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I д sson 2. Company structure

Grammar: To Have; There is/are; Some/Any/No and their Derivatives; *i«4<iil Simple; The Article

Unit 1

Спряжение глагола to have (have got) - иметь

To have

To have got

I have

I have got

You have

' You have got

She has

She has got

He has

He has got

It has

It lias got

We have

We have got

They have

They have got

Iлаголtohaveи выражениеhavegotявляются синонимами.


I have got a headache. = I have a headache.

I have got a dog. =Ihaveadog. (в разговорной речи чаще употребляется 1ч.1||.1,1.гннеhavegot)

I le has got a car. (He's got a car.) I have got a cat. (I've got a cat.)

I have no choice.

I don't have any choice.

You haven't got a house.

I {опросы можно задать двумя способами: Do I have a choice? Have you got a house?

(уществует ряд устойчивых выражений с глаголом tohave:

To have breakfast. To have dinner. To have lunch. To have supper. To have a good time. To have a rest. To have a bath.

To have a cup of tea (coffee).

To have a cigarette.

To have an accident.

To have an experience.

To have trouble.

To have a party.

To have a good flight.

•....in , .41-11(111

To have a chat. To have a look. To have a baby.

some и его производные употребляются в


To have a shower. To have a swim. To have a dream.

Exercise 1.

Read and translate the sentences, paying attention to the verb to have.

I. May I have a look at your papers, Sir? 2. He has got a new job. 3. We usually have lunch at home. 4. My friend hasn't got a car, but he has a bike. 5. Do; you have a holiday every year? 6. He has a dream to become a famous writer. 7. The weather is fine, let's go to the river and have a swim! 8. I am very tired, I want to have a rest. 9. They have parties every other weekend. 10. We always have a good time when we come to Sochi. 11. He hasn't got a girlfriend.


Exercise 2.

1) Make up dialogues using to have, to have got and set expressions with the verb to have.

2) Dramatize the dialogues.


,_/[ Exercise 3. i

Translate from Russian into English.

1. Мои друзья редко устраивают вечеринки, но их гости всегда хорошо проводят время. 2. У Алекса есть спортивный автомобиль. 3. У вас есть до­машнее животное? - Конечно, у меня есть собака. 4. Где документы? - Они в сейфе, но у меня нет ключа. 5. Я обычно завтракаю в 7.30, обедаю в 13.00, а ужинаю дома с семьей в 19.00. 6. Мама в постели, у нее болит голова, 7. У тебя есть часы? - Нет, у меня нет часов.

Unit2 Оборот There is/-there are

Для сообщении о наличии или отсутствии чего-либо где-либо в англий-ском языке употребляется конструкция there is /-there are.


There is a computer on the table. На столе стоит компьютер.

There are many parks in London. В Лондоне много парков.



(>1)|1лline внимание, что перевод производится с конца предложения.

Глагол to be и данной конструкции согласуется и числе со следующим Непосредственно за ним подлежащим. Например:

There are two armchairs and a sofa in my room. i js a sofa ;||)(| |wo armchairs jn Шу loom.


пределенный артикль,

только иео

(' дайной конструкцией употребляется .1 гакже some, any и их производные.

Some/Any/No and their derivatives (производные)












no one






по и его производные

употребляются в



В английском языке

допустимо только одно


any и его производные употребляются в отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях, а также в утвердительных - в значении «любой»

Are I here any roses in the vase? - There are some roses in the vase.

There are no roses in the vase. There are not any roses there.

Is i here any milk in the bottle? - There is some milk in the bottle.

There is no milk in the bottle. There is not any milk there.

I to: Do you want some tea?


"•" uimiiixMCIIOB

Exercise 1.

Read and translate the following sentences, I. There arc some flowers in the garden. 2. There are not any flowers in the garden. 3. Have you got any money? 4. There isn't anybody in the office now. 5. Is there anybody in the office? 6. There are some people in the street. 7.1 can go with you anywhere. 8. Anyone can do it. 9. There is somebody in the room. 10. Are there any apple trees in the garden? 11. There is nothing interesting in this magazine. Exercise 2.

Fill in the gaps with some, any, something, anything, somebody, anybody, nobody. 1. I've got. ... English books at home. 2. Are there ... theatres in your town?) 3. Is there ... interesting in this magazine? 4. Are there ... letters on the desk?! 5. There is not... in this office, 6. There is ... in this box. 7. There is ... in the office.! It's lunch break.

ГУ Exercise 3.

U»J Translate from Russian into English.

1. В нашей академии б факультетов. 2. В этом бассейне не много воды. 3. В гараже есть машина? 4. В нашем загородном доме есть все современные удобства. 5. Перед вашим домом есть парк? 6. В нашей гостиной нет стола, но есть диван, телевизор, два кресла и много цветов. 7. В вашем доме есть бас­сейн? 8. Сколько студентов в вашей группе? 9. Есть ли звезды на американ­ском флаге? 10. Существуют ли проблемы между родителями и детьми в ва­шей семье? И. В Москве зимой много снега? 12. В принтере нет бумаги. 13. В комнате никого нет. 14. В нашем саду нет цветов.

Working on the text <&/л

Read and translate the text.

Exercise 4.

Answer the questions.

  1. What is Commodities United Ltd?

  2. What is their major business?

Commodities United Ltd is a well-established multinational company with subsidiaries in many countries all over the world. The headquarters of the company are in New York and there are large offices in Chicago, London, Paris, Lisbon, Rome and some smaller offices in other European and Asian countries. The company has six main divisions: retail, financial services, investments, production, e-commerce, internet service provider. Its retail segment is a network of food hypermarkets which also sell clothes, footwear, home appliances and toys. The company trades its shares on eight stock exchanges in several countries. Speaking



3 I low many divisions does the company have?

i wli.ii are these divisions?

i Wli.ii do their hypermarkets sell?

(I I >ors I he company trade its shares?

listening 4))

Exercise 5.

Listen to Mr. Robinson's description of his company. Fill in the organization chart.



Personnel or Human

Resources Marketing

Board of directors

Research and Development Information Technologies Public Relations Production





Present Simple




I work

I do not (don't) work

Do I work?

You work

You do not (don't) work

Do you work?

He works

He does not (doesn't) work

Does he work?

She works

She does not (doesn't) work

Does she work

It works

It does not (doesn't) work

Does it work?

We work

We do not (don't) work

Do we work?

They work

They do not (don't) work

Do they work?

Английский для бизнесменов


The Present Simple Tense выражает:

/. Обычное, повторяющееся действие:

I work every day.

She goes to the university 3 times a week.

  1. Констатация факта, утверждение истины: The firm sells its products into many markets. The sun rises in the east.

  2. Характеристика человека или чего-либо: My sister sings very well.

This computer does not work properly.

4. Действие по графику, расписанию: The train for London leaves at 9 p.m.

TYPES OF QUESTIONS (Типы вопросов)

/. General question (общий вопрос):

Do you speak Spanish? - Yes, 1 do. No I don't.

Does your friend play the guitar? - Yes, he does. No he doesn't.

guarantee) the rights of the citizens of

human organs. 7. The Constitution (to Russia.

Exercise 2.

Make the following sentences interrogative.

1. My sister studies English at school. 2. Their lessons begin at 10 o'clock. 3, I ier parents live in Moscow. 4. Peter's sister teaches law. 5. Our friend usually has dinner at the cafe. 6. My child usually does his homework in the afternoon. 7. Nina's husband usually watches TV news at 9 o'clock. 8. Her brothers play chess every day. 9. She goes to the theatre every Saturday. 10. They always have breakfast at home. 11. She usually sees friends in the morning. 12. Steve often plays volleyball on Saturday. 13. People need money to live in modern society. 14. Helen always washes her clothes in the washing machine. 15. My sister enjoys the meals ,ii I his restaurant. 16. Banks offer a wide range of services. 17. In Britain the price of l Ickets depends on the time of the day.