . 6.1 Markets are broadly categorized in terms of what they do and what they buy; tlu ... .7. ... comprises people and groups who buy products for personal, tamily or ... 8.... use; the organizational market comprises people and groups who buy produce

for further... . 9. ..., use in operating the organization, or ... . 10. ... to consumers. Together with ... . 11. ... and farm markets, these categories cover practically all the people and groups who buy products in international markets.

Exercise 4.

Fill in the gaps tenth suitable prepositions.

| ofx7; forx2; inx4; from; to. J

Marketing is the performance 1 business activities which direct the

[ flow 2 goods 3 producer 4 ultimate consumer or user 5 this

purpose the main task 6 the marketer is to make and attract a profitable

demand 7 a product.

Marketing involves understanding the consumer circumstances and attitudes that determine why certain people want certain products.

Marketing trends, activities, and organizations are constantly changing and

developing 8 the role 9 bringing together interested parties, the

intermediary may also be involved . _10 grading, financing, assembling,

packaging, refining, or altering the form 11 the goods. Indeed, a large portion

12 the working population 13 many countries is involved 14 some

form 15 marketing.

Listening ЕцМ)

Listen to the speaker and answer the following questions:

  1. What is marketing mix?

  2. What are four Ps?

  3. How is product defined?

  4. What is promotion designed for?

  5. How is "place" described?

Unit3 Revision: Disjunctive questions

Pattern: You are not going to tell me your secret, are you? He has been to iany countries, hasn't he?

Exercise 1.

Finish the sentences using correct grammar structure.

  1. Marketing is the performance of business activities,...?

  2. They have not involved any intermediaries,... ?



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  1. The price really influences the product's image,...?

  2. Diana and David arc going to the meeting,... ?

  3. The firm has never been able to become a leader,...?

  4. He has been waiting for a long time,... ?

  5. They met the deadline,... ?

  6. They will get promotion,... ?

  7. I am financial director,... ?

10. Diana had never dealt with tender documents before she started to work for Commodities United Ltd,... ?

* Exercise 2. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Мы работаем с этой фирмой уже 8 лет. Они всегда были падежными партнерами. 2. Удовлетворять потребности потребителей - основная задача компаний. 3. Завоевать клиента всегда была и есть наша основная стратегия. 4. Если вы будете просеивать информацию, не относящуюся к делу, вы поте­ряете время и упустите возможности. 5. Самая точная оценка вашего бизнеса включает анализ сильных и слабых сторон деятельности, возможностей и уг­розы со стороны конкурентов. 6. Знание - сила. 7. Вы четко определили зада­чу и довели ее до сведения подчиненных? 8. Мы вступили в борьбу только по­сле того, как убедились, что победа нам обеспечена. 9. Мы опаздываем на встречу, надо поторопиться. 10. Я пришел к выводу, что вы последователи, а не лидеры. 11. Стратегия - это краеугольный камень в маркетинге, чтобы по­бедить без борьбы. 12. Для чего нам нужна разведка? 13. Они пытаются навя­зать нам свою волю. 14. 4Р - это инструменты маркетинга, представляющие собой совокупность затрат. 15. Какие каналы сбыта вы знаете?