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1. Opening a meeting

5. Agreeing

6. Disagreeing

7. Clarifying

8. Suggesting

9. Checking that everyone agrees

10. Closing the meeting

2. Stating the purpose of the meeting

3. Encouraging contributions

4. Moving on to another topic


  1. I'd like you to give your point of view;

  2. We accept that;

  3. Shall we begin?

  4. The aim of the meeting is to discuss...;

  5. Would anyone like to comment?

  6. That's all then;

  7. Could we begin by outlining our view of the problem?

  8. Let's call it a day;


Английский для бизнесменов

9. What we hope to achieve is...;

  1. That's out of the question;

  2. That goes without saying;

  3. Thank you for coming;

  4. What we are here to talk about is...;

  5. I give the floor to ...;

  6. The first item on the agenda is...;

  7. on the contrary ...;

  8. Is that unanimous?

  9. The next thing we have to discuss is...;

  10. I can't agree more;

  11. I'd like now to move on to;

21.1 think we have covered everything;

  1. What about...?

  2. No, not at all;

  3. The next item on the agenda is...;

  4. Let's get started; I think we should...;

  5. You have all received a copy of the agenda;

  6. Yes, absolutely;

  7. Couldn't we just...;

  8. That brings the meeting to a close;

  9. Why don't we...;

  10. Can we go on ...;

  11. That suits me fine;

  12. Do you have anything to add on this point?

  13. We need to reach a decision on ...;

  14. Would you like to start,...?

  15. What do you feel,...?

  16. Is that decided then?

  17. Far from it;

  18. Thank you for coming and for your contributions;

  19. So, what we have decided today is to...; 41.1 declare the meeting closed.

  1. Sorry, I don't quite follow you. Could you be more specific?

  2. Are we all happy about that?

  3. I am all in favour of it.

  4. Do we all agree?


Unit 4 Modal Verb Should

Модальный глагол should ("может переводиться как дою/сен, должен бы, следует, следовали бы) имеет только одну форму и выражает совет, пожелание, предполагаемый результат. После глагола should инфинитив употребляется без частицы "to".


  1. I think the government should do more for disabled people. (Пожелание) Я думаю, правительству следует больше делать для инвалидов.

  2. You should spend more time in the open air. (Совет)

Вам следует проводить больше времени на свежем воздухе.

3) There are a lot of companies producing furniture. It shouldn't be difficult to find what you want. (Предполагаемый результат)

Есть много компаний - производителей мебели. Найти желаемую ме­бель, должно быть, будет нетрудно.

Exercise 1.

Read and translate the following sentences.

1. You don't look well. You should see a doctor. 2. You shouldn't believe everything you read in newspapers. 3. Should we invite all your friends to the party? 4. You shouldn't socialize with these people. 5.1 think he should speak with her. 6. She is working too hard she should succeed. 7. You shouldn't drive alone at night. 8. You should speak to him right away. 9. She should win the first prize, she was the best.

Exercise 2.

Fill in the gaps with suitable words.

a) minutes; b) I o work out; e) to vote for or against it; d) committee meeting; e) circulated; f) to the point; g) convened; h) agenda; i) chairperson.

Meetings range from formal ... . 1. ... to informal tet-a-tet ones. Meeting are usually .... 2.... to make a decision .... 3.... or a strategy. Most meetings have an.... 4. ... For a formal meeting this document is usually... . 5. ... in advance to all participants .... 6.... usually report details of what is said and decided at a meeting. A person who presides at a meeting is called ... . 7.... A good chairperson will keep

the meeting running on time and ... . 8 Sometimes before a decision is made

people have .... 9

Английский для бизнесменов


Exercise 3.

Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions.

ofx5; atx2; forx3; with; to; along; in; onx3; out; up.

1. Mr. Robinson is a chairman _ the board _ _ directors and lie always presides __ the boardroom meetings. 2. If you want to ask _ clarification, just

raise your hand. 3. I think some our members won't go _ that. 4. The

chairman asked the members turn to give their point __ view. 5. Mr. Robinson

started the meeting and called the first speaker. 6. the end the meeting he

thanked everybody coming and their contributions. 7. The chairperson

usually sums every time the item is discussed. 8. The decision should be taken to

everybody's satisfaction. 9. Now I'd like to move _ the next item the

agenda. 10. Could you find when the next meeting will take place.

Г% Exercise 4.

Translate from Russian into English using the vocabulary of the lesson.

1. Заседание совета директоров было назначено в 11.00. 2. Повестка дня была разослана всем участникам заранее. 3. Сегодня на повестке дня 5 вопро­сов. 4. Предварительные переговоры показали заинтересованность сторон во взаимовыгодном сотрудничестве. 5. Они замечательно поладили между собой. 6. К тому времени, когда Дэвид приехал, дело уже было сделано. 7. Боюсь, в какой-то степени это касается всех нас. 8. Ему предложили создать совместное предприятие. 9. Могла быть утечка информации из вашего источника в прави­тельстве? 10. Кто ведет протокол собрания? 11. Вам следует хранить молча­ние, пока вы не получите патент. 12. При сложившихся обстоятельствах мы не можем позволить себе упустить такую возможность. 13. Эта фирма оказалась нашим конкурентом и нам следует разработать правильную стратегию. 14. Решение было принято единогласно. 15. Эта ярмарка проводится уже 10 лет. 16. Гвоздем программы является благотворительный аукцион. 17. Все со­бранные средства пойдут на исследование рака. 18. Помните, что благотвори­тельная деятельность может освободить вас от налогов. 19. Я думаю, нам сле­дует принять участие в Ярмарке миллионеров. 20. Это самый простой способ заявить себя как лидера.