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Unit 2

Working on the text *4^


Am 'iitlii miii i hi (.и iih-.m, i

Vuii will bring

lie will bring

She will bring

It will bring

jWe shall (will) bring

I They will bring


I" пни» с ii i.i ii'iiiii. жесткой и этом год}'. 9. С большим трудом мы сохрани; i ипг мм iiiAciiiii1 ii.i рынке. 10. Отнесись ко всему этому как к приключению "' ■ ми.пк i II. Я хочу сделать предложение. Давайте действовать в уще||| Шипим конкурентам. 12. Конкуренция снизила норму прибыли на вложенш! капитал и машем секторе. 13. Они обсудили уже этот вопрос? - Нет, они вс| еще его обсуждают. 14. Oil уехал в Польшу 3 года тому назад, и я его не вид» ( тел нор. 15. Он уладил все вопросы на последней встрече. 16. У вас есть cei час в наличии какие-нибудь финансовые ресурсы? 17. Мне недавно перевел крупную сумму денег.


bitter - ожесточенный battleground - поле битвы to drive down - снижать to encourage - стимулировать to discourage - препятствовать force - сила

to influence - влиять threat - угроза

entrant - новый участник

rate - уровень

detriment - вред, ущерб

to stare - уставиться

to lose - терять

to give in - сдаваться

to indulge - потворствовать

temptation - соблазн

circumstances - обстоятельства

to survive - выжить

to treat - отнестись

lump sum - единовременная выплата

competitor - конкурент

competition - конкуренция

insider - инсайдер (сотрудник компании)

to steer - направлять

turbulent - бурный

environment - среда

despite - несмотря на

intelligence - разведка

technique - метод

reluctant - неохотный

moreover - более того

guide - руководить

response - ответ

to preserve - сохранить

stance - положение

brand - наименование

substitute - заменитель



to make a suggestion - сделать предложение

to the detriment of - в ущерб кому-л.

to give away - выдать

to be a step ahead - быть на шаг впереди

to go wrong - не удаваться

to be aware - знать, осознавать

in order to do smth - чтобы сделать что-л.

to hit back - нанести ответный удар

to be available - быть в наличии

rate of return - норма прибыли

I wonder - интересно

well-established - солидный; раскрученный


Grammar: The Future Simple Tense; Adverbial Clauses of Time and Condition; Word Order

Unit 1 The Future Simple Tense

Will/shall + infinitive (без to)

all (will) bring

Shall I bring?

Will you bring? Will he bring? Will she bring? Will it bring? Shall we bring?

Will they bring?


I shall not (shan't) /will not (won't)


You will not (won't) bring

He will not (won't) bring

She will not (won't) bring

It will not (won't) bring

We shall not (shan't)/will not (won't)


They will not (won't) bring

The Future Simple Tense употребляется для выражения:

  1. Обещания; I'll pay you back in a week.

  2. Внезапного решения что-то сделать (в момент речи); I'll go and shut the window. It's cold here.

3- После выражений типа: I think, I believe etc. I don't think we'll go out tonight.

4. Факта, который будет иметь место в будущем. Next Monday I'll be forty.

5. Отрицательная форма won't может иметь значение «отказываться что-л. сделать».

I have told her about it several times but she won't listen to my advice.

6. Просьбы (в вопросительных предложениях). Will you shut the door, please?


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  1. If the weather (to be) rainy on Saturday, we (not to go) to the country.

  2. You (to find) an invitation if you (to look) through the mail.

  3. As soon as I (to get) the letter, I (to phone) them.

  1. What you (to do) if you (to find) defects?

  2. We (to make) arrangements before he (to come).

  3. I (to leave) a message if she (not to be) in.

Listening 41(f),)

Listen to the speaker and answer the following questions:

  1. Has Diana written her resume?

  2. Who has sent it to Commodities United?

  3. Why did Bob choose this particular way?

  4. What did he ask Diana to do?

В придаточных предложениях условия и времени будущее время не| употребляется, а именно после союзов if when, as soon as, after, before, till, until, provided. Вместо него употребляется Present Simple.

Exercise 1. 1

Read and translate the sentences paying attention to Future Simple.

1. I'll write to you every day, don't worry. 2. He will bring me the book ncx time. 3. Give me your bag, it is too heavy, I'll help you to carry it. 4. When yoiL, meet your potential employer try to show him that you have some more attractive offers, I believe it will help you to raise your salary. 5. The weather is so nasty lj don't think we will go out. tonight. 6.1 see you are very busy, I won't take up mud of your time. 7. Shall I shut the door? 8. My car won't start, there is somethin wrong with it. 9. Will you phone me when he comes?

Exercise 2.

Unit 2

Open the brackets using Future Simple, Present Continuous, Present Simple. a) A: (to help) me?


Working on the text «S*,^

B: Oh, no. I (to leave) for London in 3 hours. You (to take) me to tffl airport?

Read and translate the text. Write out new words.

A: 1 am afraid I (not to take) you because our secretary is ill. I am very busy, (to send) all these letters and quotations. Let's phone Peter. He probably (to help you.

b) A: You (to go) to this conference?

B: If I (to have) an opportunity, I (to take) part in it. And you? A: Yes, I (to negotiate) and (to advertise) our new model A. I hope we (Id

meet) at the conference.

c) A: Have you got any computers available? B: Yes. How many you (to buy)? A: It (to depend) on the price. You (to give) a discount? B: If you (to buy) more than 5, you (to get) a discount.

The primary mission of a resume and a cover letter is to arouse the reader's est and to sell yourself, and to make your potential employer invite you to an Icrview. So these documents must be concise and to the point. One should ficlude only relevant information. Your resume and cover letter must target the Hliployer's perspective. Employers want to know what you can do for them, how you will benefit their companies, how you will impact their bottom lines. That is 'Why the resume must contain the following information: the position you are looking for, your education, professional skills, work experience, accomplishments. Иг.ides that the resume may include additional information such as hobbies, jlfiillli, languages. But it should not exceed a page. Nobody will take pain to read

pal pages.

Exercise 3.

Open the brackets using Present Simple или Future Simple.

  1. If you (to sponsor) this company, you (to benefit) from it.

  2. You (to buy) this equipment if they (to raise) prices?

  3. They (to finance) the production as soon as he (to make) calculations.

  4. We (to discuss) a lot of matters before he (to arrive).

  5. They (to get) a 10% discount if they (to increase) their order.

  6. If their company (to provide) shipping facilities, we (to place) an ordfl with it.



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Managerial position with a progressive company where broad management skills and knowledge can be fully utilized


Diana Stepleton

32 Six Avenue, New York, N.Y., USA

Phone: 372 3.'! 10249

e-mail: DianaStcp@google.coui


2006-2007 Oxford University MBA 2003-2006 Cambridge University BA (Honours) 2001-2003 Princes College German (A) French (B)


Making Assessment and Coordination

Innovation/Team Building Conflict Management/Handling Multiple Projects

Financial Analysis and Accounting Presentation/Report Writing


Passion for Quality Customer Service Strategies